Chip on his shoulder

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Hiccup had been salty the last few days, when people tried to talk to him, he'd be very blunt or always make excuses not to talk. You thought it was strange as he was usually friendly and engaging, but ever since the two of you returned, he always seemed to have chip on his shoulder, especially towards his mum. You could tell he didn't want to talk about it, despite the temptations to ask him what was wrong, you knew when the time would be right.

And that time was now. You were downstairs laying on the sofa , reading one of Hiccups many journals from when he was at the edge when the door suddenly flies open making both Bolt and Mystique jump, you gaze at Hiccup for a moment. He looked defeated, and pissed off. Toothless on the other hand was happily bouncing in behind him.
"Good Afternoon." You say calmly, he looks at you blankly "or not." You bury your face back into the journal, you were feeling a bit jokey and knowing he definitely wasn't, you didn't want to annoy him further so shutting your mouth seemed like a good idea.
You hear his footsteps and clinking get closer, you peer at him again to see him hovering over you "Hiccup...?" He doesn't speak, he leans over, crawling on top of you before collapsing, letting out a large huff.
"Hiccup, can you lift yourself up for a sec? I need to move your journal real quick it's getting squished." You wheeze, he muffles a faint "ok." Before lifting himself up so you could place the journal onto the floor, he immediately flops back down. Laying on top of you, face nuzzled into your chest "I'm pretty sure you can't breathe, love." You say softly, running your fingers through his hair to which he sighs contently.

"You wanna talk about it?" You then ask, he moves his head to the side, replying "I don't know." You give him a sympathetic look "c'mere" he shuffles his body up, so his head was now resting in the crook of your neck. You held onto him like he was a child seeking comfort, still tracing though his hair, he wraps an arm around your stomach, his eyes fluttering shut, he was now only half laying on you.
"You're still mad aren't you?" You then ask, he sighs and nods "it's over now, Hiccup. All that matters is we are together, nothing can change that." You say softly "it's just...I was the only person trying to fight for you. No one else, I thought I could forgive Toby but I've been thinking about it..."
"Hiccup, it wasn't an easy thing for anyone to process, your mum knows about agreements and how strict they can be."
"That doesn't mean she should have just given up like that! You are my future wife, and she...she just."
You press your finger to his lips "I know, it was an in the moment thing. Shock I guess." Hiccup let's out a long sigh, lacing his legs with yours "I'm over reacting aren't I?"
You take a deep breath "I wouldn't say that. You're just very protective of me. Which isn't a bad thing." You can feel his hot breath hitting your neck, sending shivers down your spine "you're really warm." He mumbles, curling into you slightly "and you are like an ice cube." You chuckle "do you have much else to do today?" He shakes his head slightly "m'comfy."
You laugh to yourself, he turns into such a baby when he's tired. Clingy and needing comfort. He had been working extra hard since he came back, making up for the two days he was gone. He always went to bed after you and was up and out by the time you woke up, and gone for the whole day. Valka said she was worried but since he was being stubborn with her she didn't intervene. He was doing fine, he always was. But you felt like he was maybe trying to prove a point or something.

You groggily open your eyes, a sharp jabbing pain shooting up your neck, sofas really aren't comfortable, your back was throbbing and you still had a sleeping lump clinging onto you. You lay still for a moment, listening to the soft crackling of the fire and Hiccup's slow, peaceful breathing. Toothless suddenly appears without a second thought he runs his wet tongue across Hiccup's face making the young Viking suddenly jerk up "Toothless!" He groans, wiping his now soaked skin, Toothless laughs with proudness, Hiccup flicks some of the dragons slobber at him "you know I don't appreciate that." He pouts, Toothless just gummy smiles at him then opens his mouth "I think someone is hungry." You chuckle, pushing Hiccup off you, trying not to get slobber over yourself "alright bud, let's get you some fish." Hiccup stands up and stretches "but seriously, you've gotta stop with the excessive licking, you know it doesn't wash out." Toothless gives Hiccup a menacing look "and that's why you do it, to annoy me." He smirks at the dragon, whom grabs onto him, pinning him to the floor, tongue hanging out once again "Toothless." Hiccup warns, the dragon scoffs playfully and lets Hiccup go, looking at the door as if to say "hurry up."
"Alright alright I'm coming, princess." Hiccup calls sarcastically, Toothless smacks him lightly around his head "hey!"
"You two are so childish. It's adorable." You giggle, standing up "he started it!" Hiccup protests, Toothless mimicking him, then grabbing him by the collar, flinging him onto his back and charging out the door.

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