Do you even know me?

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Thank you to TenshiNoSuki for the idea :)


Hiccup and Toothless soared through the sky as the morning sun rose above the sea. The colder months had finally passed, a slight warmth could be felt, Hiccup loved it. He was used to the cold, but always preferred the summer months.
The two land at the docks, Toothless runs for the grass and begins rolling around in it, while Hiccup sorted out through his map,
A small sound alerts him, he spins his head round, to see a small boat docking, Toothless bolting to stand beside him, growling lowly, the cover over the boat moves to reveal a...girl?

Toothless immediately stops growling but keeps his guard up, the girl was young, tall, almost white hair, piercing blue eyes. Hiccup was shocked.
"Hello?" He greets her cautiously "oh, um...hi!" The girl squeaks, rubbing her arms "are you alright? Are you lost?" He asks.
"If you can call exploring the world lost, then I suppose so." She replies, smiling. Toothless stares at her unsure, he could immediately feel something off about this girl.
"My name is Stephanie...or Steph for short." She says, sticking her hand out and walking closer to which Toothless growls lowly "easy bud." Hiccup whispers, patting his side "do you have a name?" She then asks, tilting her head to the side "oh yes! Sorry, it's Hiccup...Hiccup Haddock."
Stephanie's nods slowly, eyeing the chief up and down, she had a look in her eyes, teeth tugging at her bottom lip "how did you find this island?" Hiccup asks "do you have a dragon?" She shakes her head "just me and my small boat." She points to behind her "I'm just looking for somewhere to rest tonight."
Hiccup thinks for a moment, Stephanie speaks again "do you live here?"
"Yes, this is Berk. I'm the chief and this is my best friend Toothless." He pats Toothless again but the dragon stays silent "you have dragons here?"
"Yes, quite a lot actually...probably too many." He chuckles "actually, I am looking for a dragon, y'know...a friend." She begins "well we have spare rooms at the guest house , you can rest there tonight and have a look at finding yourself a dragon tomorrow?"
Stephanie nods again, her smile fading when she notices you walking over, Hiccup greeting you with a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you greet every girl you know like that?" Stephanie questions, Hiccup laughs lightly "no, just her. This is (y/n), my fiancé." He beams proudly "nice to meet you." You say politely shaking her hand "you too." She replies "well, let's show you to your room!" Hiccup picks up her bag and begins walking.

"I don't like her." Astrid mutters to you, Stephanie was laughing way too much at everything Hiccup said, low-key flirting with him, she'd been here for a few days now "she's very....I don't know." You reply "and he's oblivious as always." Astrid sighs "honestly, she could strip on front of him and he wouldn't understand why." You giggle quietly at her comment "or he's just not interested." You say, she looks back to Stephanie and Hiccup "I'm keeping an eye on her. I don't trust her intentions."
You follow Astrids glare back to Stephanie, she had her hand on Hiccups shoulder, slightly leaning closer, Hiccup was engaged in talking to Snotlout, Toothless catches your eye, he's also glaring at her. You wonder why everyone seems to hate this girl. Maybe she was lonely and saw a friend in Hiccup. You weren't worried.

After eating, you and Hiccup were getting ready to go for an afternoon fly, you were just about to take off when Stephanie runs over "hey, wotcha doing?" She asks Hiccup, completely blanking you. "Just taking the dragons for a fly." Hiccup replies, jumping onto Toothless "wow, can I join? I want to learn before I choose my own!" She sounds so excited, Hiccup looks at you and you smile "why not. You can fly with (y/n), I would say Bolt but you don't have the right protective gear for a young Skrill that is still learning to control his electricity." Hiccup chuckles, reaching down to scratch bolts chin. Stephanie opens her mouth to say something but stops herself. She climbs on behind you, Mystique scoffing as the strange blonde girl sits on her back.

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