Chapter 34

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Link's POV

Oh, this place seriously needs a deep clean. Everything was everywhere, it was dusty, it was filthy, it smelled bad. I grimaced as everyone was stood in the front door. "Let's get in first. There's no use everyone trying to fit in this doorframe, especially the Zora men." Dad pointed out, we all agreed and manged to get into the lounge which was also a disgrace. You see, the original plan was to check on the house but then Zelds had the great idea that instead of having to use the domain for living and business, we could use the house for living and the domain for business and supplies only. Everyone agreed and started to pack up all belongings in the domain, telling everyone that the Zora elders would now be in charge as the domain would be purely for business matters now instead of a royal place.

"So, let's clean up this mess and then we can sort out rooms and such." Zelda stood in front of us as I scoffed. "Zelds, this place is gonna take more than a few hours, it's not just a mess it's filthy." Everyone nodded as dad spoke up. "Actually son, I think this place insults the good name of filthy. But Zelda is right we should get to cleaning right away." Everyone nodded and everybody set off to clean a different part of the house as they was like twelve of us so it might not take as long as I thought originally but it definitely will still take a while. Me, Zelda, Revali, Mipha, Daruk and Urbosa decided that cleaning our respective bedrooms was the first thing we could do. Sidon asked me if I wanted his help but realising that half of my stuff is in Revali's room and I would have to be back and forth between my room and Revali's so I told he could help Mipha clean her rooms instead. Dad and Uncle Dorphean were working on the lounge and kitchen, Teba and Riju were cleaning the Bathroom and Yunobo was helping Riju get up to the third floor she was small she could reach up and put the ladder down for everyone.

I sighed in annoyance, Revali was refusing to let me in his room to get my things until it was clean. "Come on Rev! Half of everything I own is in there, just pass it out then." He yelled through the closed door. "I don't know what junk is yours! just give me some time Knight boy!" I rolled my eyes. "I've gave you five hours! Everyone is finished and currently sitting in the now clean lounge, we're the only ones still cleaning because of your incompetence!" I yelled louder to sound how anger and tired I was before deciding fuck it, I was going to just go downstairs as it was only some clothes and I could get them later.

I smiled as Mipha sat next to me, snuggling into my side as she does sometimes. "Everyone ok?" I heard Uncle Dorphean ask everyone as they were all now downstairs......I looked around everyone was here except Sidon and Revali.

That was odd. Very odd.

I saw Dad and Uncle Dorphean notice this the same time as me before Uncle Dorphean spoke. "Anyone seen Sidon or Revali?" "No, I'll go check on them." I said from the sofa on the other side of the room as Mipha nodded saying she would follow me upstairs. Dad and Uncle Dorphean looked at each other before nodding and speaking.

"Ok, go make sure no one is hurt or anything and just tell us if you need us." We nodded I walked upstairs with Mipha in tow. Once we got to the landing I heard arguing coming from Revali's room. Mipha and I pressed to the door to try and eavesdrop the conversation.

*Inside the room* (3rd POV)

Revali stood with hands on his hips as Sidon stood opposite him. "Why must you insult Link all the time? I don't believe he's done you any harm so why?" Sidon asked for what felt like the millionth time, the anger slowly rising in him. Revali rolled his eyes and spoke. "Look fish boy! I don't want to hear your excuses, you're the problem anyway not Link....." Sidon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "This is the first time you've actually spoke to me for more than ten minutes, so how on earth could you have a problem with me if we've just met not too long ago?" "Because you stole him from me! Link was my mate first! Our relationship technically never ended because we never got a chance to end it. I know he misses me." Sidon huffed, refusing to let this be the case.

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