Chapter 3

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I returned to Kakariko fairly quickly to see Impa and find out what my next duty was, as I got there she told that the Camera that had been restored to the Sheikah Slate was the same Camera that Zelda used 100 years ago before the Calamity. She showed me a few photos to see if they would jog my memory a little. They didn't in the end and Impa suggested it would maybe be better for my memory if I visited the locations in the photographs in person.

I nodded and told her I understood and that I would go to one of the twelve locations to see if anything would happen. "Come back here once you have tried going to at least one of these locations. There is something I wish to give to you." She told me carefully, I nodded and took my leave headed to one of the locations first. I looked at the photos in the Sheikah Slate and as I didn't recognise any of the places I didn't know which one would be best to go first. I flipped through the photos before my eyes caught a beach-type area with a lake. I could slightly recall there being something like that either on the great plateau or around the area.

I used the Sheikah slate to warp to the Great Plateau Tower and used my paraglider to fly near the location. Once I got there I noticed a great glowing point in the middle of the grassy area and decided to stand there. I looked around before pulling out the Sheikah slate and looking at the photograph I squinted at the photo before looking up at the lake and mountains in the distance. I felt a weird sensation like I could see memory in front of me, I closed my eyes and a scene in this very location was in front of me.

*Start of Memory*

I saw Zelda and I walking along this grassy beach. She was in front of me holding the Sheikah slate in her hands walking ahead of me, she was talking about getting to Goron City to check with the divine beast that was residing there. I had the feeling that at this particular memory Zelda wasn't too enamoured with me as it must have been early in our friendship. She started talking to me about how I was the chosen hero and why I was chosen to wield the master sword, she asked me if I could hear a voice in inside the sword like the hero of legend. I seem to answer as her question seemed rhetorical and sarcastic sounding to me. I gasped as I opened my eyes and stared out at the Lake, I put the Sheikah slate back on my hip.

*End of memory*

I realised that if I visited each of these photo locations I could recover most of my memories. I smiled to myself and started to head back to Kakariko, truth is I could teleport there but I think I'd rather walk to clear my mind over this whole memory and divine beast thing. I looked around me and thought to myself that each divine beast must be in each corner region of Hyrule as each race is in a different corner. I vaguely remembered the provinces: the top left corner of Hyrule had the snowy mountains, the top right corner had the volcano and mountains, the bottom right corner had the mostly grassy fields and large water areas in the same province where Kakariko and Hateno were and the bottom left corner was the desert.

As I arrived back in Kakariko, I made a beeline for Impa's house to see what she had to say now that I had visited one of the photo locations. I walked in and up to Impa, "I've visited one of the locations Impa, what now?" I asked her, "now that you've have seen some of the princess's memories, you must have started to remember certain things." She told me, I nodded and told her I vaguely remembered what was happening in the memory and the location of certain provinces. She nodded. "Now. I will hand this over to you now before I forget."

She handed me a bright light blue tunic which I furrowed my eyebrows at and looked up at Impa with the article of clothing in my hand. "This is something of yours that I have been keeping safe, by request of the princess." She explained noticing my confused expression. "This clothing especially for you when you became a champion. Please handle it with care." I nodded as I turned around and slipped off the old shirt I had been wearing and slipped on the champion's tunic as Impa deemed it, It was a perfect fit to which I smiled as it was actually quite comfortable. "Thank you Impa" she nodded and smiled "that's alright child, now go make haste and get to the first divine beast." I nodded before asking where I should go first to which she answered: "I would suggest tackling whichever Divine Beast you feel like first, go with your instincts." I nodded before bidding my goodbye to Impa and heading for the point marked on Sheikah slate. The Divine Beast Vah Medoh of the Rito was the first one I first thought to do first as I'd prefer to upskill my mountain climbing. To be honest I was finding myself more fond of walking or climbing than swimming but if I had to I would if the need arises.

I found myself on the mountain path which was turning a little chilly as I neared another tower which I knew wasn't to going to be easy to climb as most of the ground surrounding it was covered in Malice and there was collapsing columns covered in malice near the bottom of the tower as well. I steered myself clear of the malice until I got a point where I could shoot its eye which made is vanquish into the air and freeing the column leaning towards the tower. I climbed up said column before making my way to the top and getting the region map from the guidance stone as usual. It turned out this was the Tabantha region and it was quite close to the Rito, so I knew I was on the right track. I paraglided off the tower in the direction of the village in the distance but before I look for a landing near the village I noticed a stable nearby which was conveniently Rito stable so I knew I was getting closer and closer to the village. I walked to the side of the stable where I found a Rito named Kass that I had encountered in Hyrule field on several occasions, he always had his trusty accordion with him playing joyful music whenever I came across him.

"Ah, we meet again! I'm glad to see that you are still in one piece." He told after must have seen my first confrontation with a guardian which was a massive failure as I am not very well equipped to clash with Guardians and their deadly lasers yet. "We're actually very close to my hometown of Rito Village, and I must admit I'm feeling incredibly homesick. I had to leave my wife and children back in the village. I'm sure they're doing just fine... But you see, I cannot go home until I fulfil my promise to my teacher." He explained, I furrowed my eyebrows "Promise?" I asked. "My promise.....On second thought, now is not the time." He told me, I sighed knowing that he wouldn't tell me immediately. "But if I am able to learn all of the ancient songs.....I will tell you of my promise, back in my hometown." I nodded and bided my farewell to Kass before I continued onwards to the bridges leading from the stable to the village when I ran into a guard.

"Good day." He greeted me "Did you need something?" He asked I replied to his question with a question. "Who are you?" He smiled before replying. "I am Gesane of the Rito." "The Rito?" I asked, even though I had a vague idea I just wanted to know more. "Yes...The Rito of Lake Totori. Where the men are fine archers and the women better singers. You being a Hylian, I'm surprised you haven't heard that before. You should visit the village if you get a chance." He told before continuing his guard duty. I walked to the last bridge but before I could get to the stairs leading into the village, a shrill shriek came from above the village. I looked up and saw the giant mechanical bird circling the village, the Divine Beast continued to shriek I'm assuming from its corruption for a few minutes before continuing fly around the perimeter. I got up the steps and neared the village before I found another guard, "hmm? Are you a traveller? I'd like to show you around but now's not really a good time" I decided to ask what was going on to see if I could find out as much as I could about the Divine Beast.

He pointed above the village. "Do you see that Beast in the sky? That's Divine Beast Vah Medoh. It showed up a while back. The Rito warriors who flew up to check it out were shot down. They say it used to be a divine being that protected the village, but it doesn't seem very divine to me." He turned back to me. "Thankfully, the thing only shoots at anything flying high up above the village. But still...It is pretty demoralising for us Rito to have to fly so low to the ground. Did you need anything else?" I shook my head and told him I better get into the village. I walked up a couple more short staircases before reaching what I assumed the first floor of the village where there was a goddess statue to which I prayed this went well.

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