Skin to skin

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The air was still cool and crisp, sending a long shiver down your spine as you tighten Mystiques saddle, she wasn't so pleased about being awake this early "I know it's early but the sooner we relocate the Screaming death for her baby to recover the safer they'll be." You explain, patting her head, she scoffs tiredly, Hiccup mounts Toothless and shivers "it's freezing today." He rubs his arms, teeth chattering "is everyone going to complain today?" You question looking at Toothless who was groaning quietly, eyes blinking awake, rolling your eyes you mount Mystique and take off.
The cave came into view, you were excited, quickly jumping off Mystique and entering. The Mother hears you approach, immediately moving in front of her babies, unsure of who was coming. As you come into view, she relaxes , slowly approaching, pressing her head against you "we are going to re locate you, somewhere the hunters won't find you or your babies." You whisper, the mother looks deep into your eyes and coos softly.
You carried the recovering baby on your lap, the mother and other three babies following you and Hiccup across the ocean, you weren't sure where you were going but a good cave couldn't be too hard to find.
After flying for an hour you land on a fairly big island, a cave seemingly empty catches your eye. You carefully slide off Mystique, the baby in your arms wriggles around, it was much more lively than yesterday which was relieving. "This looks good, it's high up and fairly hidden." Hiccup states, the mother nods her head, then turns to you, nudging you gently then gestures her babies to follow her to their new home.
A small deed, but it made you so happy, knowing that family were safe, you watch them fly up, Hiccup stand beside you and takes your hand, you look at him, warm smile on his face, gazing at you.
"What?" You question, cheeks flushing pink "'re just amazing." He replies happily, the morning sun shining on his face, the golden rays radiating onto his freckled skin, eyes gleaming, you bite back a smile, your knees suddenly feeling weak, seeing him genuinely happy, that smile he did turned you into a melting mess. He chuckles softly watching you, his thumb gently grazing over you hand, your intertwined fingers fitting together like puzzle pieces.
"We should head back." You say softly, his smile fades slightly "I don't want too, yet." He squeezes your hand "but you have things to do." You say "that can wait. I just want..." he pauses, the nerves evident in his voice "I want to be alone with you, for a bit longer." Your heart flutters at his words, you nod, he gently tugs you towards him, holding you closely. His strong arms were like a shield, trying to protect you from the cruel world around you, your arms glide up, snaking them past his shoulders, your fingers grazing through his always soft auburn hair, you bury your face into his collarbone, inhaling his scent. He always smelt nice, you could never pinpoint exactly what of, but it was him. His own unique musk. And it wasn't a bad one, which was quite rare.

Being alone with him was rare, he was always so busy with running the village, which you understood, you were an independent person, a lot of the time keeping yourself to yourself but Hiccup changed something inside you. It was strange, you always craved his gentle touch, his raspy voice was like a melody in your ears. For years you had always felt like a piece of you was missing, but Hiccup changed that.
That boy got a hold of you and refused to let go, he was the fire that melted away the cold barrier around your heart, warming it back up, fading away the numbness, giving it feeling again.
Hiccup wasn't sure exactly when he fell for you. Your mysteriousness intrigued him at first, he wanted to help you push past your trust issues. He had a way of always seeing the good in people, as you opened up more to him, he felt something flutter inside him. The instinct to protect you was there from the moment he saw you falling from mystique. You were a mystery to him but he didn't care. As your personality began to come through he felt himself falling deeper every day.
The two of you wondered around the island for what felt like only a few minutes, he never let go of you. If your hand slipped away from his he would immediately take it back, or wrap an arm round your waist or shoulders and kiss your cheek. The dragons would often mock his soppiness which always made you giggle, he simply rolled his eyes smiling. You eventually headed back to Berk, most of the time Hiccup was starring at you, the smile never leaving his lips. You were surprised his face wasn't aching yet.
You land near the village centre, Hiccup quickly jumping off Toothless to help you down  off  Mystique "such a gentleman." You chuckle taking his extended hand sliding down "I try." He replies, spinning you round so he could hug you from behind, rocking your bodies slowly, humming into your ear.
"There you are! Jesus we've been looking for you for ages!" Snotlout bellows stomping over, you both stare at him "and for gods sake, cut the lovey dovey stuff, it's gross!" You roll your eyes "nice to see you Snotlout." You glare at the dark haired boy "I think it's rather adorable." Valka chuckles suddenly appearing "hey mum..Uh, really sorry we were re locating the screaming death and her babies." Hiccup says "I guessed so, dear." Valka replies "that's not all you were doing, eh?" Ruff sniggers elbowing Hiccup in the side "don't be immature, Ruff." He sighs "what? You two are all over each other, something clearly happened." She winks, you groan in annoyance, pushing yourself away but he pulls you back, your butt hitting his groin with a slight force making him grunt. "Sorry." You whisper "no, it's...." he pauses, moving his lower body so it wasn't pressing against you "my fault, just winded me a bit." He laughs awkwardly, you weren't convinced. Looking at Ruffnut, she had a mischievous look on her face, looking like she was trying to stop herself from saying something "Hiccup, you are needed at the great hall, we've been awaiting your return." Valka says softly "sorry again about that." Hiccup mumbles "it's alright dear, as long as the dragons are safe." She smiles again "well, gotta go. Mothers orders." He chuckles kissing your cheek before walking away with Toothless by his side, letting your hands slowly slide apart, as he walked away, he looked back over his shoulder at you, smiling again.
"Ooooooo!" Ruffnut suddenly says making you jump "do you know what just happened?" "Uhh...he just walked to the great hall?" Ruffnut shakes her head "come on! You must have noticed his sudden change in behaviour?" You raise an eyebrow "what about it?"
Ruffnut lets out a loud laugh "I think you're too innocent to be told." She punches your arm lightly then grabs it, leading you to god knows where.
Later that evening you were sitting in Hiccups room, reading on his bed. Gobber had given you a history book on Berk, it was so fascinating to learn. The door creeks open but you don't take your eyes off the page, you were engulfed in the information.
"Wotcha reading?" Hiccup chuckles "history on Berk." You reply, your brows furrowing as you concentrate, he sits beside you and stretches "god trading deals are a pain." He sighs, you don't reply, he glances at you and smirks "earth to (y/n)" he calls, you snap out of your reading trance "sorry, it's just so fascinating." You say, finally closing the book, Hiccup notices you wearing one of his shirts, he bites back a smile "you look cute in that."
You shove him gently, pouting "it's comfy." He lets out a loud laugh, crawling over flopping down next to you, looking at you with a particular gleam in his eyes, you shuffle down so you were laying facing him "what's on your mind?" You ask "just you." He replies, his fingers gently tracing up and down your figure, something was up with him.
His hand stops at your hip where he rests its there, still moving his fingers to lightly massage your skin through your leggings, butterflies start going crazy inside you, he had a look on his face, one you'd never seen before. He moves closer, pressing your lips together almost forcefully, instantly tangling one of his hands in your hair, pulling your body as close as he could to him, his other hand trailing up and down your back, he shuffles, gradually lifting himself to hover over you.

Your heart was thumping against your chest as he pulled away, looking down at you. "someone's extra touchy." You whisper, biting your lip, earning a soft groan from him "I can't help it. You're just so perfect." He purrs leaning down, planting soft kisses along your neck sending sparks shooting throughout your now limp body "mmmm I like it." You mumble into his ear, he groans again, trailing his lips back to yours, he was needy. He wanted all of you. He kissed you like it would be his last time, feeling every part of your body, treasuring every second, memorising every delicate touch.
He didn't need to say anything for you to know what he was asking, he looks at you, his heart full of love, his face soft, eyes burning with lust. His breathing heavy as your hands ran down his chest to his hips, it made sense that Ruffnut said earlier, why he suddenly went awkward, it made you mentally chuckle. Hiccup runs his tongue over his lips and leans even closer. You trusted him with your life, you had so much love for him and he was the same with you. He knew if you weren't comfortable you would tell him, you pushed any negative thoughts away, right now it was just the two of you, together, nothing but love and happiness.

Fire and ice (hiccupxreader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now