How could you?

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Your whole body is frozen, everything spinning around you. Your eyes bulging so much they may as well fall out. Fishlegs grips your arms tighter, digging his fingers deeper into your skin, you finally manage to push him away, both of you standing in complete silence, your breathing heavy "(y/n), I." He stops as a single tear falls down your cheeks "is this why?" You finally speak, he nods "I can't help it. So I've been avoiding you, trying to push my feelings away but it's not helped, I'm so sorry." He looks down, twiddling his fingers, you sigh loudly "You could have tried talking to me. I wouldn't have treated you any different." You say, he looks up "are you mad?"
"I'm shocked. I just...need to be alone." He looks up. You give him a small smile then walk away, as soon as you turn away, more tears fall down, you couldn't believe it. You never thought of him that way, and he just kissed you? He knows you and Hiccup are together, if he found out, he would go mental, probably hate you as well as Fishlegs. You didn't kiss Fishlegs back but that wasn't the point. You grasp your hair tightly, groaning loudly. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around your waist, you weren't going to lie, you almost pissed yourself.
"Hey there." Hiccups husky voice whispers into your sensitive ear, you quickly push him off, he stares at you, confusion plastered all over his face "what's wrong? You're a white as a sheet!" He steps closer, you back up "talk to me, please, you're scaring me." He reaches his hand out "I can't." You say "why?" "I can't okay? I just want to be left alone." You quickly spin back round, running into the forest, ignoring Hiccups calls after you.
Completely dumbfounded, Hiccup walks to the docks "hey Fishlegs, any idea what's wrong with (y/n)? she's really freaked out and won't tell me why." Fishlegs gulps loudly "I don't know, I've been here since lunch, didn't know she was around." He replies, trying to act as casual as possible "alright then." Hiccup sighs and walks away, Fishlegs sighs shakily, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He really messed up.

Evening came around and you still hadn't shown up from wherever you were hiding. Mystique wasn't around either so Hiccup assumed she had found you and being the protective dragon she was, he figured she was probably glued to your side.
"Hiccup?" Astrid questions, he looks up "you've been very quiet," she states "as blunt as ever." Ruff mumbles, to which Astrid throws a large piece of broccoli at her "(y/n) hasn't come back, she ran off earlier, she was pale and scared. I'm really worried. She said she wanted to be alone, so when she ran, I didn't follow her." Hiccup whispers "and since when did you listen to anyone?" Astrid laughs "very funny." He rolls his eyes "I'm being serious, she may say she wants to be alone. And most of the time that is the case but if you say she looked scared she probably does want you with her." She explains "us girls are complicated." "You're not kidding." Snotlout buts in, Astrid and Ruff glare at him "as I was saying...sometimes we say the opposite of what we want, just go see her, ya fishbone." She shoves his shoulder, shooing him away "I guess." Hiccup pulls on his shirt starring at the great hall doors.

How long had you been crying? Honestly you had no idea. You felt so guilty but you didn't know why, he kissed you. You pushed him away. Why were you blaming yourself? Mystique nudges your arm, you were curled up in a ball on the floor, a complete sobbing mess. You peek an eye open, her blurry eyes starring sadly at you, you fall onto her snout, she shoves you off then lifts you over her head to lay on her back, your arms wrapped around her neck, burying your head against her scales. Getting them snotty and wet, which was rather displeasing to her but seeing you so upset, she couldn't be mad about it.
You hadn't travelled too far away from village, you walked for about 5 minutes before collapsing onto the grass, feeling sorry for yourself. 'Rather pathetic' you thought but you couldn't push the feeling away.
You wipe your snotty nose then sit up and gaze at your arms, freshly formed finger print bruises on your skin where Fishlegs had gripped you so tight, he was a strong lad. You wince at the sensitivity as you brush your fingertips over the bruised skin, you had no idea how you would explain that one. You just had to go home and put on a long sleeved shirt before you saw Hiccup.
"There you are." Speak of the devil. You didn't dare turn round. His footsteps get closer, followed by heaving bouncing. Toothless runs over, immediately nuzzling against you, causing you lose your balance and fall off Mystiques back, landing on the hard ground, Mystique quickly picks you up, licking you softly then puffing an angry smoke cloud at Toothless "bud, you need to be more careful." Hiccup sighs, patting his dragons side, Toothless sinks down, cooing a sorry at you, you smile softly and scratch under his chin "it's alright."
"I know you said you wanted to be alone and I tried but." He stops eyes fixing on your arms "who did that?" He asks, his voice darkening "it's nothing." You reply, still not looking at him "did someone hurt you?" You could hear the anger in his voice, you don't say anything, Hiccup walks in front of you "who was it?" He snaps, making you flinch "dammit (y/n), tell me!" "stop it, you're scaring me!" You squeak, Mystique growls at Hiccup, pushing him away, her scales beginning to light up, he clenches his fists, you'd honestly never seen him this angry, he looked like he was ready to punch someone "my girlfriend has bruises on her arms and you're telling me not to be angry?" He yells "I'm not saying that!" You cry "I'm saying you need to calm down." You turn away, hiding under Mystiques wings, Hiccup let's out a long deep sigh, calming himself down before clearing his throat "I'm sorry," he whispers, you lift Mystiques wing standing back up, starring into his concerned eyes "give us a minute, girl." You say to your dragon, she gives Hiccup a "I'm watching you." Look before walking away with Toothless.

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