Chapter 28

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My eyes shot open with a start, I could see it was still dark out as it was still the middle of the night. I was lying in Sidon's bed, I could hear his soft snores as I lifted my head from his chest and watched his peaceful sleeping form. I smiled, but then frowned as I felt strange like there was something calling to me. I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake Sidon as I wouldn't like to worry him with my thoughts. I slipped on my boxers, a pair of shorts and a shirt I had left in Sidon's room before that were discarded on the floor from the previous night before slipping on a pair of sandal like shoes I had gotten in Gerudo town and leaving the room. I walked down the corridor of the royal quarters of the domain, hearing Uncle Dorphean's loud snores coming from his room nearer the end of the corridor. I made sure I didn't wake anyone else as I made my way into the of the main parts of the domain and saw a glowing come from the goddess statue below the throne room, I furrowed my eyebrows and made my way over to it.

It glowed brighter as I got closer to it and almost blinded me when I stood in front of it. I shielded my eyes with my arm and waited. "Link....Link...." I looked up at the call of my name, a blinding white figure behind me, above Mipha's statue. Golden hair flowed down the back and side, and features were graced with a smile. I headed down the stairs and stood in front of Mipha's statue, looking up at the figure. "Hello Link, the chosen hero. I can tell from your expression that you are confused to as who I am." I nodded, what was going on? Was I still in a dream but awake at the same time. "I am the goddess Hylia, now I know that seems impossible but it is not.....for you. I hope you like my little surprise." I tilted head confused, what does....oh. "Did you bring the champions back? Are you the reason they're alive again?" She nodded, smiling as I did I. "Yes, I thought it unfair to leave both you and the one who holds my sealing power, Zelda alone in the world without your friends by your side. I believe it was joyous reunion." I nodded. "Oh, yes. Absolutely, I'm so glad to have them all back, even Revali if he is annoying at times."

She chuckled and nodded gracefully. "Yes, had my own doubts about him, but I know deep down he has a kind heart. Like all of them. Now you're probably wondering what I am doing here if the champions are alive and you and Zelda both too. You see, you may think you know your family here pretty well. I mean you do know everything about the champions, the successors, and of course Zelda. But there is someone in your family whose story has not been fully revealed and there is a much deeper and sentient meaning to it, your godfather, His majesty King Dorphean." I stood in shock with my mouth open before closing it and stuttering. "Uncle Dorphean? What you do mean? Is there something wrong with him?" I feared the worst. Hylia shook her head and spoke in a calm voice.

"I do not mean to alarm you, young Link. Do not fear for your godfather's health or wellbeing. He is all fine in that aspect, I mean his past. There many thing that he has not told you yet as he does not wish to overwhelm you with information, as I believe he crammed a lot into the first talk you had with him after the Calamity was gone." I nodded, remembering the long winded talk where Uncle Dorphean told me about my parents, and that my father was his best friend, that he raised me after he died and that was also when Sidon and I first confessed our feelings for each other. "Yes, I remember he told me about my parents, my father specifically and how he raised me to become a great knight just like him. I also remember because that was when my boyfriend and I first confessed our love." "Ah, yes. Prince Sidon. Another one, I knew would play an important role in your life and your journey as did his sister too." I nodded.

"You see, Link, you may have been too young to notice.... But the bond between your father, Jakok and King Dorphean was much more powerful than you realise.." I was still confused, what? "Huh?" I asked. "Just remember that, love is the most powerful weapon in this world. It can make great achievements but also bring great downfalls. Remember that, Link. Remember that." Hylia's voice faded out, did her light and I felt dizzy all of a sudden. My head felt heavy like I couldn't support it, I collapsed to the ground, my vision in darkness.

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