Chapter 18

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Link's POV

I was preparing to leave the domain this morning when I was abruptly stopped by Sidon. "Link, you're leaving so soon?" He sadly asked, I sighed wanted to stay here for much longer but Calamity Ganon is getting more powerful by the second and means Zelda's power to hold him off longer is weakening. "Yeah Sidon, I would love to stay longer but now that I've freed all Divine Beasts I need to stop Calamity Ganon and get the legendry sword I need to stop him," I said, Sidon smiled and patted my shoulder. "Well, you're are always welcome here. We are forever in debt to you and shall give you help anytime you need it." I hugged my shark prince friend and called on my horse. My next stop was back to Kakariko to see Impa and if she had anything information about my Sword.


Once I got to Kakariko, I made a beeline for Impa's house, I felt more confidant and powerful than I did when I started my journey. I opened her doors after politely saying hello to Paya, and greeted Impa. "I sense it...Their presence. Daruk. Revali. Urbosa. Mipha. A hundred years ago, I put my life on the line to fight alongside everyone. But...I could not protect them. They died without fulfilling their destinies. I have lived all this time thinking they have died in vain. But this energy I feel from their presence..... It seems they have not given up. I can also sense.... that they were all overjoyed to see you again. Now you all serve the same purpose! Now it is time to attack Calamity Ganon while he is weak! Hurry to the princess! Go, now! I believe you will find Calamity Ganon in Hyrule Castle. Even with blessings of the Divine Beasts on your side, you must be careful. Calamity Ganon will be well protected. By the way... How are you faring thus far?" She asked, meaning about my memories.

"I recover all twelve of the pictures, I have every memory from them," I told her smiling, she gasped looking at me. "No... All twelve pictures already? You've visited every place?! Hmm... Then I suppose it's time. I will reveal the location of the final memory." Impa got up from her seat and walked down to a photo of a scene with deactivated guardians in ruins. "Lady Zelda gave me specific instructions. She asked me to wait to show you this." I nodded, walking closer to the picture. "This is the final picture. Does it look familiar? From this village, you should be able to get there in a half day's time. Now, go child. Seek out what Lady Zelda has shown you." She walked away and I decided to take a photo on the Sheikah Slate and head to the location which was in Blatchery plain according to the map.


I teleported to Hateno Tower and paraglided in the direction of Fort Hateno which was in the location of this final picture. Heading over Squabble River I found my destination. It wasn't long before the final memory came rushing to me and the scene before me came to life.

*Start of Memory*

It was pouring rain, Ganon had won. All the Champions were trapped in the Divine Beasts currently fighting for their life against the blights, Hyrule Castle and the surrounding town had been devastated. People have died, including the King of Hyrule but I still swore to protect Zelda to the end. I could barely stand, using my sword to lean on as my wounds became too much for my body to handle. Guardians still swarmed around Zelda and I as she attempted to tell me to go and heal my wounds but I wouldn't I had to protect Zelda, it was my oath as her appointed knight. "Link, save yourself! Go! I'll be fine! Don't worry about me! Run!" She placed her hands on my shoulders, I shook my head and stood up shakily. "No Zelda. I must protect you." A guardian came our way and spotted us, it began to target me with its laser and I didn't have the strength to fight. Suddenly before it could even begin to fire, Zelda stood in front of me and pushed me back to safety. "NO!" She yelled, protecting me and raising her hand in front of the guardian.

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