Dragon rescue

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Despite the icy air numbing your whole face, there was still nowhere you'd rather be right now, high in the sky, away from everything. Mystique was going full speed weaving through the clouds and passing dragons. She slowed down for no one, not that you minded. Toothless flew up beside you, turning upside down, feet facing the sky, Gummy smiling with his tongue flapping against the wind, Hiccup holding on underneath, he looks at you through the small gaps in his helmet, saluting then turning back up the right way. You press your body down closer to Mystique, smirking at the boy's before she shoots off again.

The two dragons raced, swerving in between large rock towers, Mystique had a habit of spinning past them, feeling a boost of confidence you lift one arm into the air as she continued at top speed. You'd often wished you were a dragon, being up in the sky felt so liberating, you felt so free. An easy getaway to just spread your wings and take off.
Eventually she slowed down to a gentle glide. You release a loud breath and lay down along her back, taking in the moment. You look to your right to see Hiccup adjusting Toothless's tail with his prosthetic, clicking it into its locked position, he sits up straight and removes his helmet, rustling his hair then looking at you with a wide smile. You stick your tongue out and sit back up. He gives you a menacing look, pointing his finger at you making the "come here." Gesture, wiggling his finger, you scoff at him and carefully manoeuvre yourself so both your legs were one side of Mystique. Hiccup holds his arms out, helping you climb onto Toothless. As soon as you are off, Mystique shoots a blast and begins turning and spinning like a maniac.

You stumble a bit, falling onto Toothless slightly, making him grunt. You quickly adjust yourself so you were sat in front of Hiccup, his arms around your waist, sailing smoothly through the sky.
"It's nice spending this time with you." He says happily "agree, something about flying makes it even better."
The only problem with flying was you'd often lose track of time, being so caught up in the moment took away any other thoughts. Mystique flies back up beside you, scowling. "Someone is jealous and wants me back on her!" you giggle, trying to wiggle out of Hiccup's grasp but he holds on tighter "I don't think so. I'm happy with you here, thanks." He nestles his face into your shoulder, the short, prickly stubble along his jaw brushing against the sensitive skin on your neck. Mystique snarls loudly making his head shoot up "come on, a few more minutes, please." He begs, she rolls her eyes and nudges Toothless. He lets out a roar and flies up so he was directly above her "alright fine." Hiccup huffs, finally letting go. You carefully climb down Toothless and land back on Mystique. She coos happily and levitates away from the boy's, keeping you to herself.

"Such jealously!" You chuckle as Mystique lands back on Berk, you slide off and nuzzle against her, she purrs loudly rubbing her head against you heavily like an overly affectionate cat "I love you too." You hum contently, her pupils dilate and she licks your face "thanks." You wipe the slobber off with a groan. Hiccup walks over. Mystique immediately curls her body around you, giving him a smug look "oh, someone's being competitive for her attention today." He laughs, she opens and closes her mouth mimicking his sentence, eyes rolled up "very funny." He scratches behind her ear. As she unwraps from you, Toothless bounces over knocking her over, the look on her face completely priceless, he pins her down, rubbing his head against hers, cooing. Mystique on the other hand was not pleased about the sudden attack, she smacks his head and roars, making him immediately jump up, she cleans herself and shakes. He watches her carefully as she slowly looks at him, walking over, purring against him as she walks past before suddenly running off, him quickly chasing after her.
"Those two are something else." Hiccup laughs shaking his head. A crash alerts you, you look over to see the two dragons being chased off by an angry fish seller, you roll your eyes and begin walking towards the village. Hiccup takes your hand, upon approaching Gobber's shop he stomps over, gripping onto his forehead "finally you appear! Only been waiting 100 years for ya!" He grunts "sorry, sorry. Lost track of time flying." Hiccup replies, raising his arms in defence "same excuse every day."
"Gee, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Hiccup sighs "actually, I woke up on the floor, with a spitting headache and Grump laying on me. Not a good morning!"
You bite back a smile, he was probably hungover "Hiccup, there you are! Your mother said you left home nearly four hours ago, where the hell were you?" One of Hiccups court men, Gutha yells waking over, Hiccup glares at him "alright boys, no fighting." You chirp in "see you later, chief." You peck his cheek and head off.
"Oh he's sooo whipped!" Gobber begins singing but immediately stops as the sharp throbbing in his head intensifies "thank you very much, Gobber." Hiccup mutters sarcastically while turning back to Gutha "what's wrong?"
"Nothing luckily, but something could have happened, and if I did you would have been nowhere to be found!" Gutha barks, taking Hiccup Aback "okay, I'm sorry!" Gobber gently pushes the man back "hey now Gutha, lay off the lad." Gutha squints his eyes "your mother has had to fill in for you, again!" He crosses his arms, Hiccup stays silent for a moment, scowling at him. "Yeah, fine. Whatever you say. Geez everyone is so miserable today." He grumbles walking away, ignoring Gutha's continuous yelling and Gobber trying to shut him up.

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