An agreement

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A week had passed since Hiccup proposed and you could stop the smile on your face, you'd never felt this happy. Valka was already bombarding you two with ideas, everyone was overjoyed.
As excited as you were you didn't want the wedding to completely take up your days, Hiccup was busy as normal, you'd been working with Gobber mostly. Tuffnut had already bought himself a suit, telling everyone he was going to wear it everyday until the wedding, that was a disgusting thought. It could be months until you two tied the knot and that suit would be vulgar.

You were at the docks helping unload some trades that had arrived, in the corner of your eye you notice a smaller ship docking "are we expecting visitors?" You ask Valka, she shakes her head "not as far as I'm aware." You both watch as a young man followed by a young girl exit the ship, you immediately recognise the man.


You run to each other hugging tightly "what are you doing here?" You ask "I know I should have told you in advance that I was coming but as soon as I got your letter announcing your engagement I was so excited, I wanted to congratulate you in person so we travelled over straight away." He explains, smile plastered on his face "we?" You question, giving him a look "oh right...sorry how rude of me." He holds his hand out to the girl "(y/n) this is Frida." She takes a few steps forward "Frida, this is (y/n) my big sister!" You gaze at Frida while shaking her hand.
"It's lovely to meet you." She says shyly "and you." You reply "so, Toby, how do you know her?" You ask, Toby's face immediately goes red "well you see...she's my girlfriend." Your mouth falls open, Valka laughs lightly "you have a girlfriend? Well I never thought I'd see this day." You snigger.
"Shut up."
"Hiccup will be thrilled that you're here!" You exclaim, grabbing your brothers arm, dragging him to the great hall "here with a dislocated shoulder." He groans "oh shut up, don't be dramatic, this is exciting!"
You walk into the great hall to the back where Hiccup was sitting, deep in thought, piles of papers scattered around him "Hiccup, I'm sorry to interrupt." You begin "no, honestly you can interrupt me at any time, I've always got time for you." He replies, not looking up.
"Look at me." He finally looks up, immediately dropping his pencil standing up "Toby! What a nice surprise, (y/n) didn't tell me you were coming!" The two of them shake hands "great to see you, and congratulations." Toby beams "and (y/n) didn't know, surprise!"
"Thank you very much, welcome to Berk! And who's this?" Hiccup asks, turning his attention to Frida "oh, uhm...I'm Frida, sir...I mean chief, I uh." Her cheeks flush pink as she stutters, Hiccup let's out a soft chuckle "please, just call me Hiccup." He flaps his hand up and down, you walk over and take his other hand, he smiles warmly at you "of course....Hiccup." She says, twirling some hair round her finger, staring daggers into him, her bottom him tugged between her teeth.


"How long will you be staying?" Hiccup asks, he was showing Toby and Frida around Berk "probably two or three days, not long unfortunately." Toby replies "I've wanted to come to Berk ever since me and (y/n) found each other again."
"I really did want you to come visit sooner Tobs, but I guess I was worried about mum and dad, and after they died, I didn't want to take you away from home as a new chief." You say sadly "no, I totally get it." He says reassuringly, Frida remained quiet, you'd noticed she had been staring at Hiccup a fair bit, you thought it was a bit weird but you pushed it out your mind, he takes your hand, linking your fingers together, you step closer, Resting your head on his shoulder as you continued to walk around.

A short while later the four of you went back towards the great hall, the twins came running over, intrigued by the guests "is this Toby?" Ruffnut asks, punching his arm "yes, and you two better be nice." Hiccup warns "Psh, aren't we always nice?" Tuffnut asks, before Hiccup could answer anything sarcastic, Tuffnut speaks up again "so, your dragon...what species is it? Wait, No don't tell me...I'm guessing...Boneknapper!"
Toby stares at him with wide eyes "no way, definitely a Gronkle." Ruffnut argues "are you nuts? BoneKnapper all the way."
"Wait....he's (y/n)'s sister...oh oh I know, DeathGripper!" Ruffnut squeals excitedly "we actually don't have dragons." Toby says, the twins freeze "still? Wow I thought (y/n) was joking."
You roll your eyes "not everyone has to have dragons, Tuff." He turns to you and tuts "I rather disagree."
"Okay then, we have stuff to do so excuse us please." Hiccup chants in "oh cool, we have nothing to do, let's show these two what Berk is really about!" Ruffnut cheers, head butting her twin, you sigh rubbing your temples "oh, I didn't realise the time, to the great hall." Hiccup gently pushes Toby and Frida away from the twins whom were still rambling away.

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