Race to the edge

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"Hey, Hiccup?" He looks up from his paper, pencil hanging out of his mouth making you chuckle "can we go visit the edge?" You ask, twiddling your thumbs under the table, he raises his eyebrows and takes the pencil out his mouth, smile creeping onto his lips "you want to see the edge?" His smile turns into a smirk "yes. Why is that funny?"
"It's not. I just completely forgot I told you I'd take you there. Silly me!" You roll your eyes and smile "so...is that a yes?"
"Definitely, I'll just need to tell mum fi-" he pauses "yes, you will need to speak to your mum, and properly. Stop avoiding her." You say firmly "I'm not avoiding her..."
"Yeah you are."
"I just haven't really had time to...really talk to her. Been busy."
You roll your eyes again "I know you're still upset about the whole marriage thing with Arthur but it wasn't her fault. Or anyone's...accept my dads." He looks at you with sad eyes "no one could do anything at that time. You know that." You say softly "yeah, I guess the thought of losing you sent me into a weird angry mode." He sighs "protective mode I'd say, but it's not a bad thing."
He stands up and stretches "We'll talk to the gang and head off first thing tomorrow, sound good?" You nod "I'm excited! See all the things 17 year old you used to get up too." You giggle "bet you had such a cute baby face!" Your words make him glare at you "don't start the cute malarkey." He warns, you stick your tongue out innocently and run out the door before he could say or do anything else.


"A trip back to the edge? I've been asking for this for months!" Fishlegs jumps up and down excitedly "woah. Calm down fishface." Snotlout backs away "you know you could always have gone back on your own?"
"Where's the fun in that? It was our home for months, wouldn't be the same." Fishlegs beams "oh, the time where Astrid and Hiccup's long romance began." Snotlout sniggers, you glare at him, Fishlegs face palms "honesty, Snotlout. It's like you want to be punched in the face."
"I'll do it!" A voice suddenly yells, immediately followed by a fist colliding with Snotlout's nose, Ruffnut brushes her hands together as Snotlout rolls on the floor in pain "sisters." She winks at you "so, I hear something about going back to the edge?" She asks, you nod "yeah, leaving first thing tomorrow, tell Tuff, I'll go find Astrid."
"I'm sure Hiccup has already found her." Snotlout mumbles from below, you and Ruffnut look at each other, she grabs a bucket of fish, pouring it all over him.


"How much further?" You ask, Mystique gliding up to fly next to Toothless "should nearly be there." Hiccup replies, excitement in his voice, you smirk, he glances at you "don't you say it..."
His mouth drops open. You fall backwards laughing "oh come on, accept the compliment!" Mystique let's out a laugh, Hiccup frowns.
"Edge ahead!" Fishlegs calls, wriggling excitedly on Meatlug.
"Wow." You breathe, turning in a circle as you eye up every building "this place has seen better days." Hiccup chuckles "so many memories." He whispers, walking over to one of the buildings, resting his hand on the old, paint chipped wood "amazing memories, eh?l he nods "without a doubt. I feel like I'm 17 again being back here." You smile warmly at him "could you please show me around?" You ask, his face lightens up "it would be my pleasure." He holds his arm out "m'lady?" You link your arm around his and he guides you around, with almost every building there was a story, sometimes two. A few of them he still couldn't remember everything. He lastly brings you to his old hut "definitely can tell this is yours." You chuckle, admiring the paintings "yeah, my second home." He pushes the door open gently, a gush of wind and dust fly out as the door opens, Toothless and Mystique light up some old torches, illuminating the area.

"Hey, some old books I left behind!" Hiccup picks them up scanning through one "huh, I really did write down every small thing." You stand behind him "key eye for detail." He puts the books down and turns to you "so, what do you think?"
"I think I should have been born on Berk. You guys had so much fun!" You reply, he rubs the back of his neck "minus the first 15 years of my life where we were at daily battles with dragons."
"Yeah, minus that." You look around again "never less, I can picture it just looking around."
You went to the main building where the twins were staring at a small scratch on the wall "and here it is, where the devil struck." Ruffnut scoffs "devil?" You question, walking up to stand beside her "she means the Speed Stinger." Tuffnut answers, chuckling "Hiccup and Fishlegs thought it would be a fabulous idea to bring one back and try to tame it!" Ruffnut sneers "it was injured and vulnerable, Ruff. You know we only captured it so it could heal, we couldn't just leave it." Fishlegs says with a sigh "it did help us too." Hiccup adds, Ruffnut scoffs again "he was mean!"
"I think you mean scared." Astrid cuts in, crossing her arms "he was scared and helpless, a group of potential predators capture him, he had no idea of our intentions. He was just defending himself, it's instinct." She explains, Ruffnut shakes her head "still mean."
Hiccup rolls his eyes "anyway, Snotlout can you help me set up a fire?" He asks the shorter man "Hookfang, fire!" Snotlout calls, Hookfang shakes his head and walks away "hey!"

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