Chapter 25

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The road to Rito Village was just as long as it was the first time, Zelda refused to use the Sheikah Slate to transport to the shrine in Rito Village she wanted to take the horses instead. I assumed she would want to do the same to Gerudo Town and Goron City too, if that was the case then goddess help me. I had to admit, it was nice to quietly travel and not be bothered by monsters or the worry about Ganon taking over Hyrule. Mipha was being heal in the Domain but she is fine much to the relief to Sidon and Uncle Dorphean, we had only been gone for a few hours and I couldn't help but miss both of them so much.

Zelda and I quickly got to Rito village, well as quickly as we could and greeted some residents before heading up to Medoh. I looked up at the huge divine bird and nudged Zelda. "What is it?" I looked at her, she didn't need an answer as she saw the question in my eyes. "Don't worry, we'll get up there just fine." She tried to reassure me but I wasn't buying and this was the reason. Now if Ruta was hard to reach on a little ledge we were able to leap onto, then how on earth were we meant to board Medoh when it's above the village, it may as well be in the air. As we were looking up at the divine beast waiting for a solution to pop up.....

One did as we heard a voice behind us. "Nice to see you again Link!" I turned around as did Zelda but I had recognition of who it was before her. "Teba! Hey, how's it going?" He chuckled and came closer. "Everything is alright here, I say what brings you here?" He smiled before looking at Zelda and gasping. "Princess Zelda! It is my honor to make your acquaintance, your highness." Teba said as he bowed to Zelda. "Oh please just call me Zelda. It's a pleasure to meet you too Teba, I thank you for your help with Vah Medoh along with Link." He smiled before answering."No need to thank me Zelda, it was my duty as a Rito Warrior. Now I will inform Elder Kaneli that you're here so you can get to the matter of why you're here." "Thank you Teba." He nodded before flying off.

Zelda and I took the stair up to the elder and before long we were stood in front of him explaining our dilemma just as we did with Uncle Dorphean. "So you see, it may be a possibility that Revali is alive and we must check to save him any pain he may be experiencing." Kaneli nodded. "Yes, of course Princess. Teba and Harth shall take you up to Medoh. Good luck."

After getting up to and into Medoh with our friends assistance of course, Teba and Harth left us to it as they headed back down to Rito village. It took some team paragliding skills to get up to the main control unit and it was quite unstable considering Medoh was tilting. I remembered I still had controls for Medoh so I activated them to make sure we were on straight ground again before activating the main control until which of course was sporting that same neon green the slate was. Zelda and I nodded at each other as we activated the unit at least we were expecting something this time.

Right enough, green surrounded the unit crashing from pillar to pillar until it stopped in the middle and formed Medoh's symbol with the Great Eagle Bow and arrow behind it. We knew that meant Revali was indeed alive, as the formed lowered in front of us and shattered revealing Revali's still body. Zelda nudged me to go forward and grab him and take him back down to safety like we did with Mipha. After minutes of arguing an figuring out how we were going to get down, Zelda suggested I glide down and grab Teba and Harth to help her down with Revali.

I did just that and now we were waiting for Revali to wake. "I think this may take a while, what about Urbosa and Daruk we still have to save them too." "Ugh, I know alright. But at least Mipha had Sidon and King Dorphean to fill her in on what's going on who going to fill in Revali when he wakes huh?" I sighed she was right but then again so was I. "I will fill in Master Revali, if you need me to I don't mind." Oh, thank Hylia. Teba to the rescue for the third time, Zelda and I smiled before nodding. "That would be great Teb thanks, now come on let's get to Gerudo town, and we are teleporting because I can't handle another journey like the one from the domain to here." I thanked Teba and scolded Zelda for her travel ideas of horse riding.

"Alright, thank you Teba. We will be back shortly after checking on the other champions." He smiled and bowed before Zelda turned to me. "If teleporting is so important to you then fine! We will teleport to Gerudo Town." "And Goron City." I burst out. "Yes and Goron City now hurry up come on." We said goodbye to Teba once more and took a last look at Revali who was beginning to look better before heading out to Gerudo town via the Sheikah Slate.

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