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"And it's done." You stand back admiring your finished piece. Took a week but it was finally finished. It turned out better than you expected "looks good, lass. Time to test it on ya dragon." Gobber says walking up behind you "you have talent."
"Thank you." You beam "you must be hungry after all that work. Time to eat!" Gobber cheers, you laugh at his silliness. You place the saddle down and follow Gobber out to the main hall.
"Hey, you." Hiccup chirps making you almost drop your soup "Jesus, you scared me!" You hiss, smacking his arm "sorry." He says though laugher "I finished the saddle! I can't wait to test it later." You say, huge smile on your face, Hiccup frowns slightly "so that means you'll be leaving?" You nod "oh I did promise Toothless I'd go for a ride with him first." Hiccup shakes his head and smiles "come sit with me and the gang."
"How's the saddle going?" Fishlegs asks "it's all done." You reply "that's great news! So will you introduce your dragon to us?" He wiggles his eyebrows "you know what....yes, as long as you don't fangirl too loudly."
"Deal." The two of you shake hands "eww there's a manky Ruffnut hair on my chicken!" Tuffnut gags "that's not mine!" Ruffnut protests "it's mouldy green, definitely yours!" She glares at her twin "oh yeah?" Tuffnut picks it up wriggling it in her face "you want it?" Ruffnut jumps backwards, elbowing Astrid in the side "knock it off." She yells, scooting closer to Hiccup. Snoutlot tries his best to ignore them but he looked like a ticking time bomb, his face getting redder by the second, you glance over at him "hey Snotlout?" He looks up at you "I think Mystique will like you," you smile at him, he drops his spoon onto the floor, mouth gawked open "y-you really think so?" You nod "her names Mystique? I love it!" Fishlegs squeals "hey, no fangirling." You giggle, Hiccup watches you and smiles. You belonged here.

After eating you run back to Gobber's shop "hey, slow down!" Hiccup huffs "you're going to love it!" You yell over your shoulder. You enter the shop and freeze. No. This wasn't happening.
Hiccup walks behind you, holding onto your shoulder catching his breath "ok, so where is." He stops when his eyes land on the saddle "oh no."
It was torn to shreds, pieces scattered all over the floor paint splattered all over it. Ruined. "(y/n) I don't know who." the rest of the gang appear, you hear their gasps. Hiccup turns to them "guys, what the hell happened?" He asks them, they all shrug, you turn around, face red "which one of you was it?" You snap, they all stand there silent "who was it?" You scream, fists clenched "hey calm down. We don't know who it was." Hiccup whispers, holding your shoulders, you shake him off and run past everyone.
"(Y/n) wait!" Hiccup calls after you but you don't stop running, you couldn't believe it. Someone destroyed your saddle, the hard work you put into it, thrown down the drain. You get to the stable, Hiccup still calling you, his friends running behind.
"Leave me alone." You snarl, Hiccup walks slowly towards you "we will fix it, I promise." He says, you roll your eyes "someone clearly doesn't want it fixed." You gaze at the 5 youngsters "it could have been anyone, I will try my hardest to find out who." Hiccup says placing a hand on your shoulder "just make another one, don't be a baby about it." Astrid sighs, you snap your head at her "Astrid." Hiccup warns then turns back to you "let me help you."
"I don't need your help!" You scream. Suddenly the stable door flies open, Mystique charges out, roaring loudly wrapping herself around you and Hiccup, growling loudly at the group. They all stand there in shock "a...night fury?" Fishlegs gasps, you hide against Mystiques tail. The dragons mouth glowing blue, the scales on her back almost blinding.
"She's a glowing dragon, so rare." Fishlegs says nudging Snotlout "that's not the biggest point here! The damn thing wants to eat us!" The short boy yells, Mystique doesn't move, her yellow eyes locked on the group.
"She won't eat you." Hiccup muffles, face full of scales "hey girl, can't breathe." Mystique loosens her grip, Hiccup pats her side, you stay quiet. "Isn't that Toothless's old saddle? Are you trying to steal it, huh?" Astrid questions staring at the saddle on Mystique "no, she was borrowing it until hers was finished." Hiccup replies. A shuffle diverts his attention back to you. You were unclipping the saddle, letting it fall to the floor before mounting your still very pissed off dragon "keep the saddle. Keep everything. I'm leaving." You say coldly, Hiccup grabs your arm "no, please don't." He begs "let her go, babe. She's clearly ungrateful." Astrid snarls, you stare at her, your heart racing, you lift your fist, ready to punch the crap out of her "Astrid just shut up!" Hiccup yells "(y/n) listen to me, please." You look away "I'm sorry Hiccup, thank you for everything. I won't forget you." You whisper and turn to him, you smile weakly then signal Mystique, she roars again and takes off.
Silence. Hiccup stands there in shock. "Damn, whoever broke her saddle really has a problem with her." Ruffnut breathes "whoever did it is a jerk." Fishlegs scowls "she was nice." Hiccup stares at his old saddle laying on the dusty floor "I've got my suspicions." Snotlout mumbles glaring as Astrid, she punches his arm. Hiccup storms into his house and slams the door "ooohhhh. better leave him alone." Ruffnut says slowly "boar fighting time!" She cheers head butting her twin, the two of them run off.

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