Chapter 5

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Once we were up at Medoh's height, Teba began to speak again. "All right. It's showtime. Man, even I feel like I'm going to freeze up here! There Divine Beast Vah Medoh." He said as we got closer, but as we got closer a pink forcefield began to surround the Divine Beast with the cannons Teba was talking about. "It has its barrier up again. What a pain....." Teba must have felt me shivering a little as I was from sheer nervousness from the size of the Divine Beast. "What's wrong, Link? Are you all right?" I just gripped Teba's feather to reassure him it was nothing he had to be concerned about, he sighed from my lack of response and continued as he knew he wasn't going to get a response. "Let's go over the plan. Do you see those cannons? I'll draw their fire. While I'm doing that, use your bomb arrows to destroy the cannons. Got it so far? If you need to withdraw for a bit, just spread your cloth and float straight up in the updraft for a while. I'll take that as a sign that we need to regroup." I nodded.

"Oh, don't bother aiming for anything covered by Medoh's barrier. It's impenetrable. And whatever you do, don't get close enough to touch it. And finally, I know I've said this a few times already, but don't forget your cold protection. We can move whenever you're ready." "I'm ready." Teba let me off his back and I pulled out my paraglider to float over to the cannons. "It's all you! Be careful!" Teba shouted before we started to blow up the first cannon. Teba's encouragement spurred me on as I pulled out each bomb arrows to annihilate the cannons, each cannon took two bomb arrows each to blow up as the third and final one blew up, I smiled and I could tell Teba was smiling too as the barrier began to fade out from the cannons being destroyed.

Medoh let out another shriek as it continued to fly without its barrier to keep out trespassers, I glided over to Teba and smiled at him for our success. "Well done, Link. That thing is history!" he exclaimed looking down at Medoh and I swore Teba was more happy and welcoming as to when I met him at the Flight Range and I could see why. I would be the same if a giant mechanical bird was terrorising my village. I too looked down at the Divine Beast and gawked at the size of it and wondered how in the name of Hylia I was going to calm that thing down enough to bring it back from Ganon's corruption. Teba slightly faltered in his flight, and I looked at him to see if he was alright when I noticed a decent-sized black burn surround his white tail feathers. I gasped and looked at Teba for any sign of pain, he looked back me and sighed. "Bad news, Link. It looks like I got hit pretty good back there.....I think.....I think I need to get back to the Flight Range. I just hope that.....I can make it back. You head down to Medoh. Good luck! It's all you!" He gave me a thumbs up and started to make his way make to the Flight Range. I was worried but I knew Teba was a strong warrior, I tidied away my thought as I was near to landing on Medoh.

As I landed on Medoh, I walked up to the guidance stone-like and activated the terminal. 'Travel Gate registered to map.' The Sheikah Slate read a blue ring lit up behind a similar colour the shrines when I activate them. Not long after activating the terminal, I heard a voice that I only know from my memories. "Well now, I've seen that face before...." It was Revali's voice, to be honest, it was good to hear it. I learned from the past few weeks that I preferred company over being alone, so I was glad to hear Revali voice hopefully guide me through this Divine Beast........Even if he was still as annoying as ever. "I had a feeling you would show up eventually. But making me wait a hundred years is a bit....indulgent." Even if he was going to be a prick I was still glad I wasn't alone. "You're here to wrest control of Medoh away from Ganon, correct?" I couldn't reply but he continued anyway as he would if he was still alive.

"If so, then the first thing you'll want to do is find yourself a map." I entered Medoh as Revali continued to blabber. "That guidance stone over there has the information for the layout of this Divine Beast. Can you make it there?" I rolled my eyes and saw the guidance stone he was referring to, of course even in death he had to mock my abilities. I defeat a wall of malice by shooting the eye upon entry and got over to the gap between the side of the room I was on and the opposite side the guidance stone was on. A mini guardian was blocking the guidance stone but it was easily killed with a few slices of my sword, made my way to the guidance stone and activated it. 'Sheikah Slate authenticated. Distilling map of Divine Beast.' It wasn't long before I heard Revali's voice again. "You'll need to look closely at your map of the Divine Beast." He told me pausing then continuing.

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