Chapter 20

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Within a few short weeks that really flew by I mean, it felt like only yesterday that Ganon was defeated, and the castle was back to its former glory....kind of, well the best it could be. Anyway, Zelda had reunited with all the races of Hyrule and the race elders. It was fine and well until we got to Zora's Domain, I mean it was great to see Sidon and King Dorphean again but something seemed different. Something about King Dorphean was different, he was acting like he first did when we first met during Ruta's rainfall. There was definitely something he wanted me to know but couldn't spell out the words, Sidon was energetic and positive as ever during our stay before we departed to see the remaining race which was the Rito. But I couldn't help but think about what was wrong with King Dorphean during the rest of our journey. Even when we got back I was still worried and confused, I was currently sat in my bedroom thinking what could have possibly happened but my thoughts were interrupted by Zelda bursting into the room with a happy expression and high pitched voiced.

"Link!" I smiled and winced at the shriek. "Yeah Zelds? What's wrong?" She shoved the Sheikah Slate into my hands and pointed at it. "Look at the slate! I've never seen it do this before, not even 100 years ago!" I stared at the slate and something was indeed different. The slate was not its usual blue or orange glow, no it was four different neon colours in each corner. A neon yellow in the top left corner, a neon red in the top right corner, neon green in the bottom left corner and a neon blue in the bottom right corner. It was strange. Puzzled by this I took the slate tightly in the hand and examine the colours, the same colours were the colours of four marked points in the locations of each Divine Beast which was even stranger as all the Divine Beasts were free as were the Champions. "Zelds I think we should pay each Divine beast and its elder a visit immediately." Zelda nodded in agreement. "Yes, excellent idea Link! Let's be off."

I nodded, following her out of the castle to our horses, Storm and Epona before setting off. Zelda decided we should visit Zora's Domain again, I felt it was a good idea because I could maybe finally find out what's wrong with the King. But when I thought about it Sidon had been acting weird too, is it a Zora thing? I don't know I just hope it won't lead to anything bad.


Getting across the Great Zora Bridge and entering Zora's Domain, we greeted Rivan and Dunma at the entrance and Ledo at the entrance pillars before we heard footsteps approach us and a boisterous voice greet us. "LINK! IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!" I smiled at Sidon as he ran towards me and embraced me in a tight hug, I laughed and hugged him back. "It's really good to see you too Sidon." As we pulled away Sidon looked.....nervous. I wondered why he was acting like this? Was it him? Was it the same thing that was bothering his father? "It is great to see you again too Princess Zelda! Everyone, including myself, has missed you." Zelda nodded, smiling. "It is a delight to see you always Sidon, we have come here as the Sheikah Slate appears to be showing something to do with the Divine Beasts." Sidon's expression changed in understanding. "I see, well it's best you see my father at once. Come with me."

Sidon led us to the throne room where King Dorphean greeted us but he seemed to be happier to me than anyone else. "Ah, Link, Princess Zelda it is nice to see your return. Now I hope this does not comes across as rude but may I ask to speak with Link alone please?" He asked, Zelda, nodded understanding and leaving the room. "You too Sidon, this only concerns myself and Link." "But father! Muzu is still present." Sidon protested. "SIDON!" He boomed and Sidon winced. "Muzu knows of this conversation that's going to happen. Now go and do not make tell you again or make me raise my voice." Sidon nodded sadly before smiling at me and walking away to meet Zelda. "Guards make sure that no one hears of this conversation." Guards blocked the throne room's entrance and stood to wait for further instruction. "Now Link, I know you are confused right now but do not worry I will explain everything." King Dorphean said I nodded completely confused and a little worried about what this conversation endure.

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