More than anything

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The next morning you sat on the sofa, hands in your lap twiddling your fingers as last night replayed in your head.


"'re drunk. You don't mean-"
"Yes I do." He says with a laugh, this only made you angry, was this a joke to him? "wait until tomorrow and you won't remember a thing!" You snap "no, I've been planing it for monthsssss."
"Hiccup just stop!"
"I have a ring and everything, look!" He fiddles with his pockets only to fall over again "Hiccup, I said stop." He freezes "you don't know what you're saying, it's the beer. You can't be serious right now about wanting to marry me when you can't even walk on your own let alone think logically." You sigh, he struggles to his feet, wobbling like he was on a tightrope, you cross your arms, glaring at him "I mean it...I really dooooo."
You were tired and angry "if you really 'dooooo' you wouldn't attempt a proposal wasted out of your arse!" You yell, he laughs again making your blood boil "honey, chill. I love you so" he stops and spins round, throwing up in a bush, you groan in annoyance.
After he was done he turns back to you "so what do you say? Marry me. I'm drunk and really in love!" He cheers, you deepen your glare before wrapping an arm around him helping him the rest of the way home, his continuous rambling was annoying you more each second, you help him in into his bed where he immediately passes out. You place a bucket and glass of water on his bedside and head into the spare room.


Clicking of metal snaps you out of your thoughts, a groaning Hiccup flops down next to you, downing the water you left for him "did you wake up early?" He asks "I slept in the spare room." You reply coldly "oh how come? I'm sure I remember us leaving the party together."
You clench your teeth, he really doesn't remember. "Oh we had an argument, you were completely wasted so I put you to bed and left you alone." You say, not looking at him "an argument?"
"I knew you wouldn't remember anything. Just leave me alone." Before Hiccup could say anything you were out of the door and flying off with Mystique.

Astrid was flying near by where you had stopped off, she spots you and lands, sitting beside you.
"Everything alright?" She asks, noticing the clear scowl on your face "men are idiots."
"Okay, what's Hiccup done now?"
"He proposed to me last night, completely wasted, laughing about it. And surprise surprise he didn't remember a thing this morning." You explain.
"Yeah, so I'm not talking to him."
"That's not exactly a romantic way to propose." She sighs "I couldn't care less about it being romantic or not. All I care about if if he means it. And last night he was drunk, could barely walk so he clearly didn't." You say
"drunk words are sober thoughts." Astrid replies
She clears her throat awkwardly "I don't know, just made that up...sorry probably not helping."
You sigh loudly tucking your knees up to your chest "do you think I'm over reacting?" You then ask, Astrid shrugs "sounds to me like you really do want to marry him."
"I never said that."
"Didn't have too."
"No, it's just...not something you should joke about, gives mixed signals, y'know?"
Astrid nods, patting your shoulder "take some time to let out some steam, it's better to talk to him than to leave him wondering. You know he hates when people are upset, and considering he's probably got a bad headache today he's going to be more worried." She says while chuckling at the thought of Hiccup hungover "he's such a dork."
"Too right." You finally smile.


"I proposed?" Hiccup yells, Astrid punches his shoulder "shut up, yes you did but you ain't engaged and as you can guess she's not exactly happy about the fact you did it while drunk, finding it hilarious." She crosses her arms "well that ruins my plans." He sighs
"Plans?" Astrid raises an eyebrow "Just before the confrontation with Sten, I had made (y/n) an engagement ring, I was going to propose when I got back, so I gave it to mum to look after but then I lost my memories and it went downhill." Hiccup explains, rubbing his temples "and as things were finally getting back to normal, I was re planning and I guess last night the urge to ask her got the better of me." He looks down at the floor "Thor, I'm such an idiot!"
Astrid rolls her eyes "indeed you are but never mind that, we've got a proposal to plan!" She squeals in excitement grabbing Hiccups arm dragging him outside.

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