Chapter 12

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I walked along the wet path towards the bridge, as I step closer to the bridge I heard a shout. "Say, hey there! Young one!" I looked around but I couldn't the person who was calling out. "Up top, above you!" The voice said, I looked up to one of the lookout towers to my left to see a Zora at the top. They leap down in a spectacular fashion and landed at my feet before standing up to their full height, wow! They were tall! I thought before my mind added a side thought. Muscular too! I shook my head to dismiss the thought as I never thought of having an attraction to a Zora.

A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Pardon the entrance, but you're a Hylian, aren't you? I was hoping perhaps you'd have a moment to talk..." I nodded before they continued "Aha! A Hylian! Yes, I knew it!" They stopped before interrupting themselves "Oh, pardon me..." he excused himself before continuing. "I am Sidon, the Zora Prince!" He flashed a smile as my eyebrows raised in realization, this is the Prince everyone has talking about if I was being honest I did feel a bit flushed at the initial meeting of Prince Sidon, his voice soon interrupted my thoughts again. "What is your name? Go on, please tell me." I smiled at him "I'm Link, it's nice to meet you." His flashy smile got wider when he heard my name "Link? Your name is Link?! What an fantastic name! Although I cannot shake the feeling I have heard it somewhere before. Well, in any case, it is a strong name! To be honest, I have been watching you." He confessed slowly.

"I've seen the way you work. I can tell by how you carry yourself that you are no ordinary person." I blushed lightly as he complimented me. "I have been searching for someone like you for a long while. A man like you, Link, who carries him himself with power!" My blush got deeper as he went on before I stood up straight and tried to calm my blush. Sidon started to speak again, getting back on track. "Right now, Zora's Domain is in grave danger because of the massive rainfall coming from Divine Beast Vah Ruta!" I nodded, taking in the information and still smiling at his enthusiasm and positivity. "Please, promise you will help us! We need your strength warrior!" he pleaded before asking the question I had been expecting throughout the conversion. "Won't you come to Zora's Domain with me?" I nodded, smiling at him whilst I answered his question "Yeah, of course I'd love to help in whatever way I can." He beamed, "wow! Really? Thank you, Link! You are indeed the man I thought you were!" He started with the compliments again which made my blushing apparent again.

"Now Zora's Domain will be saved for certain! No time to waste! Hurry up and head over! Now because of the rain, the cliffs are to wet to climb. To reach the domain, you will need to go straight along this path. Now as a Hylian, I know you are unable to swim up rivers. As such, the path to the domain may be a bit treacherous." He warned me still with a smile on his face. "You likely have a tough fight in store- there are monsters up ahead that attack with electricity." He explained before flashing another wide smile at me, "Don't give up! I believe in you!" I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck with a deep red blush. "Oh! That's right I have something that I would like to give you. It's just a small trinket to show I have faith in you." He handed me a bottle with a yellow elixir inside.

"It is a drink that will increase your resistance to electricity! I am not sure why, but it's effects do not seem to work for Zora. Perhaps because it was made specially for Hylians. It should work wonders for you, though!" He told me. "I shall go on ahead and make sure there is not anything strange going where you are headed. I'm counting on you!" He said before backflipping into the water and continuing up the waterfall nearby. I began to walk across the bridge in deep thought.

Prince Sidon was certainly not what I was expecting, he looked quite young as I was expecting an older Zora who would set in his ways and quite the pessimist, but Sidon was nothing like that he was the complete opposite. He was beaming with positivity and enthusiasm and if I was being honest he was attractive for a Zora. Tall and muscular, sweet and he seemed to care very much about Zora's domain's safety and it's people's safety too.

I had got up higher path along the river when I heard a voice. "HEY! LINK!" I looked over to the river to see Sidon popping out and waving to me, I smiled and waved back before he continued to speak. "Sorry for calling out to you from the river! But since I sort of pressured you into coming. I was not sure if you would really come though." He said nervously, "but I'm pleased thing are going well. Ever since this strange occurrence, there have been a lot of monsters around here. Be careful. And hurry! all of my fellow Zora are anxiously awaiting your arrival!" He smiled before disappearing into the river again. I smiled brightly as I was starting to find out more and more about Sidon that I liked, he was a nervous person at times as he wasn't sure if I'd come or not. If I was to have a boyfriend, I'd prefer he was a nervous person other than being too overconfident.

I managed to get quite far up from where I had started walking, when I heard Sidon's voice again in the distance. He waved to which I waved back, "sorry for calling from so far away! The domain is still ways off, but you're making good progress. I shall be along soon, I won't be much longer." he promised. "In the meantime I will cheering you on from here in the river, so hang in there! You can do it! Stay strong!" I blushed at his compliments once again before advancing up the path to the domain, Sidon wasn't kidding when he said there was a lot of monsters up here. The amount of Lizafos and Keese I was fighting constantly was ridiculous. I had managed to get good equipment from them and some food they were cooking, as for the keese I'm sure I could use their wings and eyes for something along with the parts from the Lizafos too. I walked until I reached higher ground where there was a bridge which was the same glistening blue marble that the bridge I met Sidon at was. There was a sign in front of the bridge that said 'Oren Bridge, this way to Zora's Domain.' I smiled and started to walk across it.

I only got to the middle of the bridge until I heard Sidon calling out again. "Hey! Link! Look below! Down here!" I walked to the edge of the bridge and looked down at the Zora prince. "You are still petty far off, my friend! But I was sure you'd be passing over this bridge, so I have been waiting for you. You will be in Zora's Domain before you know it! In fact, I'm going to head that way too! I shall meet you there too." I smiled as he turned and continued to swim towards Zora's Domain, I continued too to the Domain across the bridge. I follow more of the lights which I assumed the Zoras put there to light up the path at night, as I got to the top of the path I saw a larger bridge which lead to the domain.

Finally, I had arrived at Zora's Domain. I sighed in content and relief, now I just had to find Sidon I thought as I started to cross the bridge and enter the domain.

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