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Hiccup storms up to his room, slamming the door, he grips his hair tightly and screams, he was livid. He's never felt this angry before. It wasn't the kiss that bothered him the most it's the fact Fishlegs hurt you. He hurt you. He picks up his chair, throwing it against the wall then pushing everything off his desk, hot tears streaming down his burning face, he screams again walking to his bookshelf flinging every book onto the floor before leaning against the wall burying his head into his hands as he slides to the floor.
"Are you done?" Valka asks, crossing her arms, looking at him with disappointment "go away, mum." Hiccup muffles, Valka steps inside the room, sitting beside him watching as he took deep shaky breaths, his body shaking "Hiccup." She says sternly "can you please calm down." He lowers his hands letting out a long exhale, she observes him, watching as his face finally softens. The anger in his eyes fading away, his pupils dilating more "there we go. Now, tell me what happened." She rests her hand on his cheek "son, please." She turns his head to face her "no one has ever seen you lash out, it's like you were a completely different person."

Hiccup looks at his mother sadly, the worry on her face made him fill up with guilt "I don't know what came over me." He finally whispers "but you had a reason?"
"Fishlegs kissed (y/n) and when he did, he gripped her arms so tightly, he's left bruises on her arms, it made me so sick, he kissed her he hurt her. He betrayed me. I." Valka presses a finger to his dry lips "Hiccup. I understand why you are so upset, but what you did wasn't the answer. Did you even see (y/n)'s face? Did you even for one second consider how she felt seeing you like that, your friends too? About to punch someone. I know for a fact your father did not raise you to behave this way."
Hiccup sinks down "and there was me wanting to make him proud." He lets his head fall forward "he is proud of you, but if he saw what you did. He would be disappointed. Especially as Fishlegs is one of your friends."
"Hiccup." Valka sighs "just hear him out. I understand he hurt (y/n) and that's not okay but you of all people should know he's not a violent person, he never has been. Deep down in your heart you don't believe he hurt her on purpose." Valka pulls Hiccup to her chest, running her fingers through his hair "you're an amazing chief, and a good person. And today you snapped. It happens but you can fix this." She whispers "she was so scared." Hiccup sobs "I scared her so badly, she probably never wants to see me again."
"Don't be daft. She loves you. The two of you are meant to be. Everyone is just in shock." Hiccup lifts his head up to look up at Valka "I'm so sorry, mum." She leans down kissing his forehead "I know. We all know who you really are. They will understand." She holds him closer, the two of them staying there, together.

You hardly slept last night. The images of Hiccup scarring your mind. His face, the rage in his eyes, the fact he was so close to punching Fishlegs. You curled up into a tighter ball, Astrid walks in "hey." She whispers "how did you sleep?" You just shake your head, she bites her lip "Hiccup is downstairs." You flinch at her words "I've already spoken to him. He really is sorry. I swear he's never lashed out like that before. Talk to him." She begs, you sigh and nod sitting up "alright, call if you need me." She hugs you quickly then leaves.
Hiccup walks in, you lock eyes, you couldn't hold it in, you instantly burst into tears holding your arms out, he quickly runs over holding you tightly "I'm so sorry." He wheezes "I swear I'll never do that again, I should have listened to you." He was rambling on and on "shut up." You mumble pulling away "it's okay." He wipes a tear from your cheek "that really was something else." You whisper, he scratches the back of his head "yeah, not my proudest moment."
"What about Fishlegs?" You then ask "I'm meeting with him and Snotlout soon. Yeah, Snotlout isn't leaving him alone until this is sorted out." You nod "I get why you were so angry. But I told you to not yell at him, what the hell came over you?" You then say, looking at him sternly "I don't know, I just snapped. I wasn't thinking, we are supposed to be a group and one of us hurting another is disgusting."
"You tried to hurt Fishlegs." You whisper, Hiccup looks down, you shuffle on the bed running your fingers through your hair "that wasn't you. It was someone else. Someone I don't like. No one likes him." You say softly "yeah, he's a pretty shitty guy." Hiccup replies, looking up "someone you are never seeing again!" You smile weakly at him "do you forgive me for being an extremely bad person?" He then asks "what you did was bad, but We all know you aren't a bad person . Of course I forgive you. If you ever feel like that again, especially towards our friends, don't confront the person. Just walk away and calm yourself first, or speak to one of us."
He nods slightly pulling you closer stifling a yawn, he was exhausted, he didn't sleep. His mind was racing with regret. Trying to figure out what to say to everyone. His shaking eyelids began to drop, his body getting heavier against you "come on, don't fall asleep here." You help him stand up "you need to see Fishlegs."

Fishlegs was nervous. Pacing back and forth as him and Snotlout waited for Hiccup to appear "will you stop pacing? You're making me nervous," Snotlout sighs "I can't help it. What if he attacks me again?" Fishlegs panics "if he even tries, he will getting a face full of my fist." Snotlout sneers, just then Hiccup appears "ah there he is, mr. Angry!" Snotlout calls "Snotlout, shut up." Hiccup sighs rolling his eyes "right, be careful or you'll pin me against a wall too." The dark haired boy yells, Fishlegs pinches his nose in frustration "you better shut your mouth or it will be my fist in your face." Snotlout spins round to see Astrid glaring at him, one fist in the air, he gulps "you and your big mouth have gotten us in a lot of trouble many times before and I'd be more than happy to be the reason you can't talk for at least a week!" She flinches at him making him back up, she walks over to him grabbing his ear, dragging him away.

Fishlegs and Hiccup stood in silence, starring at each other, Fishlegs couldn't figure out what the other boy was thinking, he still looked pretty mad, but he didn't blame him for that "I'm sorry, Fishlegs. I shouldn't have done what I did. I was so angry. You kissed my girlfriend, hurt her and betrayed me. I will admit I did overreact and I could have handled it better but...when it comes to her..." Hiccup pauses, Fishlegs rubs his arm awkwardly "I love her, man. You know that. Just tell me why."
Fishlegs gulps loudly, he didn't know what to say "Fishlegs. Why did you kiss her?" Hiccup repeats, narrowing his eyes "I love her too okay?" The blonde blurts "I've liked her since I first met her but I know she would never like me back so I never tried, but over time my feelings got more strong, I couldn't hold it back, I just wanted to kiss her. I can't help how I feel."
Hiccup crosses his arms over his chest "kissed her when you know she's with me? That's low." He huffs "you think I don't know that?" Fishlegs snaps "why couldn't you just go back to Astrid?" Hiccup takes a step back "oh so this is all my fault for falling in love?" He growls "yeah it is!"
"I can't believe you right now." The two boys glare at each other "I'm here trying to say sorry and you clearly don't care." Hiccup mumbles, he can feel the anger building up again. He can't control it, this boy in front of him makes him sick, Fishlegs smirks slightly "I love her Hiccup. She deserves to be with someone who doesn't go round threatening anyone who so much as looks at her. You've got serious jealousy problems." Hiccup clenches his jaw, finding every ounce of resistant to stop him from full on punching him in the face but he was struggling to find any. He couldn't understand why Fishlegs was suddenly acting this way, he's normally kind but now. He's an asshole.
"Watch your mouth." Hiccup warns "I don't know why you're being like this but it's not cool." He walks closer, not taking his eyes off the blonde.
"Oh god." Astrid groans, her and Snotlout were watching from a distance "Hiccups going to punch him, I bet you anything!" Snotlout sighs "he won't."
"He punched me!"
"Yeah you asked for that. You begged him to punch you, idiot."
Hiccup takes a deep breath "I'm not going to fight with you Fishlegs. I want to sort this." Fishlegs cocks his head to the side "yeah, we can sort this, break up with her so I can have her. You don't deserve her. Just because you're a chief doesn't mean you can get any girl you want." He sneers "excuse me?"
"You heard me! Stoick would be so ashamed of you! A lady's man!"
That was it, Hiccup was beyond pissed, without a second thought or a warning he collides his fist with the blondes jaw, knocking him to the floor "don't you ever disrespect me like that!" He screams "and don't you ever talk about my father!" Fishlegs grabs his jaw, then flings himself up tackling Hiccup to the floor, the two of them wrestling. Astrid and Snotlout quickly pull them apart "what the fuck is wrong with you two?" She yells, Hiccup frees himself from her grip punching Fishlegs in the gut, then smashing his jaw a second time. Toothless runs over grabbing the brunette pinning him to the floor "Toothless get off me!" Hiccup screams, punching the dragons leg to no avail. Toothless shoots him a glare, the twins appear with you "wait, there's blood? Why do we always miss the fights!" Tuffnut sighs "shut up!" Astrid barks, the looks at you stood there, emotionless. There they were, both covered in blood, Hiccup once again being held down, he looks at you and immediately freezes. "Get Fishlegs out of here." Astrid instructs, Snotlout drags him away "and you." She kneels in front of Hiccup "I don't know what's got into you lately but it's ridiculous."
"He insulted me, spoke about my dad, said I'm no good. What the hell did you expect me to do?" He snaps "not punch him," Astrid sighs "after what he said I want him gone, banished! I don't want to see his face ever again!"

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