It's been a long time.

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"Ok...aaaannnddddd open your eyes!" Astrid chirps, Valka, Gobber and Ruffnut all open their eyes, theirs mouth falling open "oh my gosh. It's perfect!" Valka sobs, covering her mouth as her eyes fill with tears "oh lass, you look beautiful!" Gobber says with a sniff, Ruffnut remains silent, her mouth seemingly getting wider by the second "you're going to catch flies, Ruffnut." You chuckle, she quickly closes it then smiles widely "damn, Hiccup can back off, I want to marry you. And I don't even like girls! although my brother really does put me off men."
"Someone who is related to you and acts just like you? So you put yourself off men and yourself?" Astrid smirks "that's not what I meant!" Ruffnut remarks. You roll your eyes and smile "seriously, you look stunning!" Ruffnut then says, all 4 pairs of eyes were on you making your cheeks burn "you really think so?" You ask, looking down at yourself, brushing the fabric with your hands "definitely. It's perfect!" Valka beams, standing up and hugging you "Hiccup will love it too when he sees you in it."

You hug her back, thinking about the wedding day that was fast approaching. You now had the dress, almost everything was ready, reality had really sunk in now, as much as you told yourself you were ready for this, nerves kept creeping in.
"Seeing you in that, takes me back to the days before I married Stoick. I can see it in your eyes, love. It's natural to be nervous but it's what you and Hiccup both want and you two are a match made in Valhalla." Valka says softly, you bite your lip, twiddling your fingers "you don't think....he'll chicken out?" You ask nervously.
"Are you kidding? That boy is smitten. He'd run into fire without his protective suit on for you." Astrid chuckles "From the day he brought you here it was obvious he had something for you. A sort of protectiveness. Sometimes it was so obvious I don't know how you missed it."
Everyone laughs "I didn't miss all of it. It was more a trust thing. It took me a while to fully trust, don't get me wrong, it didn't take me long to realise what a good kindhearted man is and I did notice when he was staring to show interest in me, the small touches, smiles, but it was more me being afraid and pushing him away, thinking I wasn't worth it." You say, Astrid looks at you sympathetically "we've all been there, but now we are here, in this moment." She smiles widely at you "
You stand in front of the mirror, admiring the white gown "all we need to sort out now is your hair." Valka says, standing behind you "I'm thinking a simple braid along my head to make a half ponytail." You reply "that sounds perfect!"


"There you are! Have you been hiding from me?" Hiccup teases, you chuckle lightly "no, just some fittings."
"Ah, I shall ask no more." He places his hands over his ears, stepping backwards, you'd noticed that he was a lot more happier lately.
You cross you arms, looking at him amused. Toothless comes running over, knocking Hiccup over and pinning him down "Toothless, don't you dare." He warns. Toothless sticks his tongue out but then jumps off laughing "honestly, you're so rude." Hiccup pouts, you shake your head and smile, Toothless grabs Hiccups Helmet from his hands and runs off "hey, give that back! Do you want to fly or not?" Hiccup yells, chasing after him. You watch as the two of them run around, Hiccup jumps to grab onto Toothless's tail but misses, falling face first into the dry dirt, a cloud of brown dirt rising around him. He gives in, rolling onto his back, waiting.
Toothless soon creeps forward, dropping the now slimy helmet onto Hiccups chest "my hair doesn't need washing, but thanks, bud." He sighs, shaking the helmet, you wince as a ridiculous amount of spit flies off "I guess no helmet." He stands up walking over to you "I'm not touching that." You state, looking at the dripping helmet in his hands with pure disgust "please, it just needs to dry off in whatever sun you can find." He begs "fine." You hold it with two fingers, muttering how disgusting it was as you walk away "it's not like you've never dealt with dragon spit before!" Hiccup calls, laughing as you turn around and glare at him, he waves innocently and jumps onto Toothless, the two of them disappearing in seconds.

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