Chapter 7

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I got back to Gerudo Town and quickly dashed to the throne room, I furrowed my eyebrows as I entered the room to find Riju wasn't here. I asked Buliara where she had gone and she told she was in her bedroom, I should go meet her and return the Helm. I walked upstairs and looked around finding Riju on a small balcony staring out at the desert ahead. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around smiling. "I've been waiting for you...." I went to speak to tell her i retrieved the Helm when she stopped me. "You needn't say a word. As chief of the Gerudo, I can sense the power of the heirloom flowing from you. I know you have succeeded! I am, as you have no doubt noticed, still but a child. The people look at me with nothing but warmth in their eyes, but even this bring me some pain, I must admit....I've tried so hard to be worthy of their love, to be a worthy chief....and to prove to myself that I was worthy, too." She admitted sadly.

I smiled soothingly, listening to her carefully because at the end of the day she is still a child who deserve to be listened to for her problems and self-confidence help, whether she was a chief or not. "When my family heirloom was stolen, I felt as though a shadow had fallen over me...." She looked over at me with a brave face. "Yes, your arrival in the midst of all of this must be the work of Lady Urbosa.....Now, please give the Helm." I carefully handed over the Helm, still smiling and still listening. "Um. How do I look?" Riju asked, I wanted to answer but I felt like this Helm was familiar much like when I saw Revali's Landing with Saki in Rito Village, there was something very familiar about this Helm. I closed my eyes and thought long and hard.


*Start of memory*

I was on the Divine Beast Naboris and currently walking towards Urbosa holding a sleeping Zelda on her shoulder. I remember Urbosa wanted me to escort Zelda to the castle and that she would stay in Gerudo town until I arrived. As I neared the pair, Urbosa noticed me and began to speak. "Ah, certainly got here fast." I nodded, "you told me to get here immediately." I laughed, "I should have expected as much, from the princess's own appointed knight." She gestured to Zelda. "She was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands now...So....? Spill it boy. Have the two of you been getting along." I shyly shrugged my shoulders, "not really, whenever we try to talk it always end with Zelda yelling at me. I just wish I could understand why she gets so mad at me." Urbosa smiled and sighed. "She gets frustrated every time she looks up and see you carrying that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny." I sighed, and looked at the sacred sword on my back, why did Zelda have to feel that way. I don't think she's a failure. "Don't worry, it's not like you carry blame in any of this. It's unfortunate. She's put in more than enough effort and time. Ever since she was a young girl, she gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for it....That's the motivation driving her research. I'd be doing the same thing. She really is quite special." She said pushing some of Zelda stray hairs out of her face.

"You be sure to protect her with your life. It's quite the honor. The night brings a chill...It's probably time we take her in." I nodded and began to help Zelda up when Urbosa hummed. "Or...." She snapped her fingers and lighting struck in front of the Divine Beast on cue. Zelda awoke almost instantly and I ducked down to avoid anything. Zelda looked around before speaking. "Urbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!" Zelda noticed me after a few minutes and I could rage begin to fill her eyes. "Wait, what-how did you- What are you doing here?!" She said angrily. Urbosa laughed, her head tilting back with laughter. "What's so funny?!" Zelda asked. As the memory faded I could see the Thunder Helm sitting beside Urbosa.

*End of memory*

I smiled as I was brought to reality and opened my eyes to see Riju looking confused. "What's wrong....You're just staring....Anyway, what matters now is it?! Do I look all right?" I nodded, smiling. "It looks good!" I said, half honestly as it was a little big but it looked good nonetheless. "I see...The threat of the Divine Beast Vah Naboris poses has only grown has only grown since we began searching for the heirloom. I believe that Gerudo Town itself may be in danger before too long....As chief, and as a Gerudo, I must find some way to stop that thing before it threatens my people. Will you help me?" She asked with tip of the Helm as it slipped as little. "Of course I'll help you Riju. That's what I'm here for." She laughed, "heheh, who would have thought that, just before such a momentous battle....hearing a simple, confidant pledge of support from you would be what puts me at ease? I'll head out now. Let's meet up at the lookout post south of town. There's only one way to get close to Naboris, and that's with the help of a sand seal." She told to get a sand seal and get there as soon as possible and get some practice with a sand seal.

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