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The two of you rode in silence, you don't know why you agreed to go with this guy. Maybe if he could help build a saddle it would help you a lot. What did you have to lose?

Toothless lands in an open area surrounded by trees, Mystique lands behind, sniffing the air curiously "I figured you didn't want a dramatic introduction so we can walk from here, its not far." Hiccup says "one thing." You mumble "is there anywhere I can keep Mystique hidden?" Hiccup takes his helmet off looking at you with confusion
"I'm not ashamed of her, just very protective. She's never been around large crowds and I know if people rush over gawking she'll get scared." You say softly, Hiccup thinks for a moment "she can stay in Toothless's stable. I'm the only one who goes in there." You nod "she is a gorgeous dragon though." He says scratching behind her ear "how old is she?" He asks "not sure, maybe about 15 years." You reply.
You arrive at a large stable placed next to a big house, you settle Mystique in "I'll see you later, stay quiet ok?" You whisper hugging her, she purrs then curls up into a ball falling asleep.

"This is my place, I live with my mum." Hiccup explains "I'll take you to Gobber's workshop where we'll be building the saddle." He guides you through a crowded area, people were looking at you, instant paranoia kicks in, you tap Hiccups shoulder "can they stop staring?" You mutter, pulling your jacket over your head, Hiccup laughs "they're just curious, ignore them." He grabs your arm leading you to another building.
"Look who's finally made an appearance, do ye know how many times I've had people in here asking for you?" A voice grumbles, you peak from under your jacket to see a blonde man staring Hiccup down "sorry Gobber, I lost track of time flying Toothless." Hiccup replies scratching the back of his head "oh...who's this lass?" Gobber looks down at you "this is (y/n) I bumped into her when flying." Hiccup replies happily, you stay quiet "ah a shy one I see, well nice to meet ya." He waves, you awkwardly smile back "the reason I've brought her here is she doesn't have a saddle for her dragon so I want to make one for her."
"Ah my speciality, what species is it?" Gobber questions grabbing a pencil and paper, you gulp. Hiccup looks at you "'s." He stutters, Gobber looks at him like he's lost his mind "I can't tell you her species, all I'm going to say is she is a very shy creature, and she's roughly the same size as Toothless." You say, Gobber writes it down "don't worry lassie, I won't ask questions. Did you have any ideas?"
You spent 20 minutes discussing designs and colours, after you were done, Hiccup starts to show you around more, suddenly someone calls out his name.
"Hiccup, there you are!" A blonde girl runs over, almost knocking him over as she hugs him "hey Astrid." He says lowly "Bloody hell, what kind of chief keeps vanishing every 5 minutes?" Another male voice yells, a short boy with black hair comes stomping over "chief." You whisper Astrid finally notices you "wait. Who's she?" She asks looking you up and down , you stand there awkwardly "she's gorgeous is what she is." The black haired boy buts in "Snotlout, shut up." Hiccup groans. Snotlout? What an odd name.
"Hiccup. Who is she?" Astrid asks again, slight bitterness in her voice "this is (y/n) she's a traveller. She's here for a few day's designing something." Hiccup explains "what you designing? Something to compliment your gorgeous face?" Snotlout purrs, you glare at him "a saddle, Snotlout. Now leave her alone." Hiccup steps in between you two. "What dragon do you have?" A larger blonde boy asks, seemingly appearing out of nowhere "I don't want to say." You simply reply. They all stare at you, shocked by your blunt reply.
"Ok, that's enough questions. Excuse us." Hiccup gently taps your shoulder then points to Toothless, you quickly climb onto his back, Hiccup gets on in front of you "I'll see you guys later." He says to the group then turns to you and smiles "you might want to hold on." You awkwardly wrap your arms around his waist, feeling dagger stares from your right, Toothless flies up then quickly lands again.
"Sorry about them. We could have walked back here but I could see you were uncomfortable." Hiccup says nervously "uncomfortable indeed. I swear that blonde girl already hates me." You mutter "oh Astrid? She's just a jealous type, take no notice." He replies opening the door to his house.
"Mum?" He calls out, a woman appears from round the corner "hello, dear." She greets, her voice soft and calming "who's this young lady?" She turns to you "this is (y/n) she's staying at Berk for a few days, we are building her a saddle for her dragon." He says "lovely to meet you, my name is Valka." She shakes your hand. You try to speak but you felt like your throat had closed up. Valka nods slightly "it's alright love." She smiles warmly then turns back to Hiccup "she can stay in the spare room." You jolt at her words "and no objections. You don't want to stay at that smelly inn." She chuckles as she walks away.

Hiccup shows you to the room "well, get some sleep, I'm just across the hall. If you need anything, please don't hesitate." He says softly, you nod, he turns to leave "H-Hiccup." You whisper, he looks over his shoulder "thank you." He smiles and walks out the room, closing the door behind him. You sit on the bed, it was pretty comfy. Your eyes begin to feel droopy. You curl up under the covers and quickly drift off.

It was early, your body clock forces your eyes open. You groan loudly and stretch while sitting up. Looking out the window you notice it's still dark. Slowly opening the door, the eerily quietness of the house flows around. You tip toe towards the stairs. A door creeks open making you freeze. You turn to see Toothless walking out of what you assumed was Hiccups room, he greets you "shhh." You hush him "go back to sleep." You carefully go down the stairs and outside to the stable. Mystique was sat waiting for you her blue scales lighting up the room, she jumps up and happily tackles you to the floor "morning." You giggle, Mystique suddenly stops and groans, you look to the door and see Toothless stood there "Toothless?" He coos at you "I'm going for a fly with Mystique. I can't take you with me. Hiccup would probably kill me." Toothless snorts a laugh "oh he wouldn't?" The dragon shakes his head "I can't risk it, I'm sorry." He frowns "I promise, before I leave, I'll fly with you, deal?" He licks you happily "alright we need to go before it gets light." You climb onto Mystiques back, she stretches her wings and walks out the door "let's go," you whisper, she quickly darts up into the sky, Toothless sits and watches you disappear into the early morning clouds.
An hour later you land back. You sit with Mystique for a while in the stable, talking to her. Toothless re appears as well, he was a very social dragon. Mystique didn't know what to think of him. As you close the stable door, someone clears their throat.
"An early rider, eh?" You spin round to be greeted by Hiccup stood there arms crossed, smirk on his face "earlier than you it seems." You chuckle, looking at his messy hair, he snorts "if Toothless doesn't wake me, mum does." You stand in silence for a few seconds "so, Breakfast?"

The great hall was pretty impressive, it reminded you of home. You sat with Hiccup, he introduced you to two new faces. Identical faces.
"Ruffnut, Tuffnut, this is (y/n)" hiccup says gesturing to you "hello there! I'm ruffnut. This idiot is my brother." Tuffnut slams his sisters head into her bowl of yak milk "you're the idiot, the state of you!" He laughs, Hiccup sighs loudly "we didn't meet properly yesterday, I'm Fishlegs." The larger blonde boy says with a smile "hey, sorry if I was rude yesterday." You reply, your cheeks going red "nonsense, your dragon must be pretty impressive if you don't want to flash her about." He beams "must be." Snotlout murmurs, you look at him "meaning?"
"Oh nothing." He looks away, Hiccup frowns at him.
After breakfast, Fishlegs was going on about dragons to you as you left the great hall. Damn he knew a lot. You hadn't spoken to someone about dragons before. Hiccup clears his throat "we're going for a fly, did you want to join us? You can ride on Toothless with me." He asks you. You look around at the others, the same pair of blue eyes glaring at you "thanks but, I think I'm going to work on my saddle" you smile.
He seemed a bit sad by your response "come on Hiccup." Astrid says tugging on his arm "are you sure?" He asks you, you nod "I like to be alone." You reply, then turn away. He watches you leave "she's mysterious." Snotlout says, scratching his chin "what do you actually know about her?" Ruffnut asks "I...hardly anything." Hiccup whispers. Snotlout was right. You were mysterious.
You spend an hour building your saddle, Gobber let you use a small area out the back so you wouldn't be disturbed. You sigh and wipe your forehead, you didn't have the attention span for this. You decide to stop and take a walk around.
After their fly, the gang hang out at the docks "Hookfang, I've told you to stop setting yourself alight without warning me." Snotlout yells at his monstrous Nightmare while rubbing his butt, Hookfang shakes his head "you know it's because you still haven't fire proofed your butt, idiot." Ruffnut snorts "hey I haven't got round to it!"
Hiccup rolls his eyes, his attention turns to you again, he wondered what you were doing "hey isn't that (y/n)?" Fishlegs says pointing to someone stood at the top of a hill "hey (y/n)!" Tuffnut yells "Tuff, don't yell at her." Hiccup hisses, you snap your head toward the group, turn and run the other way.
"Scared her off, i told you that you were ugly." Ruffnut tsks, Tuffnut shoves her off barfs head "looked in a mirror lately?" He laughs. "Alright I've got a busy day today, see you all later." Hiccup waves as he walks off, Toothless trailing behind him.
You run back to the stable, collapsing onto Mystique. You just wanted to be alone with her. You weren't comfortable around these people, they had such characters and you were...just you.
Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea

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