Best friend

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"So, Arne is Viggo's cousin?" Valka asks, you nod "Hiccup said at first Viggo was a bad man...but soon changed. But he never mentioned Arne."
Valka "hmms" to herself "what did he say?"
"He had been looking for Toothless, wants to sell him to the black market for money." You explain, Valka turns to Hiccup "did he say anything to you?" He shakes his head "not that I can remember." You notice he looked sad about it "that's not your fault though." You say, he shrugs "I should have been more help."
"Hiccup, don't beat yourself up about that." Valka places her hand on his shoulder "what's important is we keep Arne away."
Hiccup clicks his knuckles and grabs a map of the surrounding area "okay, so we were in this area when he got us. So he wasn't that far away from Berk." He says "but we don't know for sure which way he sailed after." You add in "I would assume he was taking us to the black market." He replies, scanning though the map "but we don't know where the black market is."
You cross your arms "All that's important right now is keeping Toothless and Mystique safe." Hiccup looks up "if he's on his way here..."
"Then we will be ready for him."
"(Y/n) the best way to stop him is going to where he is, not letting him come here." He says sternly "I know that, I think the only way to do this is to set a trap and dare I say it, use Toothless and Mystique as bait."
Hiccup and Valka stare at you, she clears her throat "I think that is the best bet." She nods at you then looks at her son, he thinks for a moment then says "it could work, we've done it before, we just have to have a set plan to make sure this works."


With the plan in hand, you all geared up. You adjusted the belt around your waist as Mystique approaches, nudging your side "hey girl, are you sure you're okay with this?" You ask gently, stroking behind her ear making her purr quietly, she opens her eyes and gently nudges your stomach, groaning softly "what? I know my suit isn't exactly clean but-" she stops you by nudging again, starting at your stomach, softly cooing. "Mystique?"
She looks up at you with wide pupils, she was trying to tell you something but you couldn't figure out what it was.
"Are you scared girl?" You ask, kneeling down in front of her, she shakes he head, lifting her foot, resting it against your stomach, you were confused, she puts her foot back down and licks your face "I wish I could understand what you were saying."

You and Hiccup fly along the ocean, trying to find Arne's ship, Hiccup said it would probably be close as even though Arne most likely didn't know he lived at Berk, he would be searching the surrounding areas, trying to find him.
"There he is!" You call, he was stood atop of a hill, looking though a telescope, you land behind him with a loud thump.
"Well look who it is!" He calls happily "bringing my money right to me, making it so easy!"
Hiccup grits his teeth, slowly climbing down "we're not here to give them to you, Arne. We are here to talk."
Arne scoffs loudly "I don't do talking." He hands his telescope to one of his men, stepping closer "well I do, so I suggest you drop all your weapons and be a civilised man." Hiccup says taking his fire sword and dropping it to the floor, you doing the same with your axe, cold staring Arne down.

"Very well." Arne clicks his fingers so his men all drop their weapons, he does the same with his dagger. "Go ahead, talk."

Hiccup takes a deep breath "Arne, Night Fury's are very endangered, why would you want to sell these two off for money? They would most likely kill them."
"I get money so I don't care what they do. I don't care if they become extinct after this, I get rich and that's good enough for me." Arne explains, evil grin on his lips making you fume, this man made you sick.
"I'm asking you, man to man. Please leave them alone, leave all dragons alone. There's more to life than money, what about happiness?" Hiccup questions "Money is happiness, little boy."
You scoff at this man, little boy? You were pretty sure him and Hiccup were the same height.
"Problem princess?" Arne asks, turning his attention to you, noticing your displeased scowl. You raise your eyebrows "oh no, I'm clearly overjoyed at the near sight of you." You sneer "you made a pretty bad first impression."
"I'm quite charming actually, all the ladies think so." He boasts, flexing his arms "what ladies? From what I remember, that ship of yours is full of dirty, smelly men, you being the main attraction." You reply, Hiccup smiling slightly beside you, he steps closer, brushing his fingers against yours.

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