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The sudden sensation of not being able to breathe jerks you awake making you bolt up, your nose was pissing you off to the max. A groan beside you diverts your attention. You'd accidently smacked Hiccups nose with your arm as you shot up "you okay?" He asks, voice thick with sleep "struggling to sleep, my nose." You sigh then suddenly sneeze. He shuffles out of bed and walks to a draw then comes back holding a jar full of a light thick gooey looking substance.
"What's that?" You ask taking it "helps with blocked noses." He replies "just rub it on your chest area and it will help relieve breathing." He kisses your cheek then falls back onto the bed face first, his hands tucked under the pillow, head resting between his folded arms, watching you (it's basically vapour rub, but whatever version they would have had back then) you sniff it, the strong smell tingles your nose, you rub it on your chest then dab a few bits on your upper lip, Hiccup snorts at you "why are you putting it there?" You roll your eyes, finishing your gel moustache "desperate times."
You sit in silence for a few seconds, sniffing, then you suddenly feel relief, you could finally breathe through your nose again and oh did feel good! "It worked!" You beam, all you get in response is muffled snores. You scoff as you lay back down facing him, gently running your fingers across his arm, soon feeling your eyes go heavy again.

Opening your eyes to warm dragon fish breath was never pleasant, you groggily shove Mystiques nose away, she scowls nudging you "alright, geez." You slowly sit up stretching, a warm pair of arms pulls you back down "stay." Hiccup's husky voice mumbles into your neck "try telling that to Mystique." You snigger trying to wiggle out of his grasp, she suddenly licks along the back of Hiccup's neck making him groan in disgust "really?" He sighs, wiping the slobber giving you the chance to escape "trust me, when she wants you up, she won't stop, you should be getting up anyway, chief boy." You laugh, he groans again as you walk out the room.
After getting ready, you feed both dragons and prepare to take them out "Hiccup!" You yell, no response. Rolling your eyes you go back upstairs to see him still laying there, sprawled out "Hiccup. Come on, it's not like you to not to want to wake up." You sigh, walking over to him rolling him into his back, he peeks an eye open, it was bloodshot, his cheeks flustered "are you feeling alright?" You ask him "just really sleepy." He replies before yawning "I'll speak to your mum, you are a little warm." You say pushing some hair from his eyes "probably just exhausted." You kiss him gently before walking downstairs again.
Valka walks in and greets you "isn't Hiccup up yet? He's got a meeting soon," she questions "he seems really tired, a bit warm too." You reply, she hmmm's to herself then walks up to see him.
She comes back down a few minutes later "he's refusing to get up, had to keep yelling at him every time he drifted back off. I guess the meeting will have to wait. See how he is later." She says with a sigh, you nod.
You work with Gobber for a few hours, Hiccup was on your mind, it really wasn't like him to be up late, something didn't feel right, shaking your head you finish the last few stitches of a saddle "where's Hiccup today? He normally comes round on his patrols." Gobber says as you hand the saddle to him "he's tired today. Didn't want to get out of bed. Which is weird."
"Very weird. He's usually an early bird." Gobber says scratching his chin "It is afternoon now so surely he's up." You don't reply "go and see where he's at. We both need a break anyway." He waves you off.
You walk into the house, Valka was stood at the bottom of the stairs deep in thought "Valka?" She looks up "he's still not getting up. He can barely stay awake for more than a few minutes" She says with worry, "he is warm as well."
You nod and head up the stairs into his room, he's still sleeping, you sit on the side of the bed "Hiccup?" No response "Hiccup, wake up." You say softly, shaking him, he stirs and opens his eyes, he looked pretty defeated, skin was pale, dark circles round his eyes, another thing you noticed was his breathing had gotten slightly raspy "Hiccy." You sigh softly "please don't call me that." He croaks "sorry." You chuckle feeling his forehead "you're warmer than earlier, how do you feel?" You question, he lets out a shaky sigh "my throat hurts, one minute I'm cold then the next I'm sweating." You glance at his neck, it looked...different, you gently press your finger to his skin just below his earlobe making him hiss "your neck is swollen." You say, he looks up at you, tiredness in his eyes "it aches too." He whispers, you move to kneel on the floor to be eye level with him pressing your nose against his "what's up with you eh? One minute I've got a cold and now you're in the dirt too." You say with a little laugh, he smiles weakly "two peas in a pod."
Valka knocks quietly before coming in "oh Hiccup." She says sadly "you really don't look good."
"Thanks, mum." Hiccup mutters, you giggle at him "his neck is swollen Valka, he's complaining of a sore throat too." You say standing back up, Valka thinks for a moment "and he has a fever." She whispers, you look down at Hiccup who had gone back to sleep "do you think we should get Gothi?" You ask. She looks hesitant "to be honest, I think maybe wait until tomorrow." You bite your lip, you weren't convinced about waiting it out, but you weren't going to argue with her.
The next day comes around. You had made a bed on the floor next to Hiccup, although you didn't really sleep on it, you laid with him, holding him close to you, he shivered a lot last night, numbled in his sleep, beads of sweat dripping off his forehead. You had a wet cloth and a bucket of cold water on the side, trying to keep his fever down. You couldn't really do anything accept just be with him.
"(Y/n)" you awake from your light sleep "hey sleepy." You whisper shuffling closer to him "feeling any better?" You didn't know why you even asked him, you knew something was wrong, and just laying here alone wasn't going to fix it "my's like sandpaper." He says quietly, you sit up and carefully sit him up with you, letting him rest against his headboard "Here." You hand him a glass of water "you need to stay hydrated." He shakily reaches for the glass "I'll hold it." You place it to his dry lips, he takes a few small gulps, then his head begins to droop again, you carefully lay him back down onto his side, he shuffles to rest his head on your pelvis, slowly cuddling up to you. You move his pillow so he would be more comfortable, he hums quietly as he shuts his eyes again.
Valka comes in "any improvement?" You shake your head "ok, I'll ask for Gothi to come see him when she can." She says sitting on the bed "he was fine two days ago, celebrating with us all at the great hall." She frowns "it's strange this has come on so quickly."
She gives you a sad smile, Toothless comes in and nudges Hiccups back, moaning sadly "I know bud." You sigh stroking his head "he'll be alright." Toothless coos and rubs against you.
Gothi comes by later that day, she looks Hiccup over for a while, then writes something down handing it to Valka who reads it, her eyes widening "are you sure?" She asks Gothi who simply nods then hands her a bottle and leaves.
"So what's the problem?" You ask "Glandular fever." Valka replies slowly, you raise an eyebrow "what's that?"
"Gothi wrote it's a viral infection that causes the glands in his throat to swell causing him pain, sore throat, fever, aching." She stops for a moment "she's given me medicine that can help with the symptoms, we have to give it to him every couple of hours, keep him hydrated and let him rest. But she wrote that there isn't an actual treatment for it. It will come and go on its own. A bit like the cold you've had." You take a moment to let it all sink in "how do you think he got it?" You then ask, she shrugs "I don't know." You walk over and hug her "he'll be okay." You whisper "I hope so." She holds your tightly, a warm tear falling down her cheek.

A week passed, Hiccup wasn't getting better, but he wasn't getting worse which seemed like a good thing. You didn't leave him much. Sometimes you would sit and talk to him, even when he was sleeping, which was pretty much all the time. He was only awake to have medicine, eat and drink, talk to you for a while then he would go straight back to sleep. He was always complaining about feeling so tired and useless. But he couldn't control the tiredness and no matter how many times you told him that, he wouldn't get it into his head.
"For the millionth time Hiccup, it's not your fault." You sigh pressing the damp cloth on his forehead "it is, I'm the one who's caught this thing, not anyone else, I have things to do, a village to run." You press a finger to his lips, even sick, he wouldn't shut up "Valka is helping with that, don't worry. Everything is fine anyway. All you need to do is focus on getting better." You say, he sighs "is your throat okay?" You then ask "it's like I haven't drunk anything in weeks." He scoffs "is there really no cure?" He then questions.
"That makes it sound worse than it is."
"Maybe it is."
"Hiccup." You groan "I don't get it either but according to Gothi it's not something you can cure. It has to just run it's course, so you need to carry on with what you are currently doing. Resting." You push his fringe out the way again  "I want you to get better." You say softly, he rests his hand on top of yours smiling "you're a good reason to get better." Your cheeks flush "charming as always." You giggle, he leans forward, kissing you softly "sorry, I can't resist." He looks away "don't be sorry. I miss it too." You put the cloth down and help him to lay back down "go back to sleep." You whisper "why am I so tired?" He asks, gazing up at you "I guess it's from your body fighting against this fever thing, tiring job." You reply with a shrug, he nods falling asleep almost instantly, his frail body shivering, you pull the cover over him and sit by Toothless, he wraps his tail around you as you cuddle up against him. Mystique soon appears, resting her head on your lap, her sad eyes bulging. Toothless licks her head then looks over at Hiccup.

He missed him.

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