I'm sorry

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"I swear to god!" You scream, pacing around the living room, Hiccup sat on the sofa, ice pack on his bruised bloody knuckle, looking at the floor, still scowling to himself "you are unbelievable!" You snap, Valka puts her hand on your shoulder "Hiccup, why did you punch him?" She asks, he sighs loudly "he was saying I'm no good for (y/n), she deserves to be with him not me, blaming me that she's not with him, he said I'm a rubbish chief, saying dad would be disappointed in me. He wouldn't stop." A moment of silence fills the room, you stare intently at him as he looks up, he looked defeated and hurt, honesty it broke your heart but you were still mad at him.
Valka clears her throat and moves the ice off his knuckles, examining them "you're going to have a big bruise." She sighs, gently wiping the dried blood off making Hiccup wince. "Yeah it's going to hurt." You sneer, He looks at you with sad eyes, tears filling them. You were torn, if what he said was true then yeah maybe Fishlegs deserved it but at the same time, punching him? Not cool. You wanted to wrap your arms around him. He looked so close to breaking down, his breathing was deep and quick, the life in his usually bright green eyes was faded to nothing, his skin pale and lifeless. He looked like he had nothing left in him. It hurt you to see him that way.

"Babe....please." He whispers croakily, you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, Valka gets up walking over to you, hugging you gently, whispering "he needs you." She walks away and you look back at the broken boy sat there. A lump in your throat forming as you fought back your own tears. You slowly walk over and pull him into your chest, as soon as he feels your warmth around him, he cracks.
He cries heavily into you, shouting how sorry and pathetic he was. He had no faith left in himself, whatever Fishlegs said, it hit him hard. He slowly calmed down "Hiccup, listen to me." You say "stop doubting yourself." You push his tear sweat soaked fringe away from his eyes "you've been struggling for a few weeks now. We all know that. Just because you're struggling now, doesn't mean you aren't a good chief. It's still new to you. Stop bringing yourself down." he lets out a shaky sigh
"Fishlegs is acting out for a reason, I don't know what it is because like I've said, he's normally the nicest guy. Something is bothering him too." You pull him close again, slowly massaging his scalp with your fingertips.
Gradually you feel his body getting heavier "Hiccup?" No response, you gently lay him down, covering him with a blanket and kissing his cheek softly.
You walk outside and see Snotlout leaning against a wall, frowning. You Walk up to him he looks over, giving you a sad smile "how's Fishlegs?" You ask, he sighs in frustration "I swear, he's possessed or something! He's gone crazy!"
You twiddle your fingers nervously "it's because of me." He flaps his hand up and down "he's being a hormonal dick. Don't blame yourself, can't say I blame them for fighting over you." He wiggles his eyebrows making you roll your eyes "this isn't funny, Snotlout." "ahh I know, but Fishface never told us he had feelings for you. If he had. Maybe we could have somehow prevented this." He says, scrunching up his nose.
"You can't prevent love!" A voice calls, you didn't even turn around "punching someone in the face ain't love, idiot." Snotlout snarls as the twins walk over "and we missed the punch, both of them! gutted." Ruffnut pretends to cry, Tuffnut patting her shoulder, you spin your head round glaring at them "seriously?" They both nod.
"I can show you some blood if you want." Astrid says from behind them suddenly "no, we're good, the mood has gone."
"Are you alright? How's Hiccup?" Astrid asks "he's finally asleep. completely broken. It's horrible." You whisper "he's been doubting himself for a few weeks now and today, whatever Fishlegs said, it made him snap." She nods at your words "give him time."

As much as you didn't want too. You had too speak to Fishlegs, he was sat in Gobbers shop talking to Gobber, ice on his swollen cheek. As soon as he sees you, his eyes widen "hello lass. How's Hiccup?" Gobber asks "he's sleeping finally. Been crying for I don't know how long." You reply bitterly, glaring at Fishlegs "aye, I need to speak to Valka about something. You two better behave." Gobber warns and walks out. You stare at Fishlegs coldly "explain. Now."

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