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You'd been thinking about Fishlegs a lot since yesterday, the way he acted. You figured you'd try and talk to him. He was probably feeling awkward as hell but you weren't going to act like anything was wrong. You found him at the docks giving Meatlug a belly rub "hey Fishlegs!" You call, he jumps "oh hey, uh." He scratches the back of his head, you sigh "you alright? You just took of yesterday." You walk over to him "yeah, I had to give Meatlug a bath, and she doesn't like when I'm late." He chuckles nervously, Meatlug instantly giving him a disgusted look as soon as he mentioned the word bath. She scoffs and sits up, looking at you with big eyes and her tongue flopping out her mouth as always.
"Fancy a fly?" You ask "I don't get to hang out with you much. I can't find anyone else to join us though, any idea where they are?" He shrugs "haven't seen anyone all day, or heard the twins causing chaos which is rare." He laughs nervously "how's Hiccup doing?" He asks "he's alright. His fever is going down, he's just really tired still." You scratch your arm "yeah, I've heard glandular fever takes a while to go. Even when his fever breaks, he will still feel fatigued for at least another week."
You sigh again "as long as he's getting better." Fishlegs nods "so. About that fly?" You give him a smile, he freezes "gee I would love too but....I." He stops "I get it, who'd want to hang out alone with the weird girl who usually spends her time alone." You sneer with an eye roll "no, I didn't mean that." He takes your hand "I love hanging out with you it's." He looks down, realising what he's done he quickly moves his hand away "forget it." You whisper and walk away.
Well that put a downer on your day. Maybe he only hung out with you when the others were around because he had too. They all probably felt sorry for you. Pitied you. Only nice to you because of Hiccup. Maybe that's the only reason people pretended to care. For him. Their chief.
You grumble to yourself and mount Mystique, Fishlegs starring at you, unsure of what to say. You glance coldly at him then signal Mystique to go, before she can, Toothless runs over, tongue also hanging out of his mouth pouncing onto you, soaking you with slobber "ahhhh! Stop." You gasp, Mystique slaps him on the head with her tail making him immediately back up, you glare at him but he only smiles "thank you, Toothless." You sigh standing up and flicking his spit onto his nose "what's up?" He walks closer and rests his nose against your stomach, you were confused "Toothless?" He grabs your shirt and throws you onto his back then looks over his shoulder "oh." You wiggle round, Mystique glaring at him "you know he can't fly without someone on his back. We did it yesterday." She looks away sticking her nose up "it's just until Hiccup is strong enough, come on girl, don't be like that." You coo, she looks round and huffs then nods "you know you're my favourite don't you?" You open your arms for her to nuzzle against you "fly time!" You cheer, adjusting your foot and checking it was working his tail fine and you took off.

You fly for a while enjoying the cool air, how free you felt. You'd always wished you had your own wings, how amazing it would be. You stop off at an island that had a large lake, you unstrap Toothless's saddle and he bounces off, star fishing into the water, Mystique on the other hand wasn't as keen, she sat at the waters edge just dipping her tail in. Toothless calls at you to join him. You shrug, why not?
You cannonball into the water, clinging onto Toothless's neck he pulls you along like a dolphin, you had a few splash fights, wrestling him underwater was so much easier. You loved Toothless, he was such a childish Dragon, always mucking around. Mystique was more relaxed. She did like to play, but she was more cautious of her size, always worrying about hurting you. You swim Over to Mystique patting her side "you coming in?" You ask, she look at you for a minute then gestures to her saddle, you climb out and unstrap her saddle, as soon at it hits the floor she flings you onto her back and dives in. For a while the three of you swim and splash around.
You lay down on a sunny patch of grass and begin to dry off, one dragon either side of you, Toothless was groaning and rubbing his back against the grass, you snort at him, Mystique purring softly as the sun soaked into her scales. You were nearly completely dry, the sun was starting to set signalling it was probably time to head back, you tie Mystiques saddle back on. as you just finish tying Toothless's a twig snap from behind you spins you round.

Both dragons begin to growl, a figure slowly approaches, you couldn't see who they were in the shadows. The figure stops "(y/n)?" That voice. You were hoping it wasn't who you thought it was, the figure walks out of the shadows and surely enough, it was him.


He runs towards you only to get stopped by Toothless and Mystique stepping in front of you, growling louder, Mystiques scales lighting up, Toby stops, his face painted with shock, more rustling alerts the dragons more but Toby quickly lifts his arm "I can't believe it's you!" He gasps, you pet both dragons heads making them back down and you step forward. Your brother grabs you into a tight hug, damn he was strong.
"Where the hell have you been? We haven't seen you in nearly a year!" He yells, you roll your eyes "like anyone even noticed." He pulls away, hands on your shoulders "are you kidding? Mum and dad have been worried sick about you!" He exclaims, you raise an eyebrow at him "don't talk wet, Toby. Mum and dad couldn't care less about me, they barely acknowledged my existence for 21 years." You scoff "it was all about you, anything about me they didn't want to know."
Toby scratches his arm awkwardly "it's not true." You roll your eyes again "Toby, you hardly ever saw me either. I'm not blaming you for that. I was always alone. Anytime I tried to talk to mum and dad or show them something they were always so brief with me but if you did something they wouldn't shut up about it to me." Toby gazes at you with his bright blue eyes "they said the reason you were rarely around was because you had a job at the blacksmith and wasn't allowed to be disturbed." You watch his face as spoke, he looked sad "half of that was true, I did have a job, but I wasn't not allowed to see people." Toby's mouth falls into an "oh." You both stand in silence for a moment then he speaks up "why did you leave?" You look down at the floor "I just didn't feel like I belonged there. Mum and dad always acted like I was a whisper in the wind, they never had time for me. It was all about you, the precious son destined for greatness! I wasn't jealous. I was lonely. And the whole thing about dragons boiled my blood too. I couldn't take it anymore."
"How did you leave?"
You gesture to Mystique who was still quietly snarling "how on earth did you get her?" He asks, eyes widening "I found her a few years ago as I was taking my daily walk through the forest, she was injured so I nursed her better and we bonded. She didn't want to leave me. Me and her were the same." You say "so I kept her hidden, I'd been thinking about leaving for a while, then one night after a rather bad argument with dad I simply wrote a note and left without looking back."
"You could have talked to me." Toby whispers, hurt in his voice "Tobs, you know our village hates dragons and I was scared for her safety, it's not that I didn't trust you, I didn't know how you'd react and you know mum and had people watching you all the time, I didn't know how to tell you without someone overhearing." You say with a soft sigh, he looks up at you "yeah, it gets pretty annoying to be honest. They're so clingy, I've never liked it." He chuckles softly "after you left, mum was pretty upset. She was blaming herself for not loving you the way a mother should. How unfair she was to pay me more attention than you. Not to treat the two of us equally." That made your heart sink. You loved your parents deep down but you felt like you weren't the daughter they wanted or deserved. They weren't bad people. You wanted answers. You wanted them badly but you never had the guts to ask them. Especially not your father.

"What are you doing out here anyway? And alone for that matter." You ask, Toby scuffs his boot against the grass "I came looking for you. I'm not alone, I have men with me but they're waiting back there just incase, y'know dragon attacks." He says "why are you looking for me?" You ask again, getting annoyed. Toothless rubs his head against your hip, Mystique shuffles even closer to you, purring softly as you scratch her chin.

"It's mum and dad. They want you to come back home. For good. We all do."

Fire and ice (hiccupxreader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now