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Mystique nudges you, snapping you out of your thought bubble "what?" You look at her, she scoffs and turns her head to the stable door "Not yet." You sigh, she whines, flapping her wings "oh you want to just fly?" She nods "okay, but if we get seen and people swarm to you in fascination don't look at me for help." You say standing up, Mystique swings her tail, knocking the backs of your knees making you fall back down. You glare at her as she laughs "you are something else."
You quickly run over to Gobber's and grab some rope and a thick leather strap. When you return holding the rope, Mystique gives you a "wtf" look "just something to help me hold on" you sigh. She laughs again, you connect the strap around her neck then attach the rope, and tie it around your waist, this could work, right?

It worked to an extent, you didn't feel completely safe but it somehow stopped you falling too far anytime you would slide off, although, when you did, Mystique got quite a neck jerk. She had a habit of doing barrel rolls and turns, you were quite amazed you had even survived for this long.
You flew for the rest of the day, darkness's was soon filling the sky, you feed Mystique, hug her goodnight then walk into Hiccups house. The soft crackling of the fire was a nice sound to walk into. You notice a figure slumped on the sofa, it was Hiccup. He was leaning on the armrest, his head tucked under his arm, was he asleep? Curious, you step closer and whisper his name, he doesn't respond. In his lap was a book, you gently take it from his hand, trying not to move him too much and put it back onto the shelf, you then walk upstairs, flinging the cover off his bed, bring it downstairs and drape it over him, he hums contently. a slight blush creeps up on your cheeks.
The door opens and Valka walks in, she looks at Hiccup and laughs softly "oh that boy." You give her a questioned look "is he alright?" You ask "he's fine. Chief duties drain him." She replies "how long has he been a chief? He's young."
"He's 21, Almost a year." Valka says "after his fathers sudden death, he was immediately made the new chief and he's found it tough. He's never thought he could be like his father. He doubts himself."
You bite the inside of your cheek, you wanted to ask about Hiccups father but it seemed like a tough subject "I'm sorry about...y'know" you finally say "thank you." Valka replies quietly, she looks at you, then Hiccup and smiles "you're a sweet loung lady."

The following day you'd spent most the morning working on your saddle, it was close to being finished, you wanted it to be perfect. You decide to go see Mystique for a while. You hadn't seen Hiccup all day, he was probably being doing chief things.
You walk back towards the stable but stop when you notice someone approaching the door. Snotlout.
He looks the door up and down then places his hand on it "can I help you?" You ask bluntly, Snotlout jumps and spins round "oh hey! I was uh...looking for Hiccup." He stutters, you fold your arms "why would he be in there?"
"Someone said they saw him going this way, he was going to get something from here." He was fumbling his words "don't lie to me, Snotlout." You say, glaring daggers into him.
"Okay! I want to see this dragon of yours. Why are you hiding it away? What's so special about It."
You sigh, Snotlout turns back to the door "please just stop." He turns back "why should I?" You open your mouth to reply but he cuts you off "alright, geez." He stomps away mumbling "what is wrong with you?" You walk into the stable slamming the door behind you. Mystique was curled up in the corner of the dark room. Her bright eyes giving her position away. You slide down the door, bringing your knees up to your chest. Mystique walks up to you, resting her head on your knees, purring "sorry." You whisper stroking her slowly.

"Has anyone seen (y/n) today?" Hiccup asks his friends as he sits beside them at the table, they all shake their heads "I guess she's been at Gobber's shop all day." Fishlegs shrugs as he takes a piece of bread "why are you so bothered?" Astrid questions "just making sure she's alright, she is a guest after all." Hiccup replies. In the corner of his eye he sees you walking down through the rows of benches "(y/n)!" He calls, you look over at him, then at Snotlout, sigh and carry on walking "Damn, what's her problem." Tuffnut mutters, Ruffnut punches his arm "probably scared of all you creepy boys!"
Hiccup watches as you approach Gobber, talk to him for a few seconds then the two of you make your way back outside.
"She's acting weird, weirder than normal." Astrid smirks "don't be mean." Hiccup snaps "maybe she's just as creepy as that dragon of hers." Snotlout says. He pauses, all eyes were on him "did you see it?" Fishlegs asks, a gleam in his eyes "no." Snotlout looks down "Snotlout. What did you do?" Hiccup glares at him "ok, I tried to have a peak but she caught me and got all psycho!" He yells raising his arms in surrender, Hiccup sighs "Snotlout why can't you respect people's privacy?"
"An island which is full of dragons? What kind of privacy would you expect? And I supposed you've seen this dragon?"
"Yes I have actually." Hiccup says with an eye roll "oh of course your have! Stupid question." Snotlout yells sarcastically
Hiccup ignores him and looks to the door again. Everything was rather peaceful as far as the village went so he decided he wanted to get to know you more.

Gobber went through a few more things with you about your saddle. Showing you some ways of making it extra secure, after that you walked back to the Stable and sat with Mystique. You had all these people around you but you'd never felt more alone. It was your fault. You didn't know how to talk to them properly. They were pretty in your face, loud. You didn't like it.
A small knock at the door makes you jump, panic racing through your body until a familiar soft voice speaks "(y/n) are you in there? It's Hiccup." You let out a shaky sigh "yeah. I'm here."
He creaks the door open, shuffles in and closes it again "I forgot how dark it was in here." He laughs awkwardly, Mystique shoots at an old torch, illuminating the room "what's up?" You ask "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. You didn't join us for lunch." He says sitting beside you "sorry, I Uh...had stuff to do."
"I know what Snotlout did." He says, you look at him "he said you went psycho at him." You roll your eyes "oh did he now?" You grumble clenching your fists "I can't imagine you doing that to be honest." Hiccup then says "really?" You gaze at him "yeah, you're way too shy."
"But seriously, are you okay?" Hiccup places a hand on your shoulder making your body go stiff "I'm worried about you. You've been distancing yourself."
"I don't want to get attached to anyone, because I know what people think about me." You say sadly "my parents never paid attention to me, it was always about my younger brother. I didn't have any friends at my old place. I feel like my destiny is to just be alone." Hiccup listens carefully "you would never be alone here." He whispers "I cant even socialise with those friends of yours without feeling like I'm going to say something stupid or act weird." You sigh "hey, I don't think your weird!" Hiccup laughs "What I see is you're lost on who you are and who you can be." You stare into his eyes, your vision going blurry as tears fill them, he gently wipes a tear from your cheek "you have so much potential (y/n), you just need to find it." He smiles softly at you. You realised how much like his mother he was. Always so welcoming. "And, I've got nothing else to do today so why don't we test out that new saddle of yours?" He exclaims happily, standing to his feet, pulling you up with him "it's not ready." You frown "oh yeah, well you can try one of Toothless's old ones for now."
He walks into another section of the stable, shuffles around then comes back out with a dusty saddle "it still works fine. I just needed a new one to go with with my leg as I got taller." He beams, something scratches at the door "oh there's his royal highness." Hiccup chuckles opening the door, Toothless proudly walks in, immediately going to Mystique, sniffing her, she smacks him on the head. "Well let's saddle her up and go for a fly!"
You peak your head out of the door. No one was around "all clear!" You call, Mystique pops her head out excitedly "alright, remember where we're going?" You ask climbing onto her back, she nods and takes off, shooting towards the woods, Hiccup and Toothless close behind.

The saddle was pretty comfy, you actually had something to hold onto every time Mystique twirled and spun around. Hiccup flies up beside you "wanna race?" He asks, smirking "oh it's on." You chuckle, shuffling on the saddle before yelling "see ya!" Mystique powers through the clouds, Hiccup wasn't far behind, the two of you raced through the sky, the dragons were almost in sync, both of them diving towards the ocean, slowly spinning, Hiccup watches you as you scream with joy, the dragons then spread out their wings and float back upwards "god it's so nice up here." You sigh happily, falling backwards on Mystiques back. Hiccup smiles wildly, Toothless gives him a look.
"This is itchy armpit!" Hiccup beams as you land on the island "itchy armpit eh?" You laugh "Toothless named it," Hiccup chuckles nervously, you dismantle and walk towards the edge. The sunset was beautiful, breathtaking "this place is...just wow." You breath, Hiccup nods in agreement "this is one of my favourite places."
"Hey, Hiccup." He looks at you "yes?" You turn to face him, biting your lip nervously, clenching your eyes shut you grab him into a tight hug "thank you." You whisper into his chest. Hiccups cheeks flush, he hugs you back. You stay like that for a while, you could hear his heart beat against your ear. He was so warm.
You slowly pull away and gaze into his eyes "you're more than welcome, anytime." He says, smiling softly "and thank you for the blanket last night." He winks. You feel your face burn "oh that...uh yeah I didn't want you to get cold and you looked so peaceful so I." He presses his finger to your lips "you're funny when you get nervous." He chuckles, you frown at him, face red as a tomato.
"And you're a dork."
"Thank you."

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