Chapter 17

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I was transported to the front gates of Zora's Domain to which I took of my Zora's armor and put my Champion's tunic back on. I waved to Rivan as I walked into the Domain's square, I thought be a good idea to go tell the good news to King Dorphean and Sidon that Ruta is back under our control and that Mipha's spirit is now free. I greeted Bazz at the bottom of throne room's stairs who congratulated me on stopping the rain falling on Zora's Domain, I smiled and thanked him as I walked up the stairs to throne room. I saw Sidon's face light up as I walked into the room, I smiled at him and nodded at the king before he started to speak.

"Link! You did well to survive your trial! I have been awaiting your return! The violent downpour has disappeared, as has the threat to Zora's Domain! It is little more than a bad dream." He proudly smiled at me as he said those words. "Thanks to your efforts, there is no longer any danger of a great flood laying waste to Hyrule! You appeased the Divine Beast Vah Ruta and thusly saved Zora's Domain! We are all truly grateful! What you did for us is more than we could have ever expected of you." His proud smile never left his face but before he could continued Muzu interrupted and I got a strange sense of deja vu. "

"Link....I must sincerely apologize for my harsh treatment of you. That whole time, you were thinking of Hyrule's and Lady Mipha's well-being, just like the rest of us. All of the members of our council humbly fold our fins back in gratitude, along with the rest of our people. Perhaps the older generations of Zora, myself included, misunderstood Hylians after all. It would seem so. That said, I would be overjoyed if you could find it in your heart to forgive me. If not now, then perhaps one day." I nodded "It's alright Muzu, I understand you only wanted to protect Mipha and I don't think I'm ready to forgive you yet, but that doesn't mean that I won't forgive you one day." I smiled. "Not at all Link, I was quite harsh to you and I did say things that weren't necessarily your fault or anyone's to be precise." I nodded in gratitude of Muzu's words before turning back to King Dorphean. 

"Link! I must reward your efforts! Now then! I implore you to collect the treasure inside the chest over there. It was cherished by Mipha. A memento of sorts. I would like you to have it as a token of our friendship. Please take good care of it. By the way, Link. I see you are without your trusty blade...the sword that seals the darkness. Did you perhaps lose it when you lost your memory?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders as I really didn't know. "Perhaps, i couldn't really tell you the truth as I don't know." I told King Dorphean the truth. "What? Is it truly lost?! That is a legendry blade that only you, the Hylian Champion, can wield. It undoubtedly found a safe place to wait for you.....sleeping soundly just like its master." He laughed as I did I. "Link, all of the Zora thank you from the depths of our hearts for your heroic and selfless work!" He turned to Sidon. "....And you too, Sidon. As your father, I am proud of you for fighting that Divine Beast alongside Link. You have grown much recently. I know you will be a worthy heir when your time comes." Sidon blushed and nodded his head at his father. "Father.....I...Thank you!" He said quietly. "The heavy rains have stopped, and the Divine Beast is our ally once again! How glorious! Truly splendid! Wah ha ha!" King Dorphean chuckled.

Sidon turned to me and flashed that magnificent smile at me and I smiled so wide that I would my jaw would break. "Link! This is wonderful!" Sidon walked over to me and knelt down to me before grabbing my hand shaking it excitedly. "Link! Thank you so much! Truly, I could never thank you enough! You helped save our home from vanishing away! This calls for top-tier expression of gratitude! ZO! ZO! RA! RA! With all my heart..... Thank you!" Our eyes connected and I felt my pulse start to race and I'm sure Sidon could feel it too as he was still holding my hand. I felt like I was I was in heaven standing here with Sidon....until King Dorphean cleared his throat, our eyes disconnected as we both smiled and Sidon bowed to me as King Dorphean smirked at us both as we walked away from each other.

I never wanted to leave here, I wanted to stay with Sidon.  I was really starting to fall for him. But I must ensure Hyrule's safety before anything else.

Sidon's POV

I felt a rush of happiness when Link was around, I'm so delighted to see him even though I have only known him for a few days. I know now how my sister felt for him, I felt guilty. Like I was betraying her but I do know one thing. Father told me that he told her to follow her heart always and that she always did follow her heart regardless of the consequences. So surely she would want me to follow my heart and feelings too, wouldn't she? I decided the best thing for me to do would be to consult my father as I always consulted him whenever my thoughts or problems bothered me.

I entered the throne room with a distressed expression and my father immediately took notice as always. "My boy, whatever is the matter? You seem upset about something, tell me please." I sighed, "father, I have dilema. I really like someone but I am unsure if they reciprocate my feelings, but if they do I feel like I would be betraying someone." My father hummed in understanding. "Son, I am certain I know who you are talking about and I'm sure your sister would want you to follow your heart as I do. So, go to him and tell Link how you feel!" I felt better that my father had told me follow my heart and that I wouldn't be betraying Mipha's wishes. "Father, thank you! I'll go tell him right now, I hope he reciprocates the same way." He is so perfect in every way.

I ran out the throne room and searched for Link with a smile on my face. It was quite late so I assumed Link must have been staying in the inn, I didn't want to disturb him so I'll visit him in the morning.

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