Chapter 33

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Link's POV
Around a week or two has pasted since Zelda and I brought Dad to the domain and he had his long awaited reunion with Uncle Dorphean. Who by the way had told the entire domain about not only him and Dad but Sidon and I too. Shattering the hopes and dreams of Sidon's fan club, Zelda suggested that we should go check on the house. You see, Zelda, myself and the champions were given a house by the King of Hyrule, we called it the Champion's house it was essentially ours to work in, train in and basically live in after the first few weeks we knew each other. It was situated far from the castle grounds to give us peace whiling training. The good thing was it was actually quite near the Domain's area, so even if we were to move back in we could still come and go to the domain as we please.

I also remember it being big for just the six of us back then which was good as that means everyone who lives in the royal quarters could live in the house too again switching from the house to the domain when they please. I woke up tired, I wonder why I scoffed to myself. Sidon was still sleeping beside me I looked up from his chest and saw his beautiful face, his mouth slightly opened but curled into a smile as he woke up and saw me looking at him. "Good morning pearl, can I help you?" "No, just admiring you in the morning light." I smiled as he sat up on his elbows like I was. "I'm not being rude here but did you hear them last night?" Sidon asked me, I knew what he was talking about. Now if me and Sidon can't be loud in case we wake people I don't think and Dad and Uncle Dorphean could either, yes they deserve it after being through so much and not seeing each other for so long.

"Yes, I mean I get it but come on, I barely slept last night. I'm so tired and I hope we weren't the only ones they woke because if Revali has had more sleep than me and the he starts I'm gonna kill him. I'm not joking." Sidon chuckled and kissed my head as he started to get out of bed, I did too stretching and changing my shorts and t-shirt to my tunic and trousers, slipping on my boots as Sidon perfected his regalia. I smiled as turned from the mirror and kissed me, I smiled into the kiss and we exited the our room, walking down the corridor noticing that everyone's doors but Daruk and Yunobo's were open I mean they sleep like rocks that's no surprise but it must have meant everyone else was up early too. We walked into the throne room to see the massive chair in the middle empty which meant Dad and Uncle Dorphean must still be asleep.

Although we did see two tired looking Ritos, two exhausted Gerudos, one Zora and one Hylian who were struggling to keep their eyes open. "So I take no one else slept well either?"" Sidon asked as they all shook their heads. "No. I woke up around half an hour ago and Teba few a hours before." "We were a few hours before them." Urbosa tiredly informed us. I looked at Zelda who was sitting with Mipha's head on her shoulder almost asleep. "We were up first and I'm not being crude but they were still going at it when we exited the quarters." Zelda told us as Sidon and I sighed. "I'll say something when they get up, unless someone else wants to?" I offered, no one too it. Sidon placed his hands on my shoulders behind me, "I'll say something too in behalf of everyone else."

I nodded as we sat down just as tired as everyone else.

Jakok's POV
I smiled snuggling into a soft warmth, I opened my eyes and looked up from where I was lying on Dorphean's chest. I saw Dorphean's smiling face as he looked down at me and brushed my cheek. "Good morning my clam. Did you sleep well?" He smirked. "Very well, especially after this morning's refresher." He chuckled, remembering our activities only a few hours ago while smirking. "Yes, well I'm glad you're happy and I can't believe I have you here in my arms and it's not a dream." I chuckled, kissing his cheek I think we may have been a bit loud last night, I just couldn't help it. "I think we were a tad loud last night and maybe this morning too." I said whilst getting out of the bed and grabbing some clothes to shove on while Dorphean chuckled getting out too as we got ready and exited our room and the quarters.

We walked hand in hand to the throne and saw a strange sight before us. Link and Sidon were snuggled up in Dorphean's chair, Mipha and Zelda were sitting on a sofa beside them, Revali and Teba were at the other side in the same position as Link and Sidon and everyone was staring at us, struggling to keep their eyes open. "Good morning everyone! Are we ok?" Dorphean smiled at them. Link raised his head from Sidon's shoulder and spoke. "No, Uncle Dorphean we are not ok because we are all shattered. We got little to no sleep last night." I hummed and chuckled to myself, maybe it wasn't us that was loud last night. "Up all night too, were you boys?" "Well yeah, I mean no! If you're implying what I think you are then how come everyone else is shattered too, eh Dad?" I pushed my lips into a thin line. "Maybe you were louder than you thought and woke everyone?" "Or maybe that was you and Uncle Dorphean and you guys don't want admit you were that loud?" I smirked, like father like son with the comebacks, eh?

"Alright, alright, we're sorry ok. But can you let this one go? I mean Dorphean and I haven't seen each other in well over 100 years. So we are allowed a little time to ourselves." Everyone nodded before standing up and everyone except Link and Sidon started to head back to their rooms to sleep I guess. Dorphean sat in his chair and I sat beside him on the sofa Zelda and Mipha was on. "Don't you boys want to go back to your room and sleep?" Dorphean asked them, they shook their heads. "Nah, we're gonna give the others a few hours kip and then Zelds said we've gonna check on the house." Sidon nodded at Link's words.

We both looked at them with confusion. "The house?" I asked, Link smiled. "Oh yeah, the house. You see, Zelda, myself and the champions were given a house by the King of Hyrule, we called it the Champion's house it was essentially ours to work in, train in and basically live in after the first few weeks we knew each other. It was situated far from the castle grounds to give us peace whiling training. The good thing is it is actually quite near the Domain's area, so even if we were to move back in we could still come and go to the domain as we please."

"You're gonna move into this house all of you?" Dorphean asked with a little sadness in his voice and I knew why, he didn't want any of them to leave after just getting them back. "Well, yeah I mean we're more gonna use it for practicing, sparring and just hanging out you know? Because I remember it being quite big when it was just the six of us and now that we have the successors/back up pilots we can use all the unused rooms that were in that house. And maybe move things about too as I used to share a room with someone that I don't anymore and I wouldn't like to." This made Dorphean raised an eyebrow. "And who was this?" Dorphean asked possessively, just wanting to know who made Link feel that way about them and so did I. He took a deep breath, looking me, Dorphean and then Sidon before he spoke. "It was Revali. It was awkward and we don't talk about it much which is why we always fight and why Mipha is always the one who breaks it up because she knew how much it wasn't working at all, it started awkward and it ended awkward."

I walked up to him and hugged him. "It's alright son, you always get a few awkward ones along the way but you've Sidon now and I'm sure it will never feel that way with him." I raised an eyebrow at him as he chuckled nodding. "Yeah, Sidon's a good one. I love him." He smiled at Link. "Of course, pearl. I love you too." I knew the both of them be just fine, but this Revali fellow I was to have stern word with to see exactly went wrong.

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