Chapter 13

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I entered Zora's Domain and I had to say it was beautiful, everything was luminous; the bridge, the stairs, everything was made of glistening light blue marble. I was amazed by the look of it and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was, I looked ahead and saw Sidon running towards me. "Whoa! I've been waiting for you Link!" He flashed that same smile as he did when I first met him, I smiled back at him as I was genuinely happy to see him. "Welcome! Behold the pride of my people, Zora's Domain! Now I shall introduce you to the king. Hurry this way!" He beckoned me, I nodded and followed him to throne room. Sidon stood next to who I assumed was the king and I walked in front of him and bowed. "Ah. You must be the Hylian that Sidon brought here, correct?" I nodded at the king "yes, sir." He chuckled "you did well to come all the way here! I am King Dorphean, ruler of the Zora." He introduced himself, before he stared at my hip and gasped and looked at me I could tell he was recognising something.

"Hm? That object upon your that not a Sheikah slate?! Now that I have gotten a good look at you, it is all too clear who you are...." I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion before he told me his answer. "You are the Hylian Champion, Link!" he exclaimed, I was confused as he didn't have the same expression he did seconds ago. He must not want to speak his thoughts aloud. He was still looking at me whist I heard Sidon gasp beside me. "The Hylian Champion? You can't mean THE Link? That Champion?!" Sidon exclaimed before realizing something. "So that's where I have heard your name before! What a faithful coincidence we should cross paths!" He smiled at me before King Dorphean started to speak again. "I cannot believe it. The Hylian Champion Link, has appeared before us....We have met numerous times. I'll have you know." He informed me, I knew there was something else he wanted to say but kept the conversion as normal.

"Ah...So many memories! My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend. I had heard a terrible rumor that you had fallen in combat, but it appears you managed to survive. Extraordinary!" I nodded at him and decided to tell him the truth of the happenings in the last few days. "I've lost memory." I told him, he leant forward before speaking."Come again? You say you have lost your memory?" He sat back and continued to speak. A look of hurt swept his face but only for a second as he spoke for a different reason than he wanted to. "But surely you must remember my precious daughter, Mipha, yes? You do, do you not?" He asked me, I really wanted to say yes as it sounds like she was an important person, not only to me but everyone in this domain too. I shook my head sadly, "no doesn't ring a bell unfortunately I'm sorry." I explained, King Dorphean sighed "I cannot believe it....Have you truly forgotten my dear Mipha as well?" he asked sadly to which I nodded with similar emotion. "You and Mipha were so close....Yet you do not remember her? Young hero....Please look upon the beauty of Zora's Domain." I turned around and looked at the statue in the middle of the domain's square.

"Do you see that statue? Does gazing upon Mipha's immortalized form still not jog your memory?" I shook my head sadly again and sighed as did King Dophean. "Well, perhaps your memory will return in time." He told me before Sidon spoke, "father I do not believe discussing my sister is helping matters at the moment. Link seems confused." King Dorphean turned back to me. "Oh? Yes, of course. But first, it is worth noting how remarkable it is that Sidon brought a Champion her without realizing it!" He chuckled. "That is quite a feat, my boy! Haha! That is a good one!" He laughed even more as I smiled at him. "Link, I doubt not that you have endured a great many trials. Still, I must ask you to hear my plea." I nodded as he continued, "now then. Hero....I must inform you that Zora's Domain is in danger of vanishing because of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. I shall do you the courtesy of speaking bluntly. We alone cannot stop this beast. Will you lend us your strength?" He asked strongly.

An older Zora standing at the left side of king Dorphean's throne called out loudly. "What?!" He turned to the king. "King Dorphean! My liege! Please do not speak so! To ask a Hylian for help.....Why, the very thought of it curls my fins!" I slouched my shoulders at his rude comments and turned to Sidon who gave the elder Zora a disapproving glare and gave me a reassuring smile. King Dorphean addressed the older Zora's rudeness. "Muzu, I expected more of you. How can you still protest?" He asked Muzu calmly, but before Muzu could retaliate Sidon spoke up for me loudly to him. "Muzu! It is rude to speak that way to your king and his guest. Link is here because I invited him! I blushed as Sidon stood up for against Muzu's rudeness towards me, I smiled at Sidon as he continued. "With such unprecedented rainfall, we have no choice but to rely on the aid of a trustworthy Hylian." Sidon said proudly looking at me, winking in the process. "Have we not already discussed this and arrived at this very conclusion?" I could tell Sidon was starting to get agitated with Muzu's arrogance.

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