Wanna race?

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Hiccup thought about what the gang had said earlier, sure he missed the exploring, but he had higher priorities, he knew Berk needed a full time, strong leader, not someone part time. He leant up against a building, leg lifted up with his foot pressed up against the wood, arms folded as he played back and forth with his thoughts.
"Are you alright, son?" He looks up to see Valka stood in front of him, a cautious look on her face "I'm fine." He replies slowly "clearly you're not." She sighs "it's...earlier, Fishlegs suggested the gang go for a proper explore for a few days like the old times, like when we were at the Edge but I told them I don't think I can, I think they're a bit annoyed at me."
Valka shakes her head "do you not want to go?" "Of course I do, but we aren't kids anymore, mum. I'm the chief, I can't keep just flying off all the time, dad trusted me to run and protect the village. I'm not a kid anymore."
"You've already said that." Valka states "not helping, mum." Hiccup groans, she chuckles softly "Hiccup. If you want to go with your friends that's fine, me and Gobber can manage."
"That's the point. I can't keep dumping my responsibilities on you whenever I fancy a little adventure." Hiccup huffs "well, it's true you aren't a kid anymore, but you are still young." She says "I'm not saying you aren't mature, because I know you are, very much so for your age. You've had to grow up a lot quicker than your friends. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing...but what I'm trying to say is don't feel like you have to push yourself to do everything alone while you are still young. Running a village is a tough job, I witnessed your father go through exactly the same thing when he became chief. And I've told you me and Gobber are always more than happy to help you and keep things in order if you have to leave."

She steps closer, tucking some hair behind his ear "it's your decision, Hiccup. I'm not advising you to forget your place as chief and start ignoring your role, or forcing you to go off with your friends if you don't want too. I'm simply implying that occasionally, it's good for you to spend quality time with them, I'm sure they miss you."

"I...god I don't know." Hiccup grumbles "stop worrying too much. Sleep on it. You have a busy day tomorrow and you need be in full focus."

You were sat in the spare room, reading. Hiccup walks in "hey, did you fly Toothless for me after dinner?" You nod "yeah, after the court guy needed you, I figured you'd be busy for the rest of the evening." He twiddles his thumbs nervously "are you staying in here tonight?"
"You seemed a bit peeved off earlier so I'm just giving you some space." You reply with a shrug, no emotion in your voice "I...I w-wasn't mad at you." He whispers sadly, his voice getting quieter as the words came out his mouth, you close the book, finally looking at him "I can tell when you need time to yourself, Hiccup."
You stand up and walk towards him "don't think too much about the guys, you know they love a good adventure. They understand you're a busy man, they're just dramatic about 90 percent of things." You say softly, he sighs "I'm turning into an old fart." You snort at his words "I hope not! I'll have you know, I only like men my age." You stick your tongue out making him chuckle.
"Seriously though, are you okay?" You ask "yeah, just torn with keeping everyone happy." He replies, face falling "life tip: you can't please everyone. At the end of the day, Berk is your top priority along with Toothless. The guys know that. And you know how childish three of them are." You cross your arms, mentally cursing them.

"Well...actually, they're not my only priority." Hiccup whispers, his face flushing pink "oh, god how can I forget your mum!" You chuckle awkwardly "yeah, her too..." he bites his lip, looking deep into your eyes. You weren't just his girlfriend, to him, you meant so much more that.

'Is see a long happy future with you.' Heck, if he could marry you tomorrow, he would.

Weeks pass uneventful. Unless you count the Twins constant complaining about wanting to go on the explore as an 'event'. It seemed that way sometimes with the fuss and dramatic complaining they would make about it. Hiccup was doing a lot better, everyone could see the difference in him. He was much happier, dealing with his orders and duties with more confidence, but he was still unsure about leaving Berk unless he really needed too.

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