Chapter 32

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AN: The reason Dorphean calls Jakok "My little clam." or "My clam," is because while clams could have pearls inside of them which is why I like Sidon to call Link his pearl, I like the idea of Dorphean calling Jakok his clam as they are the relationship and the thing that comes before Sidon & Link and The clam comes before the pearl. Also clams could also have powerful mussels inside them which could be seen as Dorphean calling Jakok powerful or his powerful knight plus it's a cute sentiment. (Also this chapter is super long.)


Dorphean's POV

"Let's start from the beginning, your death struck me hard Jakok I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, and I was endlessly worried about Link. I wanted to go look for him, but I couldn't quite yet. Nalalu hadn't given birth to the eggs yet, I couldn't leave her she wouldn't have forgiven me for that. She knew about you, though. I told her after you died, I told her about us and how we fell in love at a young age but because I was heir to be the next king I had to have a queen to produce a heir myself. Even though we married and had our own children we still loved each other and I never knew how much I would miss you once you were gone. We forced apart by fate." I took a hold of Jakok's hands, gently rubbing them.

"But fate also brought us back together." He said, smiling and kissing my cheek. My eyes widened and I blushed as he smirked. "Will you let me finish my story?" He chuckled, smiling fondly at me. "Yes, go on." I smiled. "After Nalalu went into labour and the eggs starting being laid, I knew not all of them would survive as Zora births go. As the last egg was laid, Nalalu was lost. Before she died, she told me she wanted me to me to be happy and if reliving my memories with you and saving Link and bringing him home would make me happy then she told me to do it. Only one of the eggs hatched sadly and thus my son was born and everyday I am grateful to have him. Shortly after, I was still worried about Link, he was without anyone. I told one of the Zora elders Muzu and the future teacher of Mipha for her to become Queen in the future to take care of her and my newborn son while I took some guards and I left the domain in search of Link.

I found him a good few hours later wandering your home area he was looking for you and had been for weeks alone. I didn't want him to be alone any longer, I told the guards to stay where they were while I approached him to take him home. I was expecting him to run away and that I would have to calmly tell him who I was.....but he didn't. He recognized me from his visit with you to the domain before you died, he ran into my arms and I held him tight, I never wanted to let him go and I swore I never would. Link was the last piece of my brother, my best friend, and my love. After losing both you, your wife and Nalalu I couldn't lose anyone else dear to me. I took him back to the domain and brought him here to the throne room, I knew that Mipha would have been eager to see Link but I didn't want anyone to know about him just yet, I wanted him to settle in. I raised Link privately in the domain which meant there was only certain parts of the domain he was allowed to go to.

The reason I did this is because I wanted him to be primarily focused on not only his swordsman skills but I didn't want people of the domain or the Zora elders questioning him or questioning my decision to raise him separately from my own children and not raising the three of them the same way. I taught Link everything from writing to reading to telling him to put aside him time for his sword training. When he was 15 years old he came to the throne room one day whilst no one was here and told me he wanted to become a knight to honor you, I knew it would happen one day but I certainly didn't know he would come back as the princess of Hyrule's appointed knight. I couldn't stop him from doing it, he was certainly destined for it but I had the fear of losing him just like I lost you. I helped him leave the domain privately to not cause stir and we spoke for the last time until he would return a few years later. He told me he would come back a knight and make both myself and you proud. But he didn't have to be a knight to do that, I was always proud of him and always will be.

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