It's always been you

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You hadn't seen Hiccup all morning, you figured he was off doing buisness. You hadn't told anyone it was your birthday today and that was fine with you. Just another day. You'd never really celebrated it before so why would you now? Your parents would also acknowledge it and that was all. But Toby (your younger brother) was a whole different story. Huge celebrations every year. His 18th was ridiculously huge. Coming of age? And what? Becoming more of a stuck up little brat more like. You huff loudly as you walk towards Gobber's shop, needing a distraction, practising your happy face along the way, as your about to enter you see Gobber leaving "just the person I was about to come find." He says "how come?"
"Lad in there." Is all he replies before brushing past, confused you cautiously step inside to see Hiccup sat at the end of the room, back facing you. Soft sniffs coming from him. You slowly walk over "Hiccup?" He stops, immediately wiping his eyes "hey." He croaks, you look to his lap and see a drawing of Stoick. You pull up a chair and sit beside him "thinking about your dad?" You say softly, he nods letting out a shaky sigh "I've heard great things about him. He sounds like he was an amazing man."
Hiccup sighs again "it's just so hard. Doing this without him." You rub his back slowly "my mum has been amazing, but I can't stop missing him. I can't let my grief go. I can't let him go." He sobs, you don't say anything, pulling him into your arms, he sobs harder into your shoulder, gripping onto you "and no one is forcing you too." You say softly "grief is a process. It's not up to anyone else. It's only up to you. You can only fully let go when you know you're ready too." You explain gently "he was your aspiration, someone you looked up too for all those years. But he's not truly gone." Hiccup lifts his head, you gaze into his puffy green eyes "he's always with you, in here." You place your hand on his, moving it to rest on his chest "you are part of him. I know it hurts and you'll have days where you feel like you do now. But it's okay. It's part of healing. Loosing someone like your father, who raised you, gave you all the loving memories you have of him. Taught you everything you know. The pain of knowing he's not here will always be there but." You stop for a second, Hiccups eyes burning into yours his lips trembling "it's been over a year (y/n) why can't I let go of the grief? Why am I still feeling like it happened only yesterday?" You shake your head "people deal with grief differently. You had a bond with your father that no one else can feel or understand. That bond was strong. You need to believe in yourself that you are a great chief. You are doing the right things and you are making Stoick proud." He breaks his gaze away from you and thinks "I'll get there eventually." He says, you nod "don't force yourself to be happy. It only makes you more miserable. Trust me, I know." You say with a long sigh, Hiccup sits back up, finally, he smiles. "There he is." You giggle pinching his cheek "shut up." He mumbles "no." You stick your tongue out at him then suddenly sneeze multiple times "still got the sniffles I see." He smirks reaching for a cloth.
"what a way to spend your birthday eh?" He says with an awkward chuckle, you freeze "what did you say?" "I know it's your birthday today, why didn't you tell me?" He cocks his head to the side "I've never celebrated it." You say honestly before blowing your nose.
"Well that's about to change!" He chirps taking your hand again making you wait outside for a moment before re appearing holding a small box and handing it to you "happy birthday, (y/n)."
You told the box in shock for a moment then slowly open it to reveal a necklace, a dragon necklace

"You told the box in shock for a moment then slowly open it to reveal a necklace, a dragon necklace

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