Old friend

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Low-key ship these two way more than Hiccstrid 😂


"You seem to be a bit tied up." Heather chuckles "yeah, yeah. Can you uhm...let me down?" Hiccup asks, Heather gestures to her dragon who slices the rope Toothless quickly catching Hiccup.
"Thanks." He rubs the back of his head "no problem, say...who's this?" Heather turns her attention to you "this is (y/n) my fiancé and a passionate dragon rider." Hiccup explains, smiling at you. "And this is Heather, a good friend of ours. We met back at the edge."

"Wow, it has been a while, last time I saw you, Hiccup. Astrid was the girlfriend." She laughs
"6 years at least." He replies. "but lovely to meet you, (y/n)" she holds her hand out, you take it "and you."
"She's a bit shy." Hiccup says, resting a hand on your waist "I don't bite, promise." Heather says with a laugh.
"Sorry if we spooked your dragon, I've never seen a Razorwhip up close and I got excited." You mumble, blushing "it's fine, no harm done. Plus my Windshear is a real beauty, aren't you girl?" Heather coos, scratching her dragons scales to which she purrs.
"Windshear? That's so cute!" You beam, Heather smiles as you rest your hand on Windshear's snout.

"So, Heather. What brings you back to this part?" Hiccup asks.
"Oh, just travelling around, stopped here last night." She replies, not looking at him as she collects her things "Heather..." he crosses his arms, she lets out a long sigh "it's nothing you need to worry about."
"Oh really?"
"Yes." She says glaring at him, he clicks his tongue "are you sure you're okay?" He asks. She pauses for a moment then speaks "I promise, it's nothing dramatic."
Hiccup wasn't convinced, he knew Heather pretty well and it was obvious to him that she was hiding something, you gaze at the displeased look on his face and clear your throat "Heather...Berk isn't too far from here, why don't you come back with us tonight? I'll bet the gang would be so happy to see you again."
Heather and Hiccup look at you "I can't." She says sadly "why not?" Hiccup asks looking back to her "I just...can't."
Silence fills the air for a few seconds "seems like you two need time alone, come on bud." You say jumping onto Toothless and shoot off.

"She trusts you a lot to leave you alone with another girl." Heather chuckles "when we first met, Astrid immediately saw me as some kind of threat."
"Yeah." Hiccup rubs the back of his neck "(y/n) is the best in that way, we know each others boundaries and trust each other no matter what the situation...a special connection kind of like what you and Fishlegs had."
"Hiccup, don't."
"Do you miss him?"
"Of course I do." She sighs "he was so sweet, but I couldn't go back with you guys, you know why." She looks down "Heather, I can tell something is troubling you."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Not obvious no, but I know you." He says, she sighs again and looks up at him, her green eyes reflecting into his.
"Viggo's cousin, Arne sent a note to Dagur and Mala last week claiming he's a good man and wants to help them with their protecting of the dragons, but Dagur isn't convinced. He never met Arne but he said Viggo once told to him that Arne is a maniac. So I've been looking for him, y'know...to observe." Heather explains.
"He can't have changed since I last saw him not long ago, he tried to capture Toothless and sell him to the black market." Hiccup sneers "oh really?"
"Mhmm. He's probably trying to get yours, Mala and Dagurs trust to get to me and Toothless." He shakes his head as he speaks.
Heather frowns "Viggo may have eventually changed his ways but, but some people just can't change from their sinister selves." She says, Hiccup nods "from my experience he's evil, all he cares about is money. He doesn't care for dragons at all. Don't go find him, at least not alone, he's always armed."
Heather smirks at him "you do know a lot about him don't you?"
"Unfortunately, yes." Hiccup sighs "he's captured me and (y/n), our dragons and then stole their eggs."
"Hold up!" Heather pushes a finger against his lips "did you say eggs?"

"Ahaha, yeah." Hiccup laughs lightly, pushing her finger away "(Y/n) has a Nightfury too. A female, and even more rare with special glowing blue scales. We don't know much about them though accept they make her even more powerful than Toothless. She recently laid two eggs. So (y/n)'s dragon usually would be out flying with us, but since her eggs got stolen by Arne....then returned, she's at home protecting them....even more than before." He explains "wow, that's pretty amazing." Heather beams "Toothless is going to be a dad! That's cute!"
Hiccup smiles for a moment then clears his throat  "so, I personally wouldn't trust Arne."
"If you, Hiccup Haddock of all people, the most trusting and forgiving person there is, doesn't trust him, I know not to either, and so will Dagur."
"Yep, you know me, too forgiving and easily fooled." He frowns.
"Correction, you're a good person with a kind heart just like your father. It's not a bad thing. You just try to see past the bad in someone and search for the good inside them...even if there isn't any." She trails off, looking out of the cave "but unlike Viggo I don't think there's any good in Arne. Please Heather...just be careful." He says quietly, Heather takes his hands into hers squeezing them reassuringly "I'm always careful, and thank you." She let's go of his hands and walks to WindShear.

"well, I really should get back to Dagur and tell him what you've told me." She says climbing onto Windshear holding her hand out "better find your fiancé and dragon while we're at it." She laughs, Hiccup takes her hand and climbs on sitting behind her, Windshear takes off into the sky, it doesn't take long for them to find you and Toothless barrel rolling in the clouds. Hiccup calls to you and Toothless quickly darts over.

Hiccup hands Heather a piece of paper then carefully climbs onto Toothless, clicking his Prosthetic into place, you wrap your arms around his waist "See you around?" He asks Heather, she shakes her head and smiles "Don't count on it." She flips her hood over her head and within seconds her and Windshear were gone.
"Did you give her what I think you did?" You chuckle, he looks over his shoulder at you and grins "maybe."


Heather arrives back at Caldera Cay where Dagur greets her with open arms as always "sister! So glad to have you back!" He beams, embracing her into a tight hug "hello Dagur."
"Auntie!" A voice squeals followed by quick footsteps, Dagur and Mala's 4 year old son, George bolts over to her hugging her legs. "hey squirt." She chuckles, rustling the his bright red hair "how was your trip?" Dagur asks, crossing his arms "it was fine...I actually ran into someone." Heather replies with a slight smile.

"Hiccup? Please tell me it was him!" Dagur says with eyes full of hope "yeah, it was him. He's not changed apart from a slight beard forming." Heather laughs "how is he? We need to go visit!" Dagur exclaims "what's the commotion?" Mala asks walking over, picking George up and resting him on her hip "Heather met with Hiccup! Haven't seen that lad in years!" Dagur explains "young Hiccup Haddock." Mala whispers to herself "is he well?"
"Seems very much so, he's got a fiancé now. Not Astrid though." Heather replies "did you ask him for an invite?" Dagur asks, eyebrows raised "no! I hadn't seen him in years, I couldn't just ask him that."
Heather then remembers the piece of paper Hiccup gave to her, she takes it out of her pocket reading it slowly "didn't need to ask for an invite, he gave me one just before I left it seems."
Dagur quickly snatches it from her hands and reads "blimey, it's just around the corner too, come on chaps! We've got packing to do!" Dagur exclaims "wait!" Heather stops him "Hiccup knows Arne." Dagur's eye widen "and we should not trust this man."
"Well if Hiccup says that, it's got to be legit, that boy gave me so many chances." Dagur says with a laugh "he's a good man, Dagur. Very forgiving, tries to see the best in everyone." Heather says with an eye roll.
"What exactly did this Arne man do?" Mala asks, Heather clears her throat and begins to explain.


Hiccup sat at his desk thinking deeply about Arne, hoping that his warning to Heather would keep her and her family out of danger, he didn't know lots about Arne, but he knew enough to know he was a violent man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
He sighs heavily and stands up, walking downstairs rubbing his eyes with the the palm of his hands. Arne could still be out there planning another attack and that was bothering him. He turns the corner as you walk in through the front door.
Neither of you speak, you could tell by his face something was on his mind. You hold your arms out to which he swiftly accepts your embrace. And in that moment, the worries melted away and nothing else mattered.


Meh. Got stuck on the story line again. I'm trying to post more often but the wording and ideas keep disappearing and re appearing at random times. Changed this chapter too many times, oop.

But, it's here :)

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