Chapter 9

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Goron City wasn't as welcoming as Gerudo town or Rito Village as It was boiling me to my core, I couldn't breath and my fireproof elixirs were running out. It didn't help that the Divine Beast roared out upon my entrance to the city, I had also drank my last one that would surely wear off within a few minutes, I immediately decided to look around for a clothing store for armor or a least some more fireproof elixirs for the time being. My eyes caught sight of an armor shop on the north side of the city and walked in feeling like I had severe heatstroke and headache. I greeted the shopkeeper, wanting sell some materials to be able to buy the armor as I saw it was a little pricey.

"You have the privilege of standing in Ripped and Shredded, my armor shop. How can I help ya?" He asked, my throat was dry from the lack of water so my voice was a little ragged. "I want to sell." I breathed out heavily. I sold sapphires, rubies topaz, opal, amber and even the few diamonds I had come across along with ancient material parts that nabbed a few thousand rupees just enough to my the full armor set, because it's better to have and not need it rather than to need it and not have it. I always thought this in most situations, as it was the most useful advice I could give myself or anyone really. The armor was a little shifty and heavy but I didn't feel like I was going to explode from the heat anymore at least, I walked into the center of the city and found a distraught older Goron who I assumed to be the elder. I greeted him and he spoke angrily in a deep voice. "Drat! That blasted Rudania!" I asked what's wrong only to get some more information about this Divine Beast. "With Rudania runnin' wild recently, Death Mountain's eruptions have gotten real bad." He explained.

He gestured towards Death Mountain where the Divine beast was currently roaming. "Do ya see Rudania stompin' around up there on the mountain? They say that 100 years ago, it actually used to protect people from harm.... Now all it does is mess up our mining operations! We're all suffering because it's stoppin' us from doin' business! I can't tell ya how many times we've used the cannon to chase off the fiend. But it always comes back!!" The elder yelled and cracked his back before sighing in pain. "Are you ok?" I asked, concerned at how loud that crack was. "Hmph, it's just some back pain... Wait who are you?" I thought it best to keep things simple just now and explain later. "I'm a traveler." I said simply, he chuckled with pride of his next statement. "I see....So, then, you came all this way to pay your respects to me? I like you already brother! Well, my name's Bludo. I'm the great Goron Boss who's fearsome enough to silence a crying a child! Or make a silenced child cry, either way." He said awkwardly.

I snorted lightly as he continued. "Yes, it is none other than I, Bludo! I was planning' to drive off Rudania like I always do, but then this blasted pain in my back flared up outta nowhere...That blasted Yunobo....When will he return?" I had a strange feeling that this Yunobo person was important to what was ahead so I asked the obvious. "Who is Yunobo?" "Yunobo is a young Goron who helps me drive off Rudania. He went to grab some painkillers for my back from the Abandoned North Mine, but he hasn't come back yet....Slacker....I bet he's off somewhere wastin' time.... Hey if ya happen to see Yunobo, will ya let him know I'm lookin' for him?" His back cracked painfully again and I walked away in the direction of the North mine, I activated a shrine on the way and headed into the hot atmosphere. A few encounters with a cannon, went down a few lizalfos camps wielding annoying fire arrows which to e fair did burn me a few times. I eventually found a cave with the entrance blocked by large boulders.

I blasted the cave with the cannon once more and it cleared the boulders with ease, I saw a Goron at the back of the cave so I made my way over there and he noticed. He gasped before running around screaming for help and I realised he was a little oversensitive and overreactive. He stop to catch his breath and stared at me awkwardly I rolled my eyes as he began to speak. "Hmm. Now I've gotten a good look.... Whoa it's a Hylian!" He not so quietly said to himself. "Were you the one who broke though that crag to rescue, goro? Thank, brother!" I sighed in annoyance. "Yeah, it's no problem, I kinda had to." "What brought you all the way out here to begin with?" He asked. "Lookin' for Yunobo! I need his help." I told him assuming I was talking to Yunobo. "Oh! So that's it! Boss told you to come find me! Phew, thank goodness. In any case, I sure am glad you saved me, goro! The name's Yunobo. Everyone calls me.....Yunobo. Makes sense, goro." Oh, wow this guy was going to need step by step instruction for helping me, isn't he?

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