A question

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3 months had passed since Hiccups injury. Not all of him was there still. The last month had been no progress at all, no one was sure why. He still couldn't remember you,Valka, Stoick or Gobber, as for being a chief, he was still in the process or re learning everything. You'd often watch him walk past, feeling almost frustrated. Not because he technically wasn't your boyfriend anymore, but that he wasn't the same person. Talking to him didn't feel the same, seeing him struggle with things he was usually good at. It made you frustrated for him.

Snotlout stared at you as you poked around at the chicken on your plate, the whole gang had noticed you aren't around as much, mostly flying off with Mystique and Bolt. Your chest was better but not fully back to normal but you could do a lot more.
"Anyone fancy an adventure tomorrow?" Fishlegs asks, delight in his voice, everyone mumbles a low "no." Making him sink down in his seat "Hiccup keeps forgetting who I am, and greeting me like a stranger!" Snotlout suddenly yells "who can blame him, you are very forgettable." Ruffnut snickers to which Snotlout throws a fish at her "where is he anyway?" Astrid asks "probably in Gobbers shop. Making random things. Like he has been doing for the last month." You don't look up as you speak, you feel Astrids arm wrap around you, shuffling her off you quickly stand up and leave the great hall, feeling everyone's eyes burning on your back. You wonder into Gobber's shop to find it empty, where was Hiccup?
"Toothless...stop! Snap out of it!" Toothless's slit thin eyes digging into Hiccup as he crept closer, his mouth starting to light up, smoke seeping out.
"Hiccup!" Stoick yells, running towards Hiccup "Dad!"
Stoick shoves Hiccup out the way as a loud blast erupts through the air. Hiccup looks over to see Stoick laying motionless, he quickly runs over "dad!"
He looks down at Stoick, his body cold and lifeless, Valka's head on his chest, listening for a heartbeat, she closes her eyes for a moment then looks up at him sadly.
Hiccup felt his whole body collapse, hot salty tears falling down his cheeks. His dad was dead, the one person he looked up too...it hurt, so much.
Hiccup bolts up in his bed, his whole body drenched in sweat, panting heavily he rubs his eyes with the palm of his hands. Everyone was telling him Stoick was his father, Gobber had told Hiccup that Stoick saved Hiccups life that day.
Hiccup clenches the sheets, still panting, he looks down at his shirt, it was soaked, but he was too scared to move. He throws the cover over his shaking body, wrapping it as tightly as he could, shutting his eyes only made the nightmare images appear again, so he laid in silence, starring at the blank wall, tears continuing to fall.
You quietly open the door to Hiccups bedroom seeing a lump under the covers, hearing soft sniffles "Hiccup?"
The covers don't move, you sit beside him, he quickly sits up and wraps his arms around you, his body shaking "hey, it's alright." You whisper, holding him tightly, after a few minutes he calms down and looks up at you "do you want to talk about it?"
"I had a bad dream...about Stoick...he died...Toothless was possessed or something, trying to kill me but Stoick pushed me out of the way...Toothless shot at him."
Your heart sank "Hiccup that wasn't a dream...it really happened. I think you had a flashback." Hiccup shivers again "it was horrible...of all the memories, why that one?" You bite your lip, debating on what to reply "I don't know..."
"I've had no memories come back for months and this horrible one just appears, my brain hates me." He sighs, you push on his chest lightly to lay him back down "it's just the process of healing, some memories will hurt, but it's all things you've experienced before, you've conquered through them once, you can do it again."
You stand up and pull the covers back over him "what you need is rest. Let your mind go blank, okay?"
He nods slowly, you go to leave but feel something tugging on your sleeve "can you stay with me? Just for a while...I feel...so alone." His voice cracks slightly "of course." You lay down beside him, the two of you face each other, his eyes struggling to stay open "close your eyes, Im right here." You whisper, slowly stroking his damp hair, he quickly gives in, letting his eyes close, mumbling "please...don't leave."

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