Chapter 2

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I had finally made my way to Hateno village and I noticed a large building at the top of the village hill, I assumed that was the research lab and started to make my way up the hill before quietly making my way in the door. I made my way to the person sitting or rather standing because they were very small 'is that a child?' I thought, though I better not ask in case I'm wrong or seem rude. The girl turned to me and addressed me, "this is the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Do you have some business with the director?" She asked me, I nodded "that's right." She pointed to someone behind at the bookshelves, "the director is in the back. A terribly busy person, that one. Please try to keep it brief." I nodded and headed to the person in the back.

They turned around and greeted me. "Hello, I imagine you have never so many books in one place. Pretty incredible, isn't it?" I nodded "sure, yeah" they continued "we've collected all of Hyrule's knowing literature on ancient civilisations here. As the actual number of books well...." he stopped and observed me "......hmm? Is that..... that thing on your waist? Is that a Sheikah...." he gasped. "There's no mistaking it. That's a real Sheikah slate, isn't it?!" He asked me observing the slate on my hip, "I've never actually seen one in person! If you could just show me the runes on it I'd be most appreciative." I nodded and handed him the slate carefully. "Stasis....ah, Magnesis.....yes, yes. The remote bomb and Cryonis....and what else let's see...." he said as he observed the slate and runes. "So that's it for runes....but.....strange it doesn't seem you have the basic runes. I don't understand why there are missing but there must be some reason. Ah! Where are my manners? I nearly forgot to introduce myself.! My name is Symin. You are...Link right?" I was confused "you know my name?" I asked Symin, he nodded.

"Lady Impa caught me up to speed, you see......we were told, 'a young man holding a Sheikah slate will appear. And you must do all you can to help him. He will be the hope that awakens from the slumber of restoration. His name will be Link. Oh, dear! I forgot to tell you something very important." He shouted in the direction of the girl near the front of the lab. "Director! Listen, Ms Director! This is a REAL Sheikah slate!" Now I was really confused, I thought this guy was the director. "Oh, that's right...I haven't introduced you to our director. Ms Purah happens to be right over there..... as the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab director, Ms Purah is the world most foremost authority on ancient Hyrule culture." The girl turned around and squealed. "Check it!" I turned back to Symin, "I have the uttermost respect for Ms Purah and all she's accomplished. I'm honoured to be her assistant. On that note Link, you see the director may look like a young girl but.....well maybe it's not my place to tell you these things." He sighed, "you should talk to Ms Purah herself." I nodded and turned to talk to the perky girl at the front again.

"Hey! Heeey! Are you surprised?!" She squealed. "The director of the laboratory is NOT Symin. It's ME!" She squealed again. "Anyway, Linky! Do you remember any dreams from your time in the slumber of restoration? You don't look like you've changed one bit in the last 100 years, but SOMETHING must have happened in all that time. matter! I'm just happy to see you're still in one piece." She looked at me confused as I had a blank expression on my face as she was talking. "Linky? What's with that look? You do still remember me, right?" She asked I shook my head "I don't remember...." I told her slowly. "Really?! Well, I'm so shocked I don't know if I'll ever be able to recover from this!" She said dramatically. I rolled my eyes as she continued. "Even though, 100 years ago, I took you to the shrine of Resurrection after Calamity Ganon fatally wounded you...."

"Even though I was the one who put you safely in the slumber of restoration...Despite all that, you still don't remember me?" She asked again to which I shook my head again. "I don't remember...." she nodded and took out a notebook and pen. " expected. After 100 years in the slumber of restoration, subject.....has......lost.......memories. Noted!" I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to sneak a peek at her notes, she looked up and smiled sheepishly. "Oh, soooooory......I have a bad habit of taking notes rather abruptly like that. It's a charming quirk isn't? you have any questions for me?" She asked after finishing explaining everything. "Aren't you a child?" I asked in my confusion about her appearance.

She gasped very loud before scolding me for my comment. "How very rude!!" She patted her dress down before speaking quietly again. "Hm, or perhaps it's not rude at all.....I suppose that's a rather logical conclusion to jump to." She sighed before explaining the reason for her small appearance. "The truth is, I look this way because of a failed experiment........Well, I say 'failed' but in some ways, it was a success. I documented the full affair in my diary upstairs. BUT! The whole thing is embarrassing, so I insist you refrain from reading it!" She warned me before getting back on topic, "anyway. Enough about that! Back to the topic at hand! Here you are, after 100 years!"

"Here to defeat Calamity Ganon, who is growing in strength with each passing moment! And here to rescue our beloved Princess Zelda! That is if you're getting the courage to try." She teased, "and to help the one true hero, I, the one and only Purah, will restore the functions missing from the Sheikah slate! Annnnnd what do you say to thaaaaat?" She asked me to which I nodded quickly before answering her. "Yes, please!" She jumped in happiness, "I'd knew you would say that!" She exclaimed, before telling she needed an errand ran before to could fix the Sheikah slate. I rolled my eyes, I knew there had to be a catch. "You know the unlit furnace on the wall just outside the laboratory?" I nodded "you need to bring the blue flame from the ancient furnace in town and use it to light the furnace." She explained, I nodded and before long my errand was complete and the furnace was lit again.

"Linky, thank you so much! Now then, take a look over there." She pointed to the guidance stone which was now glowing the same blue as the flame outside. I turned back to Purah "now....let's do this thing!" She told me, before leading me to the guidance stone. I stood in front of the guidance stone and placed the Sheikah slate carefully in the slot before letting the guidance stone do its work.

'Sheikah slate authenticated.'

'Camera, Hyrule Compendium and album
Missing files confirmed.'

'Starting Repair.'

The missing files were restored to the Sheikah slate and Purah asked me to take a photograph of her to make sure the camera work, I obliged to shut her up before thanking her and returning to Kakariko to see Impa.

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