End the agreement

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Hiccup was speechless, your own brother was agreeing on marrying you off to some stranger "I'm sorry Hiccup. It's best for her that she's somewhere safe and close to me." Toby says, taking the letter back. Hiccup clenches his fists "are you for real? Now it makes sense, you were in on this the whole time!" He yells "no, I never was but I've thought about it. Look, I have a a lot of respect for you, Hiccup. But she's always had danger since she's met you. She needs to be somewhere safe and secure, she's delicate."
Hiccup scoffs loudly "you clearly don't know her like you think. She's strong, longs for freedom, not to be tied up to someone she doesn't even love, is that what you want? Her to be miserable? I don't want to brag but she's pretty damn happy with me." He snarls, Toby looks down at the floor "I'm sorry, Hiccup. Besides Harald is an important trade partner to me."
"Oh and your sister isn't important?"
"Of course she is! Don't you get it? I'm deciding this for her!"
"No, you're doing this for yourself! (Y/n) is a human with feelings. I can't believe you're willingly make her lead a miserable life for your own selfishness, I don't see you being forced into dating Frida, you have no damn idea how she's feeling, did you even see the heartbreak on her face as Harald took her away? She was crushed." Hiccup growls, Toby shakes his head "Toby, look at me." He looks up
"I love (y/n) okay? We've been through a hell of a lot together, she's my rock. I wouldn't have gotten through a lot of things without her, now you can make this decision but know this. I will fight for her, even if it kills me, no one should ever be forced to marry if they don't want too. She will be free, and she will be happy. Mark my words." Hiccup quickly snatches the letter off Toby and runs out of the door, quickly jumping onto Toothless and shooting up into the air, Mystique following close behind them. 

Hiccup was furious, your own bother saying that. He shakes his head quickly heading towards Harald's village.
When he arrives, he's greeted by very shocked people, ignoring them he goes straight to the main house. He knocks and a middle aged woman answers "hello sir, how can I help you?" She asks kindly "I'm here to speak to Harald. It's urgent." He replies, rage pulsing through his veins "oh, I see, do come in—-oh!"
Her eyes widen at the sight of two large dragons stood behind him "they're fine. They won't harm anyone ."
The lady gulps "uhm, okay. Sorry we've never had dragons here." She explains, Hiccup nods "I understand, please tell chief Harald that Chief Hiccup will be waiting for him, and I'm not leaving until I see him and (y/n)"
The lady nods in understanding "this way, sir." She leads him to a large room, Toothless and Mystique sit at Hiccups feet, cautiously looking around. Hiccup looks out of the window and spots you standing in the garden with a stranger. He guessed that was Arthur. He takes your hand to which you once again snap it back, crossing your arms, Arthur looked defeated, running his hand through his blonde hair before handing you a large bunch of flowers, Hiccup watches you scrunch up your nose at them making him chuckle, sure you liked flowers but clearly this guy was trying too hard and by the look on your face you really weren't impressed, he mentally laughs to himself, his smile instantly breaking as Arthur leans in and kisses your cheek, you immediately push him back, shouting something at him, Hiccup sighs in relief, then notices you walking towards the door. His heart begins racing as he hears the door click, he quickly jumps up to see you open the door, a clear frown stuck onto your face.

Your eyes lock, he bites his lip as tears immediately flood your eyes, without a second thought you bolt over to him, jumping into his arms "Hiccup, I can't believe you're here." You sob, he holds you tightly, shushing softly into your ear as you cried more and more "I'm here, and I'm not leaving until I take you home with me." You pull back staring at him for a few seconds, god he was beautiful, you really had missed him. The tiny freckles dotted along his soft skin, his small soft lips, the scar on his chin, his bright forest green eyes and how his fringe ever so slightly covered them, which occasionally bothered him, he'd try blowing against it to move it out the way which always ended up with you carefully moving the hair for him. He smiles widely before leaning in, just before your lips touch you are interrupted by a loud "ahem."

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