Chapter 37

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I smiled as I saw him sitting on the edge of the pier, I silently slipped myself into the water and swam towards him. He smiled when he saw me. "Sidon! I've looking everywhere for you, where have you been?"

I chuckled, leaning on the pier, keeping my elbows out of the water for comfort. "I'm sorry Pearl, I was busy with a few things and I didn't want to disturb you when I woke this morning." I stroked his cheek as he giggled cutely. "It's ok, I just I wondered where you were, I missed waking up with you." I smiled and took a deep breath..... I guess it was time. "Link, I love you more than anything in the world." He smiled, blushing. "I love you too Sidon, more than anything." I smiled, going around the side, getting out of the water and standing in front of Link as he got up and turned around. I held the box in one hand behind my back while I spoke.

"I don't know what I'd do without Link, you're amazing, skilled, a great warrior and a loving boyfriend. I'm sorry that during the calamity I didn't so more to help you, there must of been times where you needed protection and love and I should have been there to give you that...." "Sidon, that's not your fault. You did plenty to help, I would have never gotten to Ruta if it wasn't for you helping me." I smiled, nodding. "Yes, well I want you to know that I'll will always be by your side to protect you and you will never have to fight alone again. I want you to be happy, Link, and that will always be a first priority to me. So....." I remember I read a few books on Hylian courting and how they propose different to Zoras so I decided to do it in a way that would be familiar to Link. I drop down on one knee and leaned on my other while I brought the box into view as I spoke.

"Link, my precious pearl...... Will you marry me and make me the happiest Zora in Hyrule by becoming my husband?" Link teared up as I opened the box revealing the sliver ring with the glistering sapphire in the middle. Link gasped, nodding frantically and jumping up and down as I stood up. "Yes! Yes! Of course, I'll marry you Sidon I love you, my prince." I smiled widely, taking the ring out the box and slipping it in Link's finger.

He smiled, kissing me passionately and I let myself melt into Link's love. "It's so beautiful Sidon, I love it" "Do you truly?" He smiled nodding. "You see, the Zora Sapphire that has been passed down in the Zora royal family for generations was split into three separate pieces after I was born apparently. Each piece was reserved and put into a ring for whose who would marry members of the royal family. One piece of the sapphire sits in Jakok's wedding ring from my father, one piece is reserved for Mipha when she marries and you now have the last piece that was reserved for my mate." He smiled and hugged me. "Oh, I love you Sidon. So much, but you know what this means right?" I tilted my head in confusion, "what, pearl?" "Two things. We have to tell everybody and once we tell Zelda she will be in planning mode until the wedding, trust me." I chuckled.

"What's the other thing?" He smirked mischievously. "This." He kissed me passionately before starting to kiss my neck. I got the hint, picking him up and taking him straight to our room.

Sidlink: My precious pearl (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now