Missing you

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2 days pass. Despite being extremely sensitive and stiff your arm was healing fine. Over one hurdle and slamming face first into another one. A cold. A stinking cold, just what you needed. Your nose completely bunged up, yet a waterfall of snot was constantly dribbling out of it. The sneezes. You thought it you sneezed anymore your brain would come flying out. But you weren't going to let it stop you going about your day. Much to Valkas objections.

Hiccup was near the docks on a small beach area, pacing around mumbling to himself "I mean, I get why she didn't say anything but come on, her birthday. Her birthday! And it's tomorrow! I need to get something for her. Good thing I heard her talking to Mystique about it this morning, it's good isn't it?" He gestures at Toothles who scowls at him, annoyance plastered on his face from Hiccups annoying rambling "oh course it's good!" Hiccup spins round "now, a good gift." Toothless rolls his eyes, mimicking Hiccups yapping then looks to the ocean then plods towards it.
"Toothless, are you listening?" Hiccup yells, hands on his hips, Toothless shoves his head into the water "I'm not that boring am I?" Hiccup calls, Toothless brings his head back up, walks up to Him slapping a long string of seaweed against his chest.
"Really?" Hiccup frowns, Toothless looks at him, then at the seaweed, hoping Hiccup would click. Hiccup stares at the green mush wrapped around his neck "oh, yes! Great idea bud!" He reaches up to hug his dragon but Toothless steps to the side making the Viking fall flat on his face "you're the one who put this stuff on me," he grumbles, Toothless let's out a laugh grabbing Hiccups collar, picking him up "you really are something else." Hiccup sighs dusting the sand off his body "I've already got an idea!" He yells running off, Toothless chasing after him, ducking his head between the boys legs flinging him onto his back, running towards Gobber's shop.

"That's disgusting." Snotlout says scrunching his nose as you blow loudly into the cloth "want some?" You glare at him, he quickly shakes his head "thought so."
"Having fun with the cold?" Fishlegs laughs sitting opposite you, earning a scowl "oh the best time, I can hardly breathe." You put the cloth back into your pocket "fresh air might help." He shrugs. You were sat on a patch of grass, there wasn't really anything to do. A sudden sneeze from you makes Snotlout jump "a warning next time." He huffs "nearly gave me a heart attack!" You roll your eyes "don't be so dramatic." Fishlegs let's out a quiet snigger, you two bickering was hilarious to him.
"Has anyone seen his royal highness?" Ruffnut asks, suddenly appearing "he still needs to sort out my problem." Snotlout lets out a loud sigh "Ruff for the millionth time, he's got actual problems to deal with, not some stupid argument with your brother about who has the best boar!" Ruffnut tsks at his reply "it's a serious issue, Snotlout. You wouldn't understand." She crosses her arms over her chest "I know, it's heartbreaking I could never understand such a serious issue." The black haired boy replies, sarcasm radiating off his words. You go to speak but another sneeze suddenly forces its way out of you, Snoutlot jumping again "flippin heck!" He yells "I told you, I can't help it." You hiss at him.
"Block your nostrils then."
"That won't do anything you idiot!"
"It's gotta be better than you trying to knock us all out."
"I'll make sure the next sneeze is all over you! That really will put the SNOT in Snotlout." The two of you stare eachother down. You suddenly pounce at him, pinning his arms down. "yes, (y/n!) hit him!" Ruffnut cheers punching her fist into the air, you wriggle to sit on his chest facing away from him "this chair it rather uncomfortable, would not reccomend." you snigger looking down "I'm sorry! Get off me!" He wheezes, you climb off he sits up straightening his helmet "you're tough for a girl." He rubs his wrist with a pout "I train." You reply smiling innocently "aww that's it? Boring." Ruffnut sulks "I wanted to see a black eye!"
You roll your eyes at her "rather not get banished, thanks." she lets out a laugh "you're one of the last people Hiccup would Banish!"
It was late into the night, Hiccup was still working away. Toothless had given up watching hours ago, strolling off to find you and Mystique.
"So close." He mumbles to himself as he smooths down the surface, all he had to do was add the stone, secure it in place and he was done. He lets out a long yawn and stretches resting his head on the desk. He was tired. But he had to finish. He just had to...finish.

He snaps his eyes open, sitting upright looking around, groggily rubbing his stiff neck mentally slapping himself for falling asleep. He looks down, it was gone. Panic sets in. Flinging papers onto the floor, looking around the area incase he knocked it off the desk. It was nowhere to be seen.
"Morning sleeping beauty." Gobber chuckles from behind him "Gobber! I've lost it!" Hiccup yells, Gobber raises his eyebrow "lost what?"
"You know exactly what! (Y/n)'s gift!" Hiccup stands up still searching the floor around him "oh you mean this?" Gobber pulls the necklace out from behind his jacket, it was...finished? "Found you here this morning, I figured you'd been up most the night so I finished it up for ya." He chuckles again placing it in Hiccups hands "you finished it? Thank you." Hiccup hugs Gobber tightly "so when are you going to give it to her?" The blonde asks, Hiccup bites his lip "I don't actually have a plan, yet." He scratches the back of his head "thought too far ahead again eh? Defiantly just like your father." Hiccup looks up at him "I miss him." He barely whispers, Gobber places his hand on the young chiefs shoulder "I know, lad. But remember, he's always looking down at you, and I know if he was here now he would be so proud. He was always proud of you." Gobber smiles, Hiccup nods, a single tear falling down his cheek "you've done so well, especially as you're still young. Taking on this big responsibility. You've struggled but your fathers passion inside of you has shown through, and here you are. Protecting the village the same as Stoick did. A true leader."
Memories of Stoick flashed in Hiccup's mind. The months after his passing, the grief in his heart wouldn't leave. He mourned every day. He still does occasionally. He never believed he could be like Stoick. His bravery, greatness. How could he be like that? Doubts still plagued his mind, always wondering if he was doing the right things every time he made decisions. His dad was the greatest influence in his life, after losing him, Hiccup felt completely lost. He had his mother by his side now but it didn't make it any easier for him. All he wanted was the best for the village but he always fears one day he'll make a mistake that screws everything over.

"Hey dad, look! I've finally got the saddle working!" Hiccup chirps happily admiring his work, stocick laughs softly at his son "looks good. Your creative skills never fail to amaze me." He places his hand on the 15 year olds shoulder "one day, when you become chief, I know you'll make me even more proud than I am now." He smiles down at Hiccup who just smiles widely "I could never be as good as the nighty Stoick!" He says in a deep voice making the chief laugh again "you've already brought peace between Viking's and dragons, you have a gift son."
Hiccup gazes up at his dad with wide eyes "you really think so?" He says with a gulp "of course, you are my pride and joy. Your mum would be so happy if she could see you." He pulls Hiccup into a hug "she loved you so much." He whispers "but I've got you, and that's all that matters." Hiccup sighs happily "and you'll always have me, son."
"Do you promise you'll stay forever?" He pulls away looking up at Stoick who smiles softly "no one knows the future, but for as long as I'm breathing and walking this earth I will always protect you with my life. And that I can promise. I love you, Hiccup."


*ugly crying.*

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