Chapter 31

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AN: Not gonna lie, I cried writing this chapter. I can't write reunions that are not heartfelt sobfests. Also Dorphean's name for Jakok is similar to Sidon's name for Link, I'll explain the meaning of it the next chapter.

A good few hours later, we crossed the Great Zora Bridge he smiled when crossing the bridge he must have missed it. I nodded, "Are you nervous to see Uncle Dorphean again?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why do you think that?" I opened my mouth to tell him was both Hylia and Uncle Dorphean told me. "Because I know, I know about-" "Finally! You do take forever don't you? I do wonder why Hyrule's fate was put in such a lazy knight's hands." I rolled my eyes as Revali cut me off and was standing smugly at the Domain's entrance as we entered.

Oh, great. This will be fun.

"Shut up Rev, unlike you Zelda and I are nice people so we escorted this good man to the Domain after he had a close encounter with one of the remaining monsters so he could get here safely." Revali scoffed as Zelda walked off saying she was going to bring Mipha to meet Dad so she could heal him. "Whatever, knight boy. You just want to feel like a hero again, well my condolences but that moment is over." Dad opened his mouth and stared at Revali. "Who are you?" He scoffed, looking at Dad skeptically. "The question is who are you? You're a knight for sure but judging by your bloodied uniform I'm guessing you aren't a very good one. Like Mr. hot-shot over there." I walked up to Revali poking his feathered chest. "I saved your ass. Defeated something you couldn't." "You want to go, Knight boy? Cause I've told you once an I'll tell you again, I'll take you right here, right now!" We face to face once again, staring with anger at each other.

"And I've told you, Banana Beak. Show me what you got old man!" He gasped. "How dare you?! You insolent, arrogant, nobody, little-" "REVALI! LINK!" Mipha and Zelda were coming back to us as Mipha screamed at him, wacking him on the head as she stood between us despite Dad's confused looks. "I've told the both of you. Time and time again. Stop it! Stop challenging each other, stop arguing with each other...." She turned to Revali. "And you stop insulting him! Didn't you that enough 100 years ago? The both of you, is that any way to act around guests?" She turned to Dad. "Hello, welcome. I am so sorry..." she pulled the both of us forward, Revali by his scarf and me by the front of my tunic. "I'll deal with these two later so you wont have to endure that again." She spoke to us again. "You to you and Teba's room and you upstairs, throne room now!" She walked away to the throne room as Zelda nodded heading to her own room too. I looked at Dad who was still confused by Revali's and mine argument. "Come on, leave that overgrown cucco to stew. Let's go."

We reached the top of the stairs and to the throne room when I heard Uncle Dorphean chuckled. "Ah, welcome back son! How was your journey?"  "Yeah, alright expect we didn't get to the castle." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you did not? Why?" "Well, we kind of ran into to someone." Dad had lagged behind me a little and only came to stand beside me out of breath as I finished that sentence. "Either that's more stairs than I remember or I'm really out of shape...." He looked up at the same time Uncle Dorphean looked at him. Silence fell across the room as they stared at one another. "Jakok.....? It can't be you.....can it?" Uncle Dorphean whispered, not believing the sight in front of him. "You ain't seeing things, old boy. It's me Dorphean, I'm here." Zelda nudged me and Sidon. "Let's go, let them reunite properly." We nodded following her out of the throne room.


Jakok's POV

I smiled at Dorphean, standing from the top of the stairs. I noticed Link, Zelda and another Zora had left the room allowing me and Dorphean to talk....I guess. "You're really here?" Dorphean was tearing up as was I as I nodded. "Yeah, I'm here." I sniffed, I couldn't hold back anymore, I ran into Dorphean open arms and started sobbing into his chest. "It's ok Jaky, you're home. You're here, in my arms where you belong." I buried my face more into his chest, choking out words. "I've missed you so much. I was so scared without you, and I was so worried about Link. But I knew he'd be with you, I knew you'd keep him safe." Dorphean nodded, stroking my hair. "I missed you, my little clam." I teared up more, I've longed to hear that name for so long after I left him to go to battle. "Of course, I kept him safe, always. He was never alone."

I pulled away and Dorphean picked up the stray tears running down my cheeks. "Look at you, a powerful king like I always knew you'd be. Where's your wife? Your queen?" I said a little bitterly, it's not that I didn't like her, I just didn't like that fate had to push us apart. I'm glad and not glad about it at the same time, I'm to have had Link with my wife and I'm sure Dorphean is the same about his children but we were each other's first loves and always will be. "She passed away, Jakok. Shortly after you did. It is why I went in search of Link after her death, I could not lose another person so close to me. Sit down, I have much to tell you, my clam." I nodded sitting down opposite Dorphean as he started to tell me everything I had missed start to finish.

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