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Sorry it's been a while....I've finally finished his chapter while melting. UK has a heatwave at the moment and it's just nasty humid air. The thunderstorm that's due can hurry up!


You are disturbed with warm, fishy breath hitting your face. You pull the blanket over your face, trying to block the horrid smell. Mystique growls and flings the blanket off your body "alright alright." You grumble, she lets out a laughing noise.
You walk down the stairs to see Valka starring at the Skrill's egg, she hears you approaching and greets you with a warm smile "morning...well afternoon." She chuckles "hello." You reply sheepishly and sit beside her "what do you think about the egg? Does it look healthy?" You then ask "it does. I'd say it's nearly ready to hatch, it's pretty heavy and when looking at it through a light the baby is quite squished in there," she replies "any day now I think. Mystique seems to be taking the role of mother."
At that moment Mystique nuzzles against you then then the egg, pulling it towards her chest with her feet, holding it closely. You and Valka both laugh "I've never raised a baby dragon before? What do I do?" You ask "it's nothing you can't handle I'm sure. But a Skrill...I'm not sure how they behave as babies. We can learn together."

Later that afternoon you were sat in front of the fire leaning against the sofa drawing in your book, humming softly to yourself with Mystique and Toothless dozing beside you. The egg sat snugly in between your crossed legs. You hadn't been out today apart from flying Mystique. the mood wasn't there, you felt tired and wanted to kick back and not leave the egg alone. You could trust Mystique and Toothless but since Valka was certain the egg could hatch any day you didn't want to risk missing the moment.
So caught up in your drawing you didn't hear the door opening. A hand rests on your shoulder, looking up you see Hiccup sitting beside you "hey." He whispers, Toothless and Mystique run outside together "that looks amazing." He runs a finger over the drawing "not the best but I felt creative." You reply closing the book "I met the gang earlier, they said they hadn't seen you today. You alright?" He asks "I'm fine, just feeling tired today is all." You reassure him closing the book.
Suddenly you felt the egg shaking, you tap Hiccups shoulder and look down. There was a single long crack along the shell "it's hatching." You whisper, adrenaline pumping through your body.
It took almost an hour for the baby to break out of its egg. You wanted to help it but Hiccup explained it needed to do it on its own. It's eyes fall onto you and it lets out a croaky cry, Hiccup wraps it in a fur rug and lifts it up, holding it in his arms "hey there...." he pauses and unwraps the blanket for a moment "little guy!" The baby Skrill squawks then suddenly sneezes, shooting a lightning bolt into the fire "he's defiantly going to set the house on fire a few times" Hiccup chuckles "at least until he works out how to control his lightning." He tickles under the baby's chin then hands him to you, the baby squawks again, nuzzling against you "you must be hungry, eh?" You and Hiccup walk outside to find Mystique playing with Toothless "hey bud, Mystique. Come over here, we have someone for you to meet!" Hiccup calls, the two night furies scramble off each other and bundle towards you.
Both of them sniff the baby curiosly, Mystique runs towards a fish basket and gulps a load down then comes back and regurgitates it onto the floor to which the baby wriggles excitedly, you place him onto the floor and he begins slurping the mush up.
"What should we call him?" Hiccup asks, you think for a moment "what about Bolt?" You suggest, Hiccup nods "bolt of lightning, I like it."

Bolt stumbles on his wobbly legs towards Toothless, and latches onto his tail, Toothless lifts his tail glaring at the tiny Skrill, he lets out a small growl, Bolt yelps and suddenly small forks of lightning start flowing around his body, Toothless rolls his eyes and shakes his tail a few times until Bolt finally lets go, he falls to the grass and scrambles towards you, trying to climb up your leg. The funny sensation making you laugh "it feels like I'm being poked with loads of tiny swords." You breathe "as he gets older, it's going to be a lot more powerful. We need to figure out a way to hold and interact with him so he doesn't accidentally hurt us. He's too young and clumsy to understand or really control his abilities." Hiccup says, furrowing his brows as he tried to think of an idea.

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