Toothless and Mystique

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Credit to the artist of this Picture! (don't know who it is unfortunately, I'm assuming it's the deviantArt along the bottom, either way, it's amazing!)

I was debating positing this as the next chapter but here we are!


Mystique had been distant for the last two days, she was spending a lot more time in the stable, not wanting to fly, or really move much, you were getting worried. Walking into the stable you see her sitting in the corner on a large pile of hay, staring at you as you entered "hey girl." You whisper, she coos a soft reply and lowers her head back down.
"(Y/n?)" Hiccup calls from outside "In here." You reply, he opens the door and you quickly shush him "any idea what's wrong with her?" He asks, you shake your head "she seems to be fixated on sitting in that one spot. She's still eating but doesn't want to move."

Hiccup kneels beside her, stroking the side of her head gently "what's wrong?" He asks her softly, she gazes at him with wide pupils, Toothless then comes in, walking over and nuzzling his head again hers, both of them purring contently, he places himself beside her, resting his head on her back "bud?" Hiccup questions, Toothless groans quietly "let's leave them." You say, Hiccup sighs and stands back up.


"Have you two thought of the possibility that Mystique is about to lay?" Fishlegs asks, "what makes you think that?" You look at him confused "it's possible, Toothless and Mystique have been getting a lot closer recently, they look pretty coupley to me. And you said she's fixated on one spot?" You nod "a dark quiet place, refusing to move but still eating, Toothless checking on her constantly. They're the same species, both mature adults...If you  put the pieces together, it makes sense."
You face Hiccup, he looked surprised "Mystique never seemed that interested in Toothless." He furrows his eyebrows, Fishlegs shakes his head "neither was (y/n) to you at first, now look at you, getting married in a few weeks." He chuckles.

Early the next morning you got up and went straight to the stable, Mystique still sat in her spot, Toothless beside her, as you opened the door, their heads snap towards you, Toothless growls lowly "hey, it's me!" You whisper, he instantly stops, giving you a "sorry." Look. "It's alright." You smile, stepping closer. Toothless shuffles over so you could sit beside Mystique "how you feeling?" You ask, scratching her chin go which she purrs happily, Toothless communicates something to her, she looks at you then down to her wing as she lifts it up. You almost choke as two eggs come into view "M-Mystique...are those?" She nods, you dart your eyes to Toothless who smiles proudly "I...I  what? Can I?" You whisper as you reach your hand towards them. Mystique nods, you place your hand onto them "they're wet. Did you literally just have them?"
She nods again, you stare at the eggs with wide eyes, so in shock you don't hear Toothless growl again at the door re opening "Toothless, it's me! Calm down, bud!" Hiccup says raising his hands in surrender. "Oh, there you are (y/n) this is pretty early for-" he pauses as his eyes fall onto what you were staring at.
"Eggs?" He yells. You smack his knees "not to loud." You hiss, he kneels down "sorry sorry."

"Is this what you were trying to tell me the other day, eh?" You chuckle, she shakes her head, nudging your stomach again "girl, I'm not pregnant. Not married yet." You giggle. Hiccup slithers his an arm around your waist "maybe you are, and she can sense it." Hiccup beams "I doubt it." You roll your eyes "I thought you wanted kids?" He asks "yeah, but I'd rather wait until we are married and settled."
"Oh, yeah good point." He scratches the back of his neck "buuuuut, we are getting married soon. And we are already pretty settled." He chuckles, you roll your eyes and smile "but if it turns out you are and she can tell before you know, I'd still be happy." He kisses your cheek "soppy." You mutter "just in love." He replies, pulling you to sit in between his legs.

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