Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning to Kayden happily cleaning the room I was staying in, he stopped once he saw I was awake and giggled. "Oh! Master Link! Good morning! Did you sleep well?" I nodded tiredly "Yeah, I slept great but I'm still tired" I laughed, he smiled "oh, of course Master Link. After defeating Calamity Ganon, you definitely deserve rest." I smiled, "thanks Kayden, I appreciate that." I got out the bed, got dressed and grabbed my equipment as Kayden went back to the front desk. I knew I had to tell Sidon my feelings today before Zelda and I checked in with Ruta and then left to visit the others, as I walked out to the front desk Kayden grabbed my attention. "Master Link, Prince Sidon is looking you." My heart started to race, Sidon still wanted to talk. This was my chance to tell him my feelings I still had, after we appeased Vah Ruta I was going to tell him but I had to leave to defeat Ganon, then I was going to tell him yesterday if it wasn't for Uncle Dorphean wanted to talk to me. I checked on Zelda and she was still sound asleep, I walked out the inn and looked around for Sidon.

Being unsuccessful, I thought the best next thing would be to check in with Uncle Dorphean to see if he had seen Sidon recently this morning. I walked into the throne room and waved to Uncle Dorphean. "Good morning Link! How did you sleep son?" I smiled lightly "Good morning Uncle Dorphean, I slept great thank you. Have you seen Sidon this morning? He said he still wanted to talk after last night, I've looked about for him but I don't know if I'm just not looking properly or is he busy in a meeting or something?" I asked, slightly blushing. "Yes, I spoke to Sidon much earlier this morning. He had a dilema he wanted to discuss from a few weeks back." I furrowed my eyebrows, "what dilema?" Uncle Dorphean smiled, humming before answering me. "I think it be best if you went and talked to Sidon about it now instead of me telling you. He's down at Mipha's statue right now as he does in the morning." He told me.

I can't believe I basically walked past him this morning as I went around the back of Mipha's statue and up to the throne room. "Thank you, Uncle Dorphean. I'll go see if I could find him." I said slowly walking out and heading back downstairs to the Domain's square. Sure enough, I found Sidon with the same distressed look upon his face as he had before facing Ruta. He spoke though I'm sure he was unaware to my presence. "Mipha, dear sister. I wish you were here to guide me through this....I miss you terribly..." I smiled sadly at Sidon "I miss her too Sidon." He turned as soon as he heard my voice, and looked at me with a smile. "Link!" He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "You....heard all that, eh? I'm afraid you caught in a moment of vulnerability. Link....I am sorry you had to see me in such a moment of weakness." He nervously smiled.

As did I. "Don't worry Sidon, everyone has moments like that, which is healthy because you don't want to keep things bottle up." He nodded listening to my words, "I just wish there was more I could have done during the fight with Ruta." He said wistfully. "Sidon you've done all you could, You were a great help to me too, I couldn't have even got near Vah Ruta if you didn't help me. You have been nothing but positive and enthusiastic even at the worst of times, your home and the surrounding area was in danger of being destroyed and you still kept that bright smile on your face." He smiled bashfully at my words, "thank you Link. I really appreciate you saying that I just want to make my father and more importantly Mipha proud, that's all I want."

I smiled at him. "Sidon, they are so proud of you. I'm so proud of you too, everything as been a lot to take in for both of us." I smiled as brightly as I could at him. He smiled just as bright, before a look of realization took over his face. "Anyway, Oh! Link! I must thank you!" I laughed. "Sidon, I'm sure  you've thanked me once or twice before." I said, chuckling. "Well, yes but I am still thankful for your efforts and I can't but express it. You still somehow overcame the objections of the old gezzers on our council, all to help save our home!" Sidon started being as compliment as he was when I first met him. "Yes, you are a treasure of a Hylian! Taking time out of your journey to come to our rain- and monster-ridden home! And here you activated those orbs with shock arrows, freed Ruta, released my sister from her lingering regret, my father seems happier than usual especially after talking you with yesterday... but anyway Link....I simply can't thank you enough! Especially for following me to the end, pushy and unreasonable as I am!" I could take Sidon's positive attitude and compliments but I wouldn't take Sidon degrading himself.

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