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You were speechless, but the look on his face said it all "'s me (y/n)." You gasp, feeling your chest tighten "I'm sorry." He replies quietly "I don't know who you are, you must be mistaking me for someone else." Your mouth fell open. You quickly stood up running out of the room, struggling to breathe, you leave the room and collapse by the door, crying and gasping for air, Valka rushes to your side "what is it?" She asks "Hiccup...he...he doesn't remember me!" You completely break down. Valka calls for Astrid who takes you into the spare room and she walks into Hiccups room.

"Hiccup." He turns his head, starring blankly at her "how are you feeling?" She asks softly sitting beside him "okay, thank you for asking, ma'am. May you tell me where I am? There was a girl in here but I think I upset her."
Valka swallows the lump in her throat "in your bedroom. You hit your head pretty bad. You're going to feel a bit confused." She explains, trying to be as quiet as possible, Hiccup closed his eyes breathing a soft "okay." As he exhaled, Valka watched him for a few minutes, his chest rising and falling slowly, she softly sobbed, her baby couldn't remember her or you. She didn't know who else, but knowing her own child didn't know who she was made her feel like she'd left him again.

The next morning, Gobber and Valka sat with Hiccup, trying to jog his memory "I'm a chief?"
"Yea you are, lad."
"Aren't I a bit young? Don't I have a father?" Valka and Gobber look at eachother "your father passed away three years ago. Your mother is right here though." Gobber gestures to Valka, she smiled weakly at Hiccup "oh, that is sad I lost my father, oh where's the girl I saw yesterday? I want to apologise. I clearly upset her."
Valka let out a soft sigh "Hiccup, I know you don't remember anything right now but that girl is (y/n) and she's your girlfriend. She's just upset because you got very hurt."
"My girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend." Hiccup replies with a confused laugh
Valka frowns and reaches into her pocket, placing the small box into Hiccups hand "the day of your accident, you gave me this and told me to look after it, you said when you came back you were going to do something special." Hiccup stares at the box curiously "something just for (y/n) the girl you love. When you look inside you'll know what I'm talking about. Just don't let her see the box. It's supposed to be a surprise. Get some rest, son." Valka leans down kissing Hiccups forehead before leaving the room with Gobber.
Hiccup sits in silence, gazing at the box. He slowly opens it, his eyes widening "was I really going too..." he closes his eyes trying to picture you, but having only seen you for a few seconds it was pretty hard. He puts the box under his pillow, lays down and closes his eyes, quickly drifting off into a deep sleep.

Two weeks passed, every day was progress. Hiccup knew who he was, he was starting to remember people, it only took him a few days to remember Toothless, much to the dragons relief . Gothi wrote that she wasn't sure how long his amnesia would last, from what she had observed, it seemed to her that different memories would gradually come back at different times, but no one knew when. You hadn't seen him much, it hurt you to look him in the eyes and know he was looking back at a stranger.

"(Y/n)?" You gaze up at the doorway, Valka walks in and sits next to you on the bed "Hiccup was asking for you...he said he still wants to talk to you." You look back down "you know...the more you sit with him, the more you can help him."
"You've been with him every day and he still doesn't remember who you are...his own mother, so why would he remember me?" You sob, Valka sighs softly "memories are complicated things. His brain was damaged and is still healing and that takes time. We can't decide which memories he recovers first. It will happen, hopefully...but." She takes your hands into hers "he needs our support. You need to show him who you are, help him get better. You want that right?"
You nod.
"Go see him. I know it's hard, but just being there for him helps more than you think." She smiles warmly, you nod again and stand up "he's in his room."

You knock lightly on the door "come in." His voice made your heart flutter, you open the door, slowly walking in. Hiccup was sat on the bed, reading one of his journals, he looks up at you and smiles. You blink back tears as you stand a few steps away from him.
He pats a spot next to him "sit down, please. I don't bite." You gulp and slowly sit beside him, he looks over at you, his warm green eyes mesmerising you "so, you're my girlfriend?" He asks quietly, you bite your lip trying hard not to cry.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry." He then says, you finally speak "what are you sorry about?" You feel warmth atop of your hand, his fingers slowly curling around your hand "I know how much this is hurting you. I've seen and heard you crying, I want to remember something, just anything."

You watch him carefully "I...I look at you, and in my heart I can feel something there, even when someone says your name or when I briefly see you....but there's a fog that I can't clear, it's blocking things's so frustrating...I hate that I can't remember you...or Valka. Supposedly my own mother." He lets out a shaky sigh "I remember parts of my childhood, how I met Toothless, lost my leg, the edge. The gang. But the things most important to me aren't coming back. I'm trying so hard but I can't do it."
His grip on your hand tightens, you rest your other hand on his knee and lean closer, he turns so your lips were a few inches apart "don't force it, Hiccup." You say softly, he continues "when I first woke up and Valka told me who you all were, even though I don't remember...I immediately believed her. Something inside me is trying to push past this blankness in my mind."
"Hiccup." The two of you never broke eye contact, you noticed a small tear forming in his eye "it will get better, I promise we will always support you and try to help you remember again, we just don't understand memory loss very well. Which is why Gothi comes in a lot to observe you..." Hiccup let's out a small chuckle. You move your hand from his knee and rest it on his cheek, his skin burning from your touch. You lean in slowly, connecting your lips to his, he doesn't move for a moment, you start to pull away when you suddenly feel his hand wrap around your neck, pulling you back in whispering "I want to remember badly."

He presses your foreheads together "I'm not going anywhere, ever. Even if it means we have to start our friendship and relationship from the beginning, I'll stay with you...I promise." You reassure him. Hiccup let's out a shaky sigh "thank you...I can definitely see what I originally saw in you...why I fell in love with you in the first place." You smiled at his words, it was all going to be okay.


"This whole chief thing is weird." Hiccup grumbles, dragging his feet behind Gobber who was showing him the basics "sounds like the knock to yer head has taken you back to when you were a teenager!" Gobber laughs "you never were keen on being a chief."
"Is that so?" Gobber nods "your father worked endlessly trying to prepare you, but you always felt like you could never be like him, you doubted yourself a lot, plus you were more interested in exploring and when you found Toothless...crikey, the two of you would disappear for days on end."
"Huh...I kind of remember that....did my dad have a big orange beard?" Hiccup asks "why yes. It's coming back to you lad! Here we are." Gobber takes Hiccup to a large stone statue of Stoick "there he is...Stoick the vast, your father, he was very proud of you. His only son and his pride and joy! Although you definitely got your looks and personality from your mother."
Hiccup laughs lightly "I guess I can kind of see me in her." Gobber ruffles the young chiefs hair "spitting image, same eyes, hair and passion for're a mini Valka!"
Hiccup smirks to himself as he stares at the statue then closes his eyes "my father." He opens them again and smiles "tell me more about him...and us as father and son."

Mystique gently nudges you as you sat with her and Bolt by a small lake "what?" You raise an eyebrow at her, she coos softly and nuzzles against you. Bolt was running around, picking up every small thing in his path, a call alerts you, Toothless lands and Hiccup jumps off "how was chiefing?" You ask as he walks over and sits beside you, taking his boot off and dipping his foot into the water "boring, apart from Gobber telling me loads of stories about my dad. He was legend!" Hiccup replies cheerfully "did you ever meet him?" He questions, you shake your head "I met you about a year after he you remember how we met?" You twiddle your thumbs nervously. Hiccup furrows his eyebrows as he thinks deeply "I'm not sure...I...argh why?" You quickly place your hand on his knee "it's okay. It will come back...why don't I tell you?" You suggest, he nods, a small gleam in his eyes. You clear your throat and begin.

As you finish, you notice Hiccups eyes had widened "wow...what a way to meet." He chuckles "saved your life, eh?" You nod "hey, (y/n)?"
"Do you think I'll ever be....y'know...normal again?" You gaze at him, he was frowning "Hiccup, you are normal. This memory loss doesn't change anything about you. You're still you." His eyes trail from yours to your neck "that's a pretty necklace." You untie it and hand it to him "you made it for me for my Birthday last year." You explain, his eyes widen again "I did? Wow...Don't want to toot my own horn but it's pretty impressive." He chuckles, examining the piece. You stare at him, wishing you could read what he was thinking. The soft smile on his face as he admired his creation made your heart melt, he gently traced his fingers over the metal before holding the necklace up "may I?" You face away, moving your hair, he gently rests the necklace back around your neck and ties it up. You slowly turn back around, your eyes lock. He doesn't say anything but you could see the sadness in his eyes. The two of you sit together for a while with the dragons running around you, the soft sounds of the nature filling the air. Hiccup still didn't remember you, but you were going to keep trying your hardest to show him everything, and maybe, one day, his memories will return.

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