Chapter 29

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??? POV

Ugh. Where am I? Why does everything hurt? I couldn't move, my whole body was still but I managed to open my eyes. All I could see was the clouds so I assume I was lying on the ground somewhere. I couldn't remember much, I managed to actually sit up, despite how painful it was and looked around. I remember now, it all came back to me.

The war.

I was fighting in the war and... I looked down where the pain was coming from most; my chest. There was a massive wound showing I had clearly been stabbed during battle, dried blood was was like I was back from death. I mean, judging by the size of the wound and the amount of blood I should be dead. In fact I remember dying, I remember the pain, the thought that I would never get home again, that I would never see my son again, oh Link. My little boy, oh goddess how long had it been, I don't know where he is, if he's safe, who he's with. I mean the least I can hope is that maybe he's with Dorphean. Oh, it had been so long since I'd seen him, I think the last time was when I visited him with Link at the Domain which from the surroundings around me I could tell that was a long, long time ago. I got up to my feet, groaning and wincing but I got up, I decided my best bet was to try and make my way from wherever the hell I was to Zora's Domain.

I could try.


Link's POV

"Pearl, you don't have to go if you are not well. I mean I'm sure someone else can go with Zelda back to the castle-" "Sidon, I will be fine. We are only going to check on things, we will be back soon I promise." I told Sidon, smoothing out his crest on his regalia calmly and looking at Uncle Dorphean. "Will you tell him to calm down? We'll only be gone a few hours, just to get supplies and check things out." Uncle Dorphean chuckled and shook his head.

"You know what Sidon is like when he worries, but I still want the both of you to be safe, you hear?" Me and Zelda nodded, rolling our eyes and bidding our goodbyes, Sidon kissing my cheek and holding my hand as long as he could until we were too far away. I felt better than I did yesterday, it was just a little fall I was fine. Sidon worries too much, Zelda and I decided to walk as it had been a good while since we had a trek like this and with barely as much monsters it was much calmer and easier, of course there still was some enemies but mostly stranded Bokoblins that had been left here. They weren't as much of a problem to us but to someone defenseless they could a real threat for at least a good wound. After walking the long trail, we made our way to towards Inogo Bridge, I smiled remembering meeting Sidon for the first time here. "Come on, we still got a lot of way to go. We said we wouldn't take long."

Zelda reminded me as I nodded. "Yeah, yeah I know Zelds but at least we ain't fighting constant monsters now." She agreed as we kept walking nearing Lanaryu tower and reaching the end of the region.


??? POV

I've been walking for a while, I've still not seen any sign of any people that could maybe help me or lead me in the right direction. I had no sword or shield on me, not even good armor I mean my old knight's uniform covered in dried blood is all I have to my name right now. I looked and notice the Lanaryu region not too far away, I could get there by dark and maybe have to camp out to get to the Domain in the morning if all goes well. I really hope I get to see Link again, I mean how old would he be? What is he like as a person? I'm sure he's changed from that four year old I last saw. I was lost deep in my thoughts and imagining the reunion I could have with both Link and Dorphean, I heard rustling and snarling behind me.

Oh no.

I looked behind me and gasped, oh goddess how am I meant to defend myself. I looked around and there was nothing I could use as a weapon, I panicked as the monster came towards weapon held high ready to strike. I closed my eyes and winced, waiting for the inevitable, if I must go to the domain with a few injuries so be it.....but the blow never came. I suddenly heard a shout and the groaning of the monster falling to the ground.

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