Chapter 39

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I sat down exhausted beside Sidon as we finished our first dance as husbands. "Oh, Link! I am so happy for you!" Zelda came and hugged me as I chuckled. "Thanks, Zelds. My feet are killing me, you have to save me before someone else asks me to dance." She laughed as she patted my shoulder. "Sorry, I'm off to find Mipha before she drinks the domain dry." She walked off and I turned to Sidon. "As my husband, you have an obligation to save me from pain." Dad and Uncle Dorphean came over to sit beside us smiling as Sidon chuckled from my previous comment and raised an eyebrow as Revali came over smirking.

"A dance, your highness? Considering you're a prince's husband now." I looked at Sidon to help as he stifle a laugh. "Sorry, pearl." I gave him a glare. "You're cute when you tried to intimate me" I rolled my eyes. "I am a champion and a warrior! I am not cute, my good sir." He chuckled mischievously. "Sir? Never heard you call me that before, then again you have called me worse in the past elsewhere." I blushed furiously, knowing he was talking about something I had accidentally said during the first time we has sex. "Asshole." I said, getting up. "Dick, you see the relation there?" Revali was stifling a laugh he couldn't hold back at Sidon's stupid humor. I rolled my eyes, this is why Sidon shouldn't be the one to make jokes. "What has gotten into you? I know your sense of humor is not great at the best of times but please save the crude jokes for when parents are not present." He chuckled. "Well, now I know what will be getting to you." He said, completely disregarding my words and saying something even worse.

"Sidon! Stop it I mean." I gave him another glare as he chuckled. "Ok, pearl. I'm sorry, forgive me?" I rolled my eyes, how could I say no to that face but I was still very angry at him. I smirked, grabbing his cute face. "You're are cute, but you are sleeping on the sofa tonight." I chuckled, he rolled his eyes and kissed me. "Of course, I will pearl. For you." I smiled, rolling my eyes again and chuckling. I have the best husband in the world, even if his sense of humor is lacking.

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