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The image of watching Berk get smaller and smaller as you sailed away replayed in your mind. You sat in one of the small rooms, knees tucked up to your chest, sighing softly. A single tear falling down. A knock on the door alerts you, quickly wiping your cheek you look to the door, Harald comes in "I hope you are comfortable here, we will be arriving late tomorrow morning." He explains. You don't say anything "I know you aren't happy about this. But you've known about it, and my son isn't all bad."
You roll your eyes and look back at the wall, curling up tighter. Harald sets out a long sigh as he closes the door.
You were upset and he should damn well understand that. You had no one, not even mystique. You figured this was how you were meant to be, miserable. Every time you found happiness, something would come along and rip it away from you.

"Here we are." Harald gestures you to your new room "spacious and comfortable, I will be bringing Arthur round tomorrow." You stayed silent "(y/n), come on, talk to me." He rests a hand on your shoulder but you quickly shuffle it off, finally looking at him with anger filled eyes "this is wrong, and you fucking know it." You suddenly snap, Harald seemed taken aback for a moment "you just need to get your head around it, ring this bell whenever you need something and the maids will assist you, no matter the time. I shall see you later." And with that, he was gone, leaving you with one maid "can I take your coat for you, miss?" She asks, you shake your head "I know it's not my business, but are you okay?" You lock eyes with her "I have a fiancé, it's not Arthur. I don't want to be here. Forcing me to marry is wrong." You say, the maid sighs softly "I do agree with you, miss. If there was anything I could do, believe me I could. As soon as you walked in here, I could see the sadness on your face. It's still there now."
"What's your name?" You ask "Matilda, miss." She replies "please don't call me that, (y/n) is fine." You offer her a small smile to which she nods "well, I have duties to do, but call if you need anything." She bows and leaves, you gaze around at the room, reaching to your neck where the necklace Hiccup made for you was still resting. You trace it with your fingertips, finally collapsing to the floor in tears.


"There must be something we can do!" Hiccup yells "Hiccup, I told you, it's a legit agreement. It can't be cancelled unless (y/n)'s parents say so and." Valka pauses "and they're dead." He finishes "it's almost like you wanted her to go. I was the only one who actually tried to stop Harald!" Hiccup snarls.
"Hiccup don't say such things!" Valka warns "whatever, mum. If you won't help me get her back, I'll do it on my own." He quickly turns, heading up to his room.
He falls face first onto his bed, Toothless walks in, nudging his rider sadly "Toothless, please leave me alone for a while." Hiccup muffles, Toothless frowns, climbing onto the bed grabbing Hiccup, pulling him under his arm, wrapping his wing around the young chief "sorry bud." Hiccup whispers, Toothless coos softly.
"Hiccup?" The door opens, Toby steps in, Toothless opens his eyes, giving him a sad look, slowly lifting his wing, Hiccup was sleeping deeply, curled up against him, Toby debates for a moment, soon deciding it would be best to let him sleep for a while.

Hiccup is awoken to the feeling of his body slamming against the wooden floor, he groggily opens his eyes to see Toothless looking extremely guilty "tried to get up carefully, eh? Didn't work as always." Hiccup chuckles softly, Toothless groans sadly "I know bud. We've got to go get her back."
"Ah, Hiccup, you're finally awake!" Toby calls, running over as soon as he steps out of the room "finally?"
"Yeah, you fell asleep, yesterday afternoon...and's the next afternoon." Toby explains, Hiccup just stares at him for a moment "where's mystique?" He then asks "she's in the stable, she's refusing to eat or leave."
Hiccup grabs his coat and walks into the stable, a bright pair of yellow eyes lock onto him "hey girl." He whispers, sitting beside her, she was whimpering quietly, no matter how much Hiccup tried to comfort her, she wouldn't stop. They sat together for what felt like hours, just being sad together, Hiccup takes the ring out of his pocket, arching his eyebrows, rage fuelling his body "I'm not going to just sit here and let my girl be shoved off to some stranger." He says, quickly standing up "we will get her back. I promise." He leans down, pressing his forward to mystiques, she purrs softly. The two of them walk out of the stables towards Gobber's shop.

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