Screaming Death

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A week had passed and the dust had finally settled. At least it seemed that way. After a very intense talk, you had convinced Hiccup to not throw his friendship with Fishlegs away and lift the banishment. He never wanted too banish him in the first place, but someone who insults his father was no friend to him. He was overcome with rage, and though he is a forgiving person, too much so in most cases. Something made it extra hard to forgive Fishlegs, it was the first time he felt like he was changing.
He wasn't a kid anymore. He was 21 with a whole village to run and protect. He couldn't keep being the soft, forgiving Hiccup he once was. It was more serious than he ever imagined. He often sat alone, tearing about with his thoughts. You knew him well enough to know when he needed his distance. He would go very quiet and often disappear with Toothless. But if he didn't, and you found him alone sat somewhere, deep in his thoughts, you would sit beside him, wrapping your arms around him, he would quickly melt against your touch, sighing softly as you held him close. The two of you wouldn't always speak. Sometimes he just needed you there, he rarely told you what he was thinking and you never forced him too. You knew he was fighting something in his mind and if he needed your help, he would tell you in a heartbeat, he trusted you the most, besides his mother. But unless he brought it up, you wouldn't press him. It was something else he loved about you. Your understanding and patience.

Things were still a bit awkward between you and Fishlegs but you were trying to push past it. He was a good person. You couldn't stay mad at him. You'd often smile at him, try to make conversation, he noticed you trying and he was happy about it. He was still swimming in his own guilt, no matter how many times you and the others told him it was forgotten. He still felt bad, he was a real dick to Hiccup, one of his best friends and that bothered him, he didn't understand what was going through his own mind when everything happened, it was like he snapped but couldn't control it, or someone was controlling him.
You and Mystique were sat on a hill, her head resting on your lap, purring contently as you gently stroked along her scales, occasionally behind her ears. You didn't have much to do today, Hiccup was busy with meetings and trading and you hadn't seen the others yet as it was pretty early still.
You roll your eyes as you hear a loud yell, followed by a scream and feet running towards you. Snotlout fell to the ground, rolling around on the grass, smoke coming off his butt "what did you say this time?" You question, biting back a smile "nothing!" He protests, sitting up only to get knocked down again by Hookfang's tail "clearly." You mumble, Mystique didn't move, she only opened her eyes, observing the dramatic Viking "how come your dragon is so cuddly?" Snotlout pouts, Hookfang snorts smoke at him "don't give me that! You never hug me!"
"You never seemed like a hug type of person." You say "well, I don't like people to know my soft side." He replies "what are you doing anyhow?"
"Going to go fly in a bit, wanna join?" He nods immediately "alright Hookie, wanna go for a fly?" He questions the nightmare who responds with a mischievous look, you assumed that meant yes and a lot of arguments about to happen. Those two had a strange relationship. Very love hate. Maybe since Snotlout seemed to get easily insulted, Hookfang quickly learnt how to push his buttons, pure entertainment.

You'd been flying for an hour. So far, fairly peaceful, minus the two times Hookfang decided to set himself on fire for a brief second making Snotlout almost fall off. Definitely entertainment. You had noticed a Screaming Death on an island and curiosity was getting the better of you. "There's no way in hell we are going near that thing!" Snotlout yells, you look at him pleadingly "come on, we won't get close, I've never seen one in person, I just wanna see it."
Snotlout lets out a frustrated sigh "fine. But I'm not taking any blame it if eats you." You snort at his comment and gesture Mystique to fly down.
You walk quietly towards where the Screaming Death was. All hiding behind some large boulders a good distance away but still with a good view. "It's so gorgeous." You squeal excitedly "it's the ugliest, the size of its head, it's like a blown up worm!" You glare at Snotlout "it's very powerful."
Mystique stood behind you, not bothered by the creature, she'd seen them so many times. She was more interested in the nearby river which was sure to have some fish. She quickly trotted towards it, intensely focusing on the water, watching for any movement.
"Stop fidgeting." You hiss, Snotlout was wriggling around "I can't help it, I think I've got a stone in my boot, it's irritating my foot!" He grumbles, yanking his boot off, losing his balance and falling heavily on his butt. The Screaming Death snaps it's head towards you, growling loudly, Hookfang immediately jumps in front of the both of you, lighting up defensively, you walk around him "calm boy." You say, he de flames. The Screaming Death moves closer, only a few feet away, it's blood red eyes focused on you. Noticing how the Monstrous Nightmare obeyed your Command. Mystique runs over proudly, with her mouthful of fish, she quickly drops them when she notices the albino beast starring at her rider with such intrest. She quickly wraps herself around you, lighting her scales up, telling the Screaming Death to back off. It didn't.
Her actions only made it more curious. Why were these dragons defending humans? A cold chill ran down your spine as you and the Screaming Death kept the locked gaze on eachother, you were looking deep into its eyes, it doing the same to you. You gently pat Mystiques side as she continues to growl, trying to calm her.
The Screaming death then communicates with the two dragons, the three of them having some sort of conversation. Snotlout was still hidden behind the boulder, his eyes peaking over the top. He hated Screaming Deaths. He thought they were terrifying, and ugly.
It rolls its long, thin body around, getting slightly closer, your heart was thumping against your chest, not once did it take its eyes off you. You wished you could figure out what it was thinking.
It suddenly lets out an ear piercing scream making you fall to the floor, covering your ears, something wraps itself around your waist lifting you into the air. A white tail covered in spikes, you scream for mystique, she quickly shakes her head and darts into the air towards you but the Screaming Death screams again making her fall down and it flies away quickly, disappearing out of sight with you.

"What do you mean it took her?" Hiccup yells, Snotlout lets out an annoyed sigh "it took her. It screamed bloody murder then flew off with her! What else do you think I mean?" He snaps "guys, don't fight." Astrid buts in "do you know why it did it?" He shakes his head "I told you. We were observing it from a distance, but it noticed us, it kept looking at her. Like, watching her every move. And then boom! It took her and disappeared quickly, we couldn't chase it as the scream had stunned the dragons."
Hiccup ran a hand through his hair "why would it do that? That's not normal behaviour for that species." He paces back and forth, trying to figure out why it decided to take you "I mean, she is probably alive." Tuffnut says "how do you know that?" Hiccup questions.
"Because, Screaming Deaths are known to kill on sight. If it wanted her dead, it would have done it then and there." Ruffnut replies "that is true, Hiccup. They are aggressive and won't hesitate to kill any threat they see straight away." Fishlegs adds "a tiny human, hardly a threat." Snotlout snorts, Astrid rolls her eyes "dragon hunters are humans, as far as it was concerned, she could have been a potential danger."
"They are very defensive." Hiccup whispers, the group had dealt with a Screaming Death before and that wasn't an easy task "mum, what do you think?" He asks Valka, who had been very quiet, deep in thought "well, when it happened to me, I always guessed Cloudjumper thought I belonged with the dragons. But Screaming Deaths are very different. I can't think of anything." She replies, Hiccup puts on the last of his armour "I think Mystique will be able to track her." He says petting the distressed Night Fury "but we need to be very careful, Snotlout you should be grateful that you didn't get eaten and you had Hookfang with you." He says "now that I think about it, it seemed to be very interested in her, like when she told Hookfang to calm and he did, it noticed. And when Mystique guarded her, the Screaming Death watched it, almost curious as to why a dragon would protect a human." Snotlout says "very interesting." Fishlegs rubs his chin.
"Well we're just waisting time standing around, get suited up gang, we need to find her."

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