Chapter 8

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The upper right Region of Hyrule was not going to be easy I could tell, Death Mountain for a start looked awful treacherous and looked like I'd have to take more caution in this area that I did in the mountains and desert. After quite the trek for miles, I finally reached a stable at the bottom of Death mountain where I found Kass again. He sung another ancient song which I gracefully listened to before bidding him farewell and going to speak to some people around the stable to see if they could help me get to my next destination I walked up to a girl sitting by the campfire and greeted her.

"Good evening! If you're stopping by Foothill Stable, then you're probably headed to Goron City?" She asked, I smiled. "That's right." "I thought so. Hold on.....Buddy, are you really headed to Goron City dressed like that?" She gestured to my Champion's Tunic and Hylian Trousers, I nodded confused by what she was asking me. She sighed loudly and looked at exasperatedly. "See.....this is how tourist get a bad rep. That place is sheer cliff after sheer cliff, and it gets so hot pass the second checkpoint that your body will catch fire." I smirked a little as I didn't think she was really serious but her expression said otherwise. "Normally, I wouldn't stop a stranger from heading to their doom, but I kinda like ya. So I guess I have no choice but to sell you these Fireproof elixirs. They can protect you from the burning air. Even Gorons City regulars usually take at least three elixirs with them." I ended up only buying two as three seemed a little much at the moment and surely it wouldn't take me that long to reach Goron City.

"All right. Here are your Fireproof elixirs. You know what they say though.....'Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.'" She told me, I start to walk away bidding her goodbye in the process and started to scale Death mountain. Now I don't think that girl was kidding now as I was near exhaustion from climbing up another ledge to find cliff in front of me, I was barely half hour away from the stable and this was already killing me. I noticed some fire keese and chu-chus in the distance and thought best to avoid them, I was already exhausted I didn't want to have to deal with burns from enemies too. By the time I had gotten to the top of the next cliff, I sighed in relief as there was a tower in near distance I made way to in fair time but I was stumped when I realised there was no lower ledges for me to climb onto. I looked at the thankfully small cliff beside the tower but it was big enough to climb up for me to reach the upper ledges of the tower to get to the top.

I activated the Guidance stone at the top of the tower like all the towers I've done so far, I filled up for of my map that included Death mountain and the entire Eldin region. Now if I thought getting from the stable to Eldin tower was bad then I was really mistaken when I continued to venture to Goron City, I noticed there was large meteors falling the volcano further up blocking most of my path. I turned around and looked to see if there was another pathway I could go to make my way to the village but I couldn't see one. My only choice is to run for it and hope I don't end up burnt to a crisp, I saw another tower in the distance I assumed it was one of the final towers I had to activate as my map was near to being complete. I finally made my decision to go to that tower in the distance, gather some courage and come back to face the meteors within a day or two.


A few days later, I'm in the region next to Eldin, I had activated the tower in the near distance, the problem was that it had been infiltrated by flying guardians surveying the area. I managed to get to the top and found out this was the Akkala Tower which was sitting on the ruins of the Akkala citadel overgrown with weeds and vines now in even more ruins at the cause of guardians and Calamity Ganon. I also headed in direction of the research lab at the very top of the Akkala region where I met Robbie and lit the furnace outside for him much like I did for Purah which nabbed me some helpful ancient gear against guardians and other enemies. Finding myself to be in the area I looked at the album on the Sheikah Slate to what my remaining picture locations were, there was one of a spring with a goddess statue and another at the top of the canyon overlooking Hyrule castle.

After looking around for the site of the remaining pictures, I found another stable which I retrieved my horse Nayru named after the goddess of wisdom for her teal-blue fur colour and mane from the stable owner and set off in direction to keep looking for the remaining pictures. I was going to wait until I got to Goron City for the canyon overlooking Hyrule picture. But I had to at least search this area for the spring photo. After another hour or so I found a spring type place that actually wasn't that far from the stable originally, it looked just like the photo and sure enough after being here for a few minutes a memory came rushing back to me once again. I was here with Zelda, she was praying to the goddess statue but I could tell her patience was wearing thin, and quick.

From the information I saw in previous memories, Zelda had been unable to unlock her sealing power to stop Calamity Ganon. She was now at the last straw, scared her power wouldn't come at all. From the rest of my memories of Zelda and I talking I knew her mother had this power as did her grandmother and it all came so easily to them which is why Zelda stresses herself out so much, I know she just needs time but unfortunately that's not something we have a lot of. I standing guard at the entrance of the spring with my back to Zelda like I always did when she prayed. Twirling the hilt of my legendry sword in my hands, I felt the atmosphere go uneasy like Zelda was finally at her last moment of trying. "Curse you....." I heard her speak to the statue, I didn't turn around but I did prick up my hearing. "I've spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! I've pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods... And still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion..." She sighed loudly and I knew her emotions were getting the best of her at this moment.

"Please just tell me....what is it?" She started to sob, I turned around to comfort her and picked up my sword placing it back on my back. "What's wrong with me?" she asked, her back still to me as the memory faded. I opened my eyes and realised that I better free the two remaining Divine Beasts and quick before Zelda's power wear any more. I teleported back to Eldin Tower and decided to head towards Goron city for real this time. I surpassed the meteor storm with valor and hope until I finally made it to a mine so I must be close, I asked around and one of the Goron miners aided me in reaching the city. I thanked them and decided my best bet would be to firstly speak with whoever is in charge to get the most information about this region's Divine Beast.

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