Chapter 26

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With a less perilous journey to Gerudo town, I'm pleased to say how quick we got there thanks to the slate. Zelda now agrees with me that it's the most effective and let's be honest the better way to travel. Our first thoughts were to head straight to Naboris for the sake of Urbosa's health because I don't know how long the Champions stay in the divine beast or if it is just until the slate activates the terminal. But Zelda insisted we go see Riju and tell her the situation as we did with the others.

I, once again had to change into my vai outfit even though they knew I was a voe I still had to wear it. Yeah, doesn't make a lot of sense to me either but that the Gerudo Law. Riju was surprised to see to say the least she was happy to greet Zelda and me once again but she was confused as to why we came here with such urgency. "You see, the thing is we are hoping that this is the case for all the champions but we have to check. If Link could borrow the Thunder Helm again to get inside he could save Urbosa." Zelda requested after explaining that the Divine beast were acting strange and the fact that Mipha and Revali had already come back to life and they were now being treated.

Riju hummed before answering. "It is strange. Naboris hasn't been showing any signs of Lady Urbosa being alive but I must have faith, especially in Link. He has already done so much for us so please take the helm and save our lady if she is to be alive." I nodded as Zelda told she would stay in Gerudo Town as she was no good at seal-surfing or climbing so I should go it alone this time. I graciously took the helm from Riju and started to make my way to Naboris, the journey shouldn't take long as I remember Naboris' resting place is near Wasteland Tower so I could just teleport there.

Inside Naboris I took immediate action, knowing what to expect and as quick as I could to save Urbosa. The bright neon yellow surrounded the room once I activated the terminal. It crashed against the wall and swirled like a sandstorm before revealing Naboris' emblem with the Scimitar of the Seven and the Daybreaker shield behind it. As the golden ball formed into Urbosa's body as it laid itself in front of the terminal I stepped forward and check Urbosa over for injuries. No major casualties I could see so I picked Urbosa up securing her in my arms before barely tapping the shrine near Gerudo town.

Luckily, they let me in as I didn't seem a convincing Vai but I had Urbosa in my arms and that was enough for them to send me straight to Riju. Both girls gasped as I reached them and Riju told me to take Urbosa to her bedroom and lay her down. I nodded as I could see Zelda tearing up following me behind. I knew how much Urbosa meant to her, she was a mother figure to her for sure. I carefully placed Urbosa down before turning to Zelda who ran into my arms and she let the tears fall. "She's gonna be alright Zelds I promise. Do you want to stay with her and Riju and I'll go to Goron city myself?" I asked her. She nodded, snuggling closer into the hug as I rubbed her back for comfort and silence fell around the room.

Halfway to Goron city, I put my armour on as I beginning to sweat furiously. I got Zelda to stay in Gerudo town after her many protests, but I told her that I would be fine and I would come back to Gerudo Town before making my journey back to the Domain. The Domain. Sidon. I hadn't seen my beloved boyfriend in about a week since we left, so of course I missed him and Uncle Dorphean too I hoped they were well, I hoped Mipha was fine as well. She didn't know about Sidon and I's relationship yet but I'm sure she'll be just as happy for us as Uncle Dorphean was, at least I hope she will be. As soon as I arrived in Goron city I immediately made my towards Bludo and Yunobo, they were pleased to see me again now the Calamity was gone I could explain things a lot more freely than the first time I visited once they gave they go ahead to approach the divine beast I started to make my way to Rudania. The journey shouldn't take long now that I don't need to be cautious of guardians or Rudania sending magna bombs down or any enemies for that matter.


Inside Rudania I took immediate action, knowing what to expect and as quick as I could to save Daruk. Every champion would be safe and alive after this and we could be united again. The bright neon red surrounded the room once I activated the terminal. It crashed against the wall and pounded into the ground like a boulder before revealing Rudania's emblem with the Boulder Breaker struck through it As the ruby ball formed into Daruk's body as it laid itself in front of the terminal I stepped forward and check him over for injuries. No major casualties or minor for that matter but then again Daruk wasn't knowing for injuring himself often. There was no way I could pick Daruk up so I took ahold of his hand tapping the shrine near Goron City and praying to the goddess this worked.


Thankfully after appearing at the shrine, Yunobo was there waiting for me more anxious as he usually was. I guess I kinda expected that it was ancestor after all, he would be the same as Sidon was with Mipha. "Oh Link! Is it really the Great Daruk?" Yunobo asked as helped me get Daruk to a place to recover. "Yes Yunobo, it's him but he needs immediate medical attention and he needs it now." He took me very serious, he called some other Gorons over and they all helped get Daruk to Bludo and a medical professional. Bludo greeted me as we got back to the main part of the city, "ah tiny hero! You saved the Great Daruk, I can't believe he is here 100 years after his brave death." I nodded smiling, "yes, it is extraordinary. There's seems to be a pattern with Champions right now so if don't mind I'll be taking my leave now."

Bludo chuckled and slapped my back, wow these guys really pack a punch to the back. "Of course tiny hero, we are ever so grateful for your service with ol' Rudania and of course for saving the Great Daruk." "It was my pleasure, don't worry I'm sure Daruk will recover fairly quickly. Please do send word when he is fully recovered." Bludo smiled, and slapped my back again. "Ah ha, of course tiny hero! Take Care!" I nodded, pulling out the Sheikah slate and selecting the shrine near Gerudo Town so I could go back to Zelda and tell all Champions are free and alive now.


"Link! What happened at Goron City you must tell me everything!" Zelda shook my shoulders as soon as I entered the throne room. I noticed Riju sitting stifling a laugh at Zelda's energetic mood, I smiled and hugged Zelda before hearing a familiar voice. "Now, now little bird. Give Link room to breathe." I pulled away from Zelda and smiled bigger. "Urbosa! How are feeling?" "'I'm feeling just fine Link, I did feel a little strange when I woke up but I'm just glad to be back. It's has been so wonderful to see Zelda again and meet Riju of course." She smiled as she placed a hand on Riju's shoulder. "Well, I'm glad you're ok. I'm the other will be just fine too." Urbosa gasped at my comment to Zelda and her. "The other Champions are alive and well too?" I smiled, "yes they're all ok. Mipha, Revali and Daruk all fine and well in their respective regions."

Zelda then nudged me with excitement in her voice. "Oh Link! We should have a reunion of all of us." "That's a fantastic idea Zelds. But where will we do it?" She chuckled. "We can sort all that out later, now aren't you missing your prince?" She teased me, I smiled and nodded shyly. "Well in that case, lets get back to the Domain. We need to check up on Mipha too, I shall see you soon Urbosa." "Of course little bird, now you and Link do what best for you." They hugged and Zelda took the Sheikah slate from my hip and selecting Zora's Domain.

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